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VBA Error

I have been working on theis excel Report to import data. A friend of mine has been wirting the code. It is working on his end, but not on mine as I am getting the following errors (see attached as well)

When I select "IMPORT" I get a Microsoft Visual Basic Run time Error 424

He has prompted me to install a new comdlg32.ocx file in the directory C:\windows\system32, which I have done and attempted to register using the following command: regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx. When I do that I get a regsvr32 error stating that the module failed to load.

I am trying to run this macro on a Windows 7 Enterprise Machine with Office 2007 Professional

See the attached for errors and the VB code information
Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
'Purpose: Import button for user to click (launches initial function).

Set wksMaster = Worksheets("MASTER")        'Set master worksheet reference to current workbook / MASTER sheet (tab).  This tab name must not change or will need to be updated!
Set wksMaster = Nothing                     'Dispose object; do not close workbook as user is still using [THIS] workbook for importing . . .

ReDim arrProjectName(0): ReDim arrAccountingCode(0): ReDim arrStatus(0)                             'Empty all used arrays
ReDim arrEntity(0): ReDim arrMileage(0): ReDim arrTotals(0)                                         'Empty all used arrays

End Sub

Public Function ImportDataFromWorksheet()
'Purpose: Open source worksheet to gather data from and run remaining functions.

Dim wksFileName As String

CommonDialog1.Filename = ""
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select Workbook to Import From"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls*) | *.xls*"
wksFileName = CommonDialog1.Filename

'Loop until valid workbook has been selected; will prompt user to try again if invalid or no workbook has been selected
If wksFileName = "" Then                        'Means that user did not select a file.  Maybe wants to cancel?
    response = MsgBox("Worksheet not selected.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "Worksheet not selected")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
            'Cannot continue ... exit
        Exit Function
    End If
ElseIf FileExists(wksFileName) = False Then     'Check to see if selected file actually exists (in case user manually types a filename in the box rather than selecting from the list)
    response = MsgBox("Selected file does not exist.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "File not found")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
    End If

    'MsgBox "File found: " & wksFileName, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "File found"
    Set wbkForecast = Workbooks.Open(wksFileName, , True)           'Opens selected workbook in READ-ONLY mode so there are no changes made to it!
    wbkForecast.Close               'Close the source (selected) workbook
    Set wbkForecast = Nothing       'Dispose object
    wksFileName = ""                'Clear filename
    CommonDialog1.Filename = ""     'Clear object filename
        'User has already turned off modification warning; don't worry about setting it again
        'Turn off modification warning!
        'Turn on modification warning!
    End If
    Exit Function
End If

End Function

Private Function GetSourceData()
'Purpose: Gather all of the data from the source (selected) worksheet

Dim strRangeToUse As String, iCounter As Integer, iNumRecords As Integer

Set wksForecast = wbkForecast.Sheets("Projects")        'Selects the SOURCE worksheet.  The name of this tab must not change or will need to be updated!  (Current tab name: Projects)

iNumRecords = 0         'Initialize
ReDim arrProjectName(iNumRecords): ReDim arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords): ReDim arrStatus(iNumRecords)
ReDim arrEntity(iNumRecords): ReDim arrMileage(iNumRecords): ReDim arrTotals(iNumRecords)

arrOtherData(0) = wksForecast.Range("H6").Value     'Name
arrOtherData(1) = wksForecast.Range("H8").Value      'Position
arrOtherData(2) = wksForecast.Range("P6").Value      'Company

strRangeToUse = "AJ16"  'Initialize
iCounter = 0            'Initialize

Do Until iCounter >= 10
    If wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> "" And wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> 0 Then
        ReDim Preserve arrProjectName(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrStatus(iNumRecords)
        ReDim Preserve arrEntity(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrMileage(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrTotals(iNumRecords)
        arrTotals(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'AJxx' (Totals)
        strRangeToUse = "A" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 3)
        arrProjectName(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value            'Axx' (Project Name)
        strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value         'Bxx' (Accounting Code)
        strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrStatus(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'Cxx' (Status)
        strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrEntity(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'Dxx' (Entity)
        strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrMileage(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                'Exx' (Mileage)
        strRangeToUse = "AJ" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))
        iNumRecords = iNumRecords + 1
        iCounter = 0
        iCounter = iCounter + 1     'Loop until there is no more data on the sheet.
    End If


End Function

Private Function PopulateMasterSpreadsheet()
'Purpose: Populate the current MASTER worksheet of the MASTER workbook with the collected data and apply basic formatting to the cells.

Dim strRangeToUse As String, iCounter As Integer, iNumRecords As Integer

strRangeToUse = "A1"        'Initialize
'Find the next free cell to use . . .

'If there is no data in the MASTER worksheet, it will start entering data on line A4 ... this can be changed by expliciting telling it where to start (after this loop statement) if cells A1 through A4
'are empty ... not sure if this would be the intended functionality.  Otherwise, it will start on the 4th free cell if there is data already on the sheet.

'NOTE: The MASTER worksheet should not be "modified" by the user to remove a row of data and leaving an additional blank row ... this could cause existing data to be overwritten by the script

Do Until iCounter >= NUM_BLANK_ROWS_TO_CHECK      'Check for x consecutive blank cells (Column A) and start entering data on the xth free cell.  Modify this constant as necessary.
    If wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> "" Then
        iCounter = 0
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
    End If

    strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))

strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) - 1))
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "NAME"                           'User Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "COMPANY"                        'Company Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "POSITION"                       'Position Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "PROJECT NAME"                   'Project Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "ACCOUNTING CODE"                'Accounting Code Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "F" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "STATUS"                         'Status Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "G" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "ENTITY"                         'Entity Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "H" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "MILEAGE"                        'Mileage Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "I" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "TOTALS"                         'Totals Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))         'Initialize for data entry

For i = 0 To UBound(arrProjectName())

    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(0)          'User Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(2)          'Company Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(1)          'Position
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrProjectName(i)        'Project Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrAccountingCode(i)     'Accounting Code
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "F" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrStatus(i)             'Status
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "G" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrEntity(i)             'Entity
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "H" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrMileage(i)            'Mileage
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    strRangeToUse = "I" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrTotals(i)             'Totals
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
    strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))     'Initialize for next entry
Next i

MsgBox "Import Complete!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Complete"

End Function

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    response = MsgBox("If you modify this worksheet, be careful not to leave additional blank lines between data entries (currently set to " & Trim(Str(NUM_BLANK_ROWS_TO_CHECK - 1)) & " blank rows) or the Import macro may overwrite existing data!  Disable modification warning?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Modification Warning")
    If response = vbYes Then ALLOW_MODIFY_WITHOUT_WARNING = True
End If

End Sub

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Avatar of DSmithVz

It looks like you're missing the initialization of the CommonDialog1 object that you call in line 21. Right above line 21 enter this. I hope this helps:

Set CommonDialog1 = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")

Open in new window

Avatar of wrt1mea


OK, I updated the line like you said and am getting the following error message: "Run Time Error 429

See attached.
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Avatar of wrt1mea


OK, I tried that and I get a "Compile Error: Label Not Defined" on Line 45

It then Highlights "Public Function ImportDataFromWorksheet () in yellow.
Sorry - I should have said replace 21-25 - you need the SelectWorksheet label.
Avatar of wrt1mea


Alrighty...When I tried that it at Line 39 wksFileName = CommonDialog1.Filename, I get another Runtime error '424'
Avatar of wrt1mea


And it might help to mention that I dont know CRAP about VB
With Andrew's solution that line should have been deleted. The original script you gave showed that line as line 25 and lines 21-25 should have been replaced with Andrew's solution.
Avatar of wrt1mea


OK, I tried that and it errored out at line 66 "CommonDialog1.Filename = "". Since we change something at 21-15, what do I need to change this too?

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
'Purpose: Import button for user to click (launches initial function).

Set wksMaster = Worksheets("MASTER")        'Set master worksheet reference to current workbook / MASTER sheet (tab).  This tab name must not change or will need to be updated!
Set wksMaster = Nothing                     'Dispose object; do not close workbook as user is still using [THIS] workbook for importing . . .

ReDim arrProjectName(0): ReDim arrAccountingCode(0): ReDim arrStatus(0)                             'Empty all used arrays
ReDim arrEntity(0): ReDim arrMileage(0): ReDim arrTotals(0)                                         'Empty all used arrays

End Sub

Public Function ImportDataFromWorksheet()
'Purpose: Open source worksheet to gather data from and run remaining functions.

Dim wksFileName As String

Dim dlg As Office.FileDialog
    Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    With dlg
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .InitialFileName = ""
        .Title = "Select Workbook to Import From"
        .Filters.Add "Excel Spreadsheets", "*.xls*"
        If .Show Then
            wksFileName = .SelectedItems(1)
            wksFileName = ""
        End If
    End With

'Loop until valid workbook has been selected; will prompt user to try again if invalid or no workbook has been selected
If wksFileName = "" Then                        'Means that user did not select a file.  Maybe wants to cancel?
    response = MsgBox("Worksheet not selected.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "Worksheet not selected")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
            'Cannot continue ... exit
        Exit Function
    End If
ElseIf FileExists(wksFileName) = False Then     'Check to see if selected file actually exists (in case user manually types a filename in the box rather than selecting from the list)
    response = MsgBox("Selected file does not exist.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "File not found")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
    End If

    'MsgBox "File found: " & wksFileName, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "File found"
    Set wbkForecast = Workbooks.Open(wksFileName, , True)           'Opens selected workbook in READ-ONLY mode so there are no changes made to it!
    wbkForecast.Close               'Close the source (selected) workbook
    Set wbkForecast = Nothing       'Dispose object
    wksFileName = ""                'Clear filename
    CommonDialog1.Filename = ""     'Clear object filename

Open in new window

Ah, good find. Anywhere with CommonDialog1 needs to be altered. In this case you can just remove that line or change it to:
dlg.FileName = ""

Open in new window

I'm not really sure why the file name for the dialog box that doesn't appear anymore needs to be cleared, but you never know. If removing it returns errors, try changing it to the above.
Avatar of wrt1mea


OK, when I added the line, I got a "compile error; Method or data member not found.

When I removed it, I get a Runtime error '91': Object Variable or With Block variable not set.

My apoligies for not knowing more...
Can you show the entire ImportDataFromWorksheet function? All the way to "End Function". I realize why dlg.FileName doesn't work (dumb mistake on my part, I was still thinking about the solution I mentiioned earlier), but I'm wondering if the error your encountering is somewhere else in the function.
Avatar of wrt1mea


I can post the entire code, including the changes from andrewssd3

Is that what you are wanting?
Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
'Purpose: Import button for user to click (launches initial function).

Set wksMaster = Worksheets("MASTER")        'Set master worksheet reference to current workbook / MASTER sheet (tab).  This tab name must not change or will need to be updated!
Set wksMaster = Nothing                     'Dispose object; do not close workbook as user is still using [THIS] workbook for importing . . .

ReDim arrProjectName(0): ReDim arrAccountingCode(0): ReDim arrStatus(0)                             'Empty all used arrays
ReDim arrEntity(0): ReDim arrMileage(0): ReDim arrTotals(0)                                         'Empty all used arrays

End Sub

Public Function ImportDataFromWorksheet()
'Purpose: Open source worksheet to gather data from and run remaining functions.

Dim wksFileName As String

Dim dlg As Office.FileDialog
    Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    With dlg
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .InitialFileName = ""
        .Title = "Select Workbook to Import From"
        .Filters.Add "Excel Spreadsheets", "*.xls*"
        If .Show Then
            wksFileName = .SelectedItems(1)
            wksFileName = ""
        End If
    End With

'Loop until valid workbook has been selected; will prompt user to try again if invalid or no workbook has been selected
If wksFileName = "" Then                        'Means that user did not select a file.  Maybe wants to cancel?
    response = MsgBox("Worksheet not selected.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "Worksheet not selected")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
            'Cannot continue ... exit
        Exit Function
    End If
ElseIf FileExists(wksFileName) = False Then     'Check to see if selected file actually exists (in case user manually types a filename in the box rather than selecting from the list)
    response = MsgBox("Selected file does not exist.  Try again?", vbCritical + vbYesNoCancel, "File not found")
    If response = vbYes Then
        GoTo SelectWorksheet
        MsgBox "Import Cancelled", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Cancelled"
    End If

    'MsgBox "File found: " & wksFileName, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "File found"
    Set wbkForecast = Workbooks.Open(wksFileName, , True)           'Opens selected workbook in READ-ONLY mode so there are no changes made to it!
    wbkForecast.Close               'Close the source (selected) workbook
    Set wbkForecast = Nothing       'Dispose object
    wksFileName = ""                'Clear filename
    CommonDialog1.Filename = ""     'Clear object filename
        'User has already turned off modification warning; don't worry about setting it again
        'Turn off modification warning!
        'Turn on modification warning!
    End If
    Exit Function
End If

End Function

Private Function GetSourceData()
'Purpose: Gather all of the data from the source (selected) worksheet

Dim strRangeToUse As String, iCounter As Integer, iNumRecords As Integer

Set wksForecast = wbkForecast.Sheets("Projects")        'Selects the SOURCE worksheet.  The name of this tab must not change or will need to be updated!  (Current tab name: Projects)

iNumRecords = 0         'Initialize
ReDim arrProjectName(iNumRecords): ReDim arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords): ReDim arrStatus(iNumRecords)
ReDim arrEntity(iNumRecords): ReDim arrMileage(iNumRecords): ReDim arrTotals(iNumRecords)

arrOtherData(0) = wksForecast.Range("H6").Value     'Name
arrOtherData(1) = wksForecast.Range("H8").Value      'Position
arrOtherData(2) = wksForecast.Range("P6").Value      'Company

strRangeToUse = "AJ16"  'Initialize
iCounter = 0            'Initialize

Do Until iCounter >= 10
    If wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> "" And wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> 0 Then
        ReDim Preserve arrProjectName(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrStatus(iNumRecords)
        ReDim Preserve arrEntity(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrMileage(iNumRecords): ReDim Preserve arrTotals(iNumRecords)
        arrTotals(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'AJxx' (Totals)
        strRangeToUse = "A" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 3)
        arrProjectName(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value            'Axx' (Project Name)
        strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrAccountingCode(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value         'Bxx' (Accounting Code)
        strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrStatus(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'Cxx' (Status)
        strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrEntity(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                 'Dxx' (Entity)
        strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
        arrMileage(iNumRecords) = wksForecast.Range(strRangeToUse).Value                'Exx' (Mileage)
        strRangeToUse = "AJ" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))
        iNumRecords = iNumRecords + 1
        iCounter = 0
        iCounter = iCounter + 1     'Loop until there is no more data on the sheet.
    End If


End Function

Private Function PopulateMasterSpreadsheet()
'Purpose: Populate the current MASTER worksheet of the MASTER workbook with the collected data and apply basic formatting to the cells.

Dim strRangeToUse As String, iCounter As Integer, iNumRecords As Integer

strRangeToUse = "A1"        'Initialize
'Find the next free cell to use . . .

'If there is no data in the MASTER worksheet, it will start entering data on line A4 ... this can be changed by expliciting telling it where to start (after this loop statement) if cells A1 through A4
'are empty ... not sure if this would be the intended functionality.  Otherwise, it will start on the 4th free cell if there is data already on the sheet.

'NOTE: The MASTER worksheet should not be "modified" by the user to remove a row of data and leaving an additional blank row ... this could cause existing data to be overwritten by the script

Do Until iCounter >= NUM_BLANK_ROWS_TO_CHECK      'Check for x consecutive blank cells (Column A) and start entering data on the xth free cell.  Modify this constant as necessary.
    If wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value <> "" Then
        iCounter = 0
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
    End If

    strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))

strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) - 1))
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "NAME"                           'User Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "COMPANY"                        'Company Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "POSITION"                       'Position Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "PROJECT NAME"                   'Project Name Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "ACCOUNTING CODE"                'Accounting Code Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

strRangeToUse = "F" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "STATUS"                         'Status Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "G" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "ENTITY"                         'Entity Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "H" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "MILEAGE"                        'Mileage Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "I" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = "TOTALS"                         'Totals Label
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = True
wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))         'Initialize for data entry

For i = 0 To UBound(arrProjectName())

    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(0)          'User Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "B" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(2)          'Company Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "C" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrOtherData(1)          'Position
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "D" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrProjectName(i)        'Project Name
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "E" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrAccountingCode(i)     'Accounting Code
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "F" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrStatus(i)             'Status
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "G" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrEntity(i)             'Entity
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    strRangeToUse = "H" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrMileage(i)            'Mileage
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    strRangeToUse = "I" & Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Value = arrTotals(i)             'Totals
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).Font.Bold = False
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
    wksMaster.Range(strRangeToUse).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
    strRangeToUse = "A" & Trim(Str(Val(Mid(strRangeToUse, 2)) + 1))     'Initialize for next entry
Next i

MsgBox "Import Complete!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Import Complete"

End Function

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    response = MsgBox("If you modify this worksheet, be careful not to leave additional blank lines between data entries (currently set to " & Trim(Str(NUM_BLANK_ROWS_TO_CHECK - 1)) & " blank rows) or the Import macro may overwrite existing data!  Disable modification warning?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Modification Warning")
    If response = vbYes Then ALLOW_MODIFY_WITHOUT_WARNING = True
End If

End Sub

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Avatar of wrt1mea


I removed the line again and tried it but am still getting the runtime error 91. When I select OK to the error, it returns the cursor to line 66.

Thanks for your help and your patience.
Avatar of wrt1mea


OK, not sure what happened, but I removed that line. Saved it and closed it. Once I did that, the import ran like its supposed to and no errors! Thanks for the help and the dedication!

Thanks a million!