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String Symbol recognizing
I extract date from different tables with sql query:
From one table, where symbol inserts by trigger from another table it recognized well
From one table, where symbol inserts by trigger from another table it recognized well
"SELECT * FROM EURUSD where timest = ( select max( timest ) from EURUSD ) and rownum = 1 union all "
if (s.equals("EUR/USD")) {
symbol[0] = s;
openBid[0] = bpx;
timest[0] = tst;
System.out.println(" Symbol " + symbol[0] +
" openBid[0] " + openBid[0] +
" timest[0] " + timest[0]);
Symbol EUR/USD openBid[0] 1.34373 timest[0] 2011-10-07 12:09:53.0
from another table with default value in column symbol, it doesn't recognize symbol and doesn't create array.CREATE TABLE "LIONFX"."EURUSD_BOT_BUY"
for it's stance that I don't see this column in sql generated by sqldeveloper, but I see it in columns bookmark Symbol-column.tiff"SELECT * FROM EURUSD_BOT_BUY where ts = ( select max( ts ) from EURUSD_BOT_BUY ) and rownum = 1
for (DataBuy data : dataList) {
String s;
Timestamp ts;
String bot_buy;
s = data.getSymbol();
ts = data.getTs();
bot_buy = data.getBuyPx();
bb = Double.parseDouble(bot_buy);
System.out.println(" Symbol " + s + " buy_px " +
bot_buy + " bb " + bb);
if (s.equals("EUR/USD")) {
symbol[0] = s;
buy_px[0] = bb;
ts_buy[0] = ts;
System.out.println(" Symbol " + symbol[0] +
" ts_buy[0] " + ts_buy[0] +
" buy_px[0] " + buy_px[0]);
Symbol EUR/USD openBid[0] 1.34373 timest[0] 2011-10-07 12:09:53.0
Symbol EUR/USD buy_px 1.34357 bb 1.34357
Symbol EUR/USD openBid[0] 1.34371 timest[0] 2011-10-07 12:10:01.0
Symbol EUR/USD buy_px 1.34357 bb 1.34357
I use this query to get values every second from the last row because I need to build 1 sec charts and I need all columns value, especially symbol value I need for data separating and creating array.
But as you can see on output, it get symbol value, but this construction
doesn't see it, and as a result doesn't create array
But as you can see on output, it get symbol value, but this construction
doesn't see it, and as a result doesn't create array
>>> I use this query to get values every second from the last row because I need to build 1 sec charts
all the more reason to do it efficiently.
as for the equals not working, do you have whitespace in the field? maybe you need to trim something.
all the more reason to do it efficiently.
as for the equals not working, do you have whitespace in the field? maybe you need to trim something.
doesn't see it, and as a result doesn't create array
One simple explanation: 's' is empty
>> doesn't create array
As a point of fact, the array is already created. You're just setting the first element
doesn't see it, and as a result doesn't create array
One simple explanation: 's' is empty
>> doesn't create array
As a point of fact, the array is already created. You're just setting the first element
>>One simple explanation: 's' is empty
's' not empty, this is the fact, please look at the code again.
This what I'm asking for.
I have clear printout for 's', but I can't use this value
's' not empty, this is the fact, please look at the code again.
This what I'm asking for.
I have clear printout for 's', but I can't use this value
>>> I have clear printout for 's', but I can't use this value
have you checked for whitespace?
both look the same to me
note, that second one has an extra space
have you checked for whitespace?
both look the same to me
note, that second one has an extra space
I checked, no whitespace, I even try "'EUR/USD'"
and make varchar2 exactly 7 symbols Symbol-column2.tiff
either java is broken, or something you looked at isn't what you think it is
change your output to something like this...
System.out.println(" Symbol >>>>" + s + "<<<< buy_px " +
bot_buy + " bb " + bb);
Symbol EUR/USD openBid[0] 1.34711 timest[0] 2011-10-07 13:25:41.0
Symbol >>>>EUR/USD<<<< buy_px 1.34745 bb 1.34745
Symbol >>>>EUR/CHF<<<< buy_px 1.23887 bb 1.23887
Symbol EUR/USD sell_px 1.34688 bs 1.34688
Symbol EUR/USD openBid[0] 1.34704 timest[0] 2011-10-07 13:25:43.0
Symbol >>>>EUR/USD<<<< buy_px 1.34745 bb 1.34745
Symbol >>>>EUR/CHF<<<< buy_px 1.23887 bb 1.23887
Symbol EUR/USD sell_px 1.34688 bs 1.34688
as you see it shows correct symbol for all queries, I just remove from previous outputs other queries.You see it shows correct symbol for EUR/USD and for EUR/CHF as well.
I suppose it has to be some other construction to call value from DEFAULT.
As I ask from the beginning, why it doesn't show symbol column in generated sql? Symbol-column3.tiff
>> in generated sql?
Where is that happening - we don't see it above ..?
Where is that happening - we don't see it above ..?
>>> why it doesn't show symbol column in generated sql?
> either java is broken, or something you looked at isn't what you think it is
oops, I forgot one other option: or there is other code you haven't posted that is relevant to this problem
means sql which generated by SQLDeveloper as you can see when you will open Symbol-columns.tiff and Symbol-columns3.tiff
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There are three sets of tables.
First one is works perfect already 10 month.
Second and third just collect results of bot calculation, but they didn't have column 'symbol', you suggest to create column with default value. That's all.
No any other code relevant to this case.
There are three sets of tables.
First one is works perfect already 10 month.
Second and third just collect results of bot calculation, but they didn't have column 'symbol', you suggest to create column with default value. That's all.
No any other code relevant to this case.
how is the previous question about defaulting relevant here?
Your problem here is ...
you are expecting s.equals("EUR/USD") to return TRUE
but it returns FALSE
Is that correct?
The oracle tables are irrelevant to that evaluation.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to show us
Your problem here is ...
you are expecting s.equals("EUR/USD") to return TRUE
but it returns FALSE
Is that correct?
The oracle tables are irrelevant to that evaluation.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to show us
The problem was in incorrect position println
this construct is not very efficient...
SELECT * FROM EURUSD_BOT_BUY where ts = ( select max( ts ) from EURUSD_BOT_BUY ) and rownum = 1
that requires double access to the same table
try this instead. change the "*" to be the columns you really want
select * from
(SELECT t.*,row_number() over(order by ts desc) rn FROM EURUSD_BOT_BUY t )
where rn = 1