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key fell off my keyboard
One of my keys fell off from my Lenovo T43 laptop and I don't know how to replace the key back in place.
If it doesn't pop back on, then it isn't going back on. You may have to replace the entire keyboard.
usually pretty easy - but depends if the keycap or platic retaining clip has been dmaged - "big keys" like shift or space also have a metal bar.
Quick google turned up a good photo guide that may help
good luch
Quick google turned up a good photo guide that may help
good luch
If the key fell off once it will most likely fall off again - the plastic material does wear over time - especially if it is a frequently used key. A quick serach returned ressults in the < $ 40 range for a replacment keyboard - not a difficult thing to change out and it just may also make the machine look a lot nicer again. When in doubt I tend to replace hardware that could cause problems at the most inconveient moment. e.g figure yoiu had to give a presntation ot type an email real quick and no key - ouch.
depends on your desire to spend money - you can often sacrifice another key to keep you going (most common fault is a broken retaining clip) most of the keys are identicalm and there will be keys you never use... !
it's probably broken. get a new one on ebay and search on youtube on how to replace it. usually it's not very difficult.
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