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Import Multiple Access Databases into Single Master Database

We have a proprietary inventory program that archives data weekly into separate .mdb files, all contained in a single directory.

We'd like to have this data available in a single access (or MySQL) database for querying from Excel so that we can create reports.

Is there a way, preferably automatically and completely automated, to accomplish this? As of right now we need to manually import the new access database weekly.

The tables and structure are always the same, and there is never repeating data.
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F. Dominicus
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The link from worked great, other than needing to define strExtTblname.

The only problem I am having with it is that it's appending the name of the access database to the table name, instead of combining all records into the similar table name.

For example I now have 'ARC39484_Stored' and 'ARC39485_Stored' instead of a singled 'Stored' table; I'll look through the code to see it's appending the database name by design.

If anyone knows off the top how to combine all records into the single table that'd be great.
Got it to work as I needed.

The script is in the code below for anyone interested.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub ImportMDB(spath As String, lst As ListBox)

Dim Db As Database ' DAO Vars
   'References: Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
   'Set references by Clicking Tools and Then References in the Code View window
   ' Imports all tables in all external MS Access Databases (.mdb)
   ' The Code assumes the Start path is the current database path
   ' Accepts
   ' spath: "\" or folder name and "\"
   ' FieldName: Name of the field to create in the table
   ' Returns True on success, false otherwise.
   'USAGE: ImportMDB "spath"

' On Error GoTo errhandler 'If there is an error capture the error.

   Dim objFS As Object, objFolder As Object
   Dim objFiles As Object, objF1 As Object
   Dim strPath As String, strTableName As String, tblname As String
   Dim strSql As String, mpath As String
   Dim FileLen As Integer, i As Integer, X As Integer, n As Integer

   'Did we forget a "\" before we insert the file name
   If Len(spath) > 0 Then
      If Left(spath, 1) <> "\" Then
         spath = "\" & spath
         If Right(spath, 1) <> "\" Then
            spath = spath & "\"
         End If
      End If

      spath = "\"
   End If

   'Set import Path
   strPath = CurrentProject.Path & spath
   'Ensure we have not made double "\" anywhere.
   strPath = Replace(strPath, "\\", "\")

   'Set Scripting Variables to retrieve files
   Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strPath)
   Set objFiles = objFolder.files

Set Db = CurrentDb()

   'Loop through the files
  For Each objF1 In objFiles

      'Check for our file extension mdb and
      'Check our file against our current mdb so we do not re-import tables
      If Right(objF1.Name, 3) = "mdb" And CurrentDb.Name <> strPath & objF1.Name Then
      'for Access 2007: Delete above line Uncomment following line
      'If Right(objF1.Name, 5) = "accdb" And CurrentDb.Name <> strPath & objF1.Name Then
         FileLen = Len(objF1.Name)

         'Set the Table Name to import as using the file name
         'Without the file extension
         strTableName = Left(objF1.Name, FileLen - 4)
        'For Access2007: Delete above line Uncomment following line
        'strTableName = Left(objF1.Name, FileLen - 6)
        'Finalize Path
         mpath = strPath & objF1.Name
         'Grab external Database's Tables
         'and add to Listbox
         GetAllExternalTables strPath, objF1.Name, lst
                    With lst
                            'Loop through the Tables in the Listbox
                              For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                                   'set table name
                                    tblname = .Column(0, i)
                                    'Ensure we have not done this already
                                   If ifTableExists(strTableName & "_" & tblname) = False Then
                                            'Ensure the External table does indeed exist
                                            If ifExternalTableExists(tblname, mpath) Then
                        'Import the MS Access Table
                        'Create the SQL Code from our String Values
                         strSql = "INSERT INTO [" & tblname & _
                             "] SELECT [" & tblname & "].* FROM [" & tblname & "] IN '" & mpath & "'[MS ACCESS;];"
                             'Print the SQL for testing
                                   Debug.Print strSql
                              Db.Execute strSql
                                            End If
                                   End If
                            Next i
                    End With

      End If

   Next objF1

   'close out
   Set objF1 = Nothing
   Set objFiles = Nothing
   Set objFolder = Nothing
   Set objFS = Nothing
Set Db = Nothing
   Exit Sub

   'Trap any errors
   With Err
      MsgBox "Error " & .Number & vbCrLf & .Description, _
            vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, "ImportMDB"
   End With

   Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Public Sub GetAllExternalTables(spath As String, strDB As String, lst As ListBox)

   'References: Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
   'Set references by Clicking Tools and Then References in the Code View window
   ' Returns all Table Names that exist in an External MS Access Database.
   ' Accepts
   ' spath: Path to External MS Access Database
   ' Returns All your Table Names in an External MS Access Database
   ' and excludes tables with MSys and ~
   'USAGE: GetAllExternalTables "spath"

  On Error GoTo errhandler 'Capture any errors.
   Dim i As Integer, X As Integer, numTables As Integer, tabName As String, strPath As String, strExtTblname As String
If Len(spath) > 0 Then
      If Left(spath, 1) <> "\" Then
         'spath = "\" & spath
         If Right(spath, 1) <> "\" Then
            spath = spath & "\"
         End If
      End If

      spath = "\"
   End If

   'Set import Path
   'strPath = CurrentProject.Path & spath
   strPath = spath
   'Ensure we have not made double "\" anywhere.
   strPath = Replace(strPath, "\\", "\")
   'complete the path string
    strPath = strPath & strDB
   ' Loop through all the Tables Clear List
   With lst
        .RowSourceType = "Value List"
                For X = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                      If .ListCount - 1 > 0 Then
                        If IsNull(.Column(0, X)) = False Then
                               .RemoveItem .Column(0, X)
                        End If
                          If IsNull(.Column(0, X)) = True Then X = 0
                               .RemoveItem .Column(0, 0)
                              Exit For
                      End If
   End With
   'Get Number of External Tables
   numTables = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strPath).TableDefs.Count - 1
   For i = 0 To numTables
        'Set our Table Name string
        tabName = LCase(DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strPath).TableDefs(i).Name)
        strExtTblname = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strPath).TableDefs(i).Name
      'Check for mssys and ~ prefixed tables and skip them
      If InStr(1, tabName, "msys") = False And _
         InStr(1, tabName, "~") = False Then

         'display the tables using the Object
         'to keep User Case sensitive Names
        lst.AddItem Chr(34) & strExtTblname & Chr(34)

      End If

   Exit Sub

errhandler: 'Capture any Errors

   With Err
      MsgBox "Error " & .Number & vbCrLf & .Description, _
            vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, "GetAllExternalTables"
   End With
   Resume Next
End Sub

Function ifExternalTableExists(TableName As String, spath As String) As Boolean
Dim rs As Recordset, Db As Database ' DAO Vars
Dim strSql As String
'References: Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Set references by Clicking Tools and Then References in the Code View window
'Checks if Table exists in external MS Access Database.
'USAGE:     ifExternalTableExists  "TABLENAME", "spath"

On Error GoTo NoTable 'If there is no table capture the error.
Set Db = CurrentDb()

'If Table is there open it
   strSql = "SELECT * FROM [" & TableName & _
         "] IN '" & spath & "'[MS ACCESS;];"
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(strSql)
        ifExternalTableExists = True

Exit Function
'If table is not there close out and set function to false
   Set rs = Nothing
   Set Db = Nothing

     ifExternalTableExists = False
Exit Function
End Function

Function ifTableExists(TableName As String) As Boolean
Dim rs As Recordset, Db As Database ' DAO Vars

'References: Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Set references by Clicking Tools and Then References in the Code View window
'Checks if Table exists.
'USAGE:     ifTableExists  "TABLENAME"

On Error GoTo NoTable 'If there is no table capture the error.

Set Db = CurrentDb()

'If Table is there open it
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & TableName & "];")
        ifTableExists = True

Exit Function
'If table is not there close out and set function to false
   Set rs = Nothing
   Set Db = Nothing

     ifTableExists = False
Exit Function
End Function

Open in new window

Oh, and the original code, that I modified and pasted above, came from: