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XeronimoFlag for Luxembourg

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HP Array Configuration Utility & VMWare ESXi server?


I've got VMWare ESXi (paid version) installed on a HP ProLiant DL380 G6 and now one of its disks is indicated as faulty (vSphere told me this). Since it's RAID5 I've replaced the disk. So far so good.

But I am wondering: is there a possibility to actually access the HP RAID configuration somehow? In order to see the progress of the rebuilding, to see the configuration etc?

That used to be possible using the HP Array Configuration Utility when I used one physical server simply as one (Windows) server (instead of using it as a host for several virtual servers).

Thanks a lot!

Avatar of Andrew Hancock (VMware vExpert PRO / EE Fellow/British Beekeeper)
Andrew Hancock (VMware vExpert PRO / EE Fellow/British Beekeeper)
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You cannot install the HP Array Configuration Utility on ESXi.

You may be able to check the Health Status under Configuration, or Hardware Status Tab, to check the Health of hardware including the RAID array. But this would depend on whether you have installed the VMware downloaded version of ESXi, or the OEM Custom version from HP.

The HP version contains the CIM providers or Agents, which allows it to interface with the hardware sensors.

If you download the "VMware version" You can install the CIM Providers additionally, but it's tricky.

What verison of ESXi?
@M3rc74: You have posted links with reference to ESX

The ACU cannot be installed on ESXi.
Avatar of Andrew Hancock (VMware vExpert PRO / EE Fellow/British Beekeeper)
Andrew Hancock (VMware vExpert PRO / EE Fellow/British Beekeeper)
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