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fosiul01Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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stoping Auto Bcc in exim

this is not a how to question .

we have a exim server.

now the prevous IT guy , he setup a rules
when any email going out from .. the content of that  outgoing email automatically goes to another account

while reading exim .. i can see it can be done via

filtering or unseen or .forward .

there is not any .forward file..
so it has been done by filtering or unseen

now i dont understand where is this filter file ??
how do you find out which file is using for filter ??

is there any reference in exim config file about the filter file ?

or if he use unseen then is there any way to see how he has done that ..

please give me some advise

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this should be the "systemfilter=..." entry in /etc/exim.conf.localops

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there is nto any file in exim.conf.localops  ..
So it's your main configuration file which probably contain this "system_filter=..." entry ("systemfilter" above was a typo!),
and the file it points to probably contains an entry "unseen deliver ...", embedded probably in an "if .. then .." construct to check for the sender.

main config file : you meant update-exim4.conf.conf ??

there is nothing on there..
The default sample file is in src/configure.default

The actual file often goes to /etc/exim/exim.conf

If it's not there look in your distribution directory tree for Local/Makefile. This file contains the location specification.
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the previous IT guy he used spapassign conf file to use this bcc.