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Exchange 2007 GAL segregation

Hi all I have a 2007 exchange server for our company, we are looking to host mail for a couple of other small companies that we know.

Is there anyway that I can separate Global Address Lists so they can only see there relevant domain users.

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Ok thanks

This may sound like a bit of a stupid question but is this safe to do in a live working environment or do you think I could be asking for trouble

if you were running exchange 2010 I wouldn't have recommended it since it is not supported but I have done it many times on 2007 with no issues

Just be careful if it is your first time and follow the white papers to the letter

of course if you have the luxury to do it first in a lab it won't hurt
Ok thanks for the advice

I might be calling on your advice ata a later date :)

You are welcome and thanks for the points