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VBAlearner2010Flag for France

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Alternative for Application.Filesearch in Office 2010 - VBA

I am pasting a code block below.. Which uses some iteration withing Application.Filesearch. Could anyone edit the code for me to make it work in 2010. I hope Application.Filesearch does not work in office 2010. It would be helpful to know some comments on the code.
Private Sub FichImporte_GotFocus()
Dim CSql As String
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim intLenRep As Integer
Dim intLen As Integer

Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection

intLenRep = Len(stRepCh)


    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Active la connection de la base Access
    Set rst.ActiveConnection = cnn

    'Ouvre le recordset qui correspond à la table ci-dessous.
    rst.Open CSql, , adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    With Application.FileSearch
        'Débute une nouvelle recherche
        'Définit les critères de recherche
        .LookIn = stRepCh
        .FileName = "*.*"
        .SearchSubFolders = True
    End With

With Application.FileSearch
    'Exécute la recherche
        If .Execute() > 0 Then
            For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
                'TextBox.Value = .FoundFiles(i)
                intLen = Len(.FoundFiles(i))
                stFichier = Right(.FoundFiles(i), intLen - intLenRep)
                'Call ShowFileInfo(.FoundFiles(i))
                With rst
                    If Right(stFichier, 11) <> "_traite.xls" Then
                            .Fields(1) = stFichier
                            '.Fields(2) = s
                    End If
                End With
            Next i
        End If
End With

End Sub

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See the link below:

It has work around solutions on this issue.

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Rory Archibald
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Thank You RORYA

Thank you andrewssd3.

I am changing the code to see if it works.. Will keep you posted on the result shortly.
@andrewssd3 i have added reference as you said and added the code in the new class module... But i see lots of red lines in the code.. Can you see if you have missed any syntax for the class module and confirm me. I am very new to coding and and i am stuck now...

Also it could be helpful to know how to call the class module in the second coding part.

Thanks in advance for your help.
I have declared stFichier as Filesystemobject

Still i get the below part of code in red colour starting from Dowhile.. Can you help?  

stFichier = Dir(stRepCh & "*.*")
   Do While stFichier <> ""
      With rst
         If Right(stFichier, 11) <> "_traite.xls" Then
            .Fields(1) = stFichier
            '.Fields(2) = s
         End If
      End With
      stFichier = Dir

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>>"I have declared stFichier as Filesystemobject"

Why? It's a String just as it was before.
Dint had the same result even before i declared. Kindly check and tel me what could be the problem.
Just tested quickly and it works fine for me - there's certainly nothing syntactically wrong with it. What error are you getting?
PS Not really sure what you mean by "Dint".
Oh I am sorry Rorya.. It was a typo. I am using french keyboard and english keyboard alternatively which is confusing me.

Regarding the error you said I get red lines on the code. I am retyping it instead of copy paste. WIll let you know shortly on the result.
It looks fine rorya.. Thank you.. But i have not checked the output yet.. Will keep you posted.
@andrewssd3 : Your class and solutioon is really amazing.. I have corrected the red lines now.. I will have to check the whole functionality witht the code and keep you posted on it. And thanks a ton for this wonderful code.. I am confident that it will work wonders for me.
Thanks - it does not do absolutely everything you could do with Fileseach, but it did work for all the cases that were actrually being used in my company - most people just use it like you to retrieve a list of files of by certain criteria.
Perfect solutions by Rorya and andrewssd3
@andrewssd3: One more help on the same thread. Could you please simply your class only for Application.Flesearch alone and send me.

I would be of great help if you do that for me.

If i put all the functionalities of File search they dont need. So please simplify your class just for Application.filesearch.

I have to replace the below code now.
Function LastFileSaved(sFileDir As String, DebutNomFichier As String, Optional sType As String = "*.*") As String

Dim fs
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
    .LookIn = sFileDir
    .Filename = DebutNomFichier
    If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByLastModified, _
        SortOrder:=msoSortOrderDescending) > 0 Then
        LastFileSaved = .FoundFiles(1)
        MsgBox "There were no files found in:" & vbLf & _
        sFileDir & vbLf & _
        "Type: " & sType
      LastFileSaved = vbNullString
    End If
End With

End Function

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You should really post this as a new question, but I can't really simplify the code - it would be difficult to pull out some of the properties and methods and leave the others.  It's just the same principle as before - add the clsFileSearch, add the references, the change the code you posted very simply like this:
Function LastFileSaved(sFileDir As String, DebutNomFichier As String, Optional sType As String = "*.*") As String

Dim fs As clsFileSearch               ' CHANGED LINE
Set fs = new clsFileSearch          'CHANGED LINE
With fs
    .LookIn = sFileDir
    .Filename = DebutNomFichier
    If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByLastModified, _
        SortOrder:=msoSortOrderDescending) > 0 Then
        LastFileSaved = .FoundFiles(1)
        MsgBox "There were no files found in:" & vbLf & _
        sFileDir & vbLf & _
        "Type: " & sType
      LastFileSaved = vbNullString
    End If
End With

End Function

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It's just 2 lines to change.  If you need a specific code solution for this instance, like the one rorya provided earlier, you really must raise a new question, and I'm sure someone (maybe even me) will oblige.  My code was meant to be generic, so it's necessarily relatively complex.
andrewssd3:Thank you very much. I will definetely raise it as new question from now.. I am new to this forum so i did not understand it...

Anyways thank you so much. It helped a lot.