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SQL query in PHP - What is wrong my my query?
Hello Experts!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my question. Essentially I have the below query that is not working, and I can't see why.
SELECT BrandID,COUNT(CONVERT(VARC HAR(10),Da teFunded,1 11)) as CNT,RiskLevelID count((if(BrandID==2,0)) FROM DB Where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) is not NULL and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) BETWEEN '2011/09/01' and '2011/09/30' group by CNT order by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111)
Essentially what I want to do, is given the data, I want it to group the data by the different dates and count it, - do I need to remove some of the other columns in order for that to happen?
This Query works fine, which gives me the sample date that follows after the query.
SELECT BrandID,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10 ),DateFund ed,111),Ri skLevelID FROM DB Where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) is not NULL and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) BETWEEN '2011/09/01' and '2011/09/30' order by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111)
Brand ID Date Funded Risk Level ID
PDP 2011/09/01 4
NZGC 2011/09/01 3
PDP 2011/09/02
NZGC 2011/09/02 3
LP 2011/09/02 1
LP 2011/09/02 1
FSM 2011/09/03 3
PDP 2011/09/03 3
NSW 2011/09/03 3
Thank you very much for your assistance! it is much appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my question. Essentially I have the below query that is not working, and I can't see why.
Essentially what I want to do, is given the data, I want it to group the data by the different dates and count it, - do I need to remove some of the other columns in order for that to happen?
This Query works fine, which gives me the sample date that follows after the query.
Brand ID Date Funded Risk Level ID
PDP 2011/09/01 4
NZGC 2011/09/01 3
PDP 2011/09/02
NZGC 2011/09/02 3
LP 2011/09/02 1
LP 2011/09/02 1
FSM 2011/09/03 3
PDP 2011/09/03 3
NSW 2011/09/03 3
Thank you very much for your assistance! it is much appreciated.
Basically I want it to count the amount of rows that have each different date in.
I shall try distinct though, thank you.
Basically I want it to count the amount of rows that have each different date in.
I shall try distinct though, thank you.
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With the query that doesn't work, nothing comes up at all.
I would like to do get a count of the various brand ID's on the dates. Also a total count of all rows on a each date.
The second query gives the results I posted. Just thought I would start with it giving me a count for each date and move from there.
I would like to do get a count of the various brand ID's on the dates. Also a total count of all rows on a each date.
The second query gives the results I posted. Just thought I would start with it giving me a count for each date and move from there.
The Following works now:
$query = "SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111), COUNT(BrandID) FROM [Laps].[dbo].[Loan] Where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) is not NULL and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) BETWEEN '".$firstmonth."' and '".$today."' GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111) order by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DateFu nded,111)" ;
But it now falls over if I try to add this:
, COUNT(IF(RiskLevelID=2,1,0 ) as RSKLVL2
Essentially I want it to count if the RiskLevelID = 2
can you see anything wrong in the syntax? once I have this one, I am all good.
But it now falls over if I try to add this:
, COUNT(IF(RiskLevelID=2,1,0
Essentially I want it to count if the RiskLevelID = 2
can you see anything wrong in the syntax? once I have this one, I am all good.
thank you for your help. I ended up working out it was due to PDO compatability and stuff. This below line worked!!!
count(case when RiskLevelID=2 then 1 else null end)
count(case when RiskLevelID=2 then 1 else null end)
Try SELECT DISTINCT ... rest of query.