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SBS 2003 Routing and Remote Access
I have a client that I have currently setup with a Sonicwall TZ 100 and they have SBS 2003 behind it with multiple websites and exchange on, the server has 3 network cards. NIC1 is assigned to the server for DNS etc with a .250 address. NIC2 is assigned mulitple IP Addresses for websites and OWA. NIC3 I have assigned 1 IP Address to it. In RRAS I see all 3 network adapters in there. I cannot VPN into the server from my laptop from the outside. My question is which IP Address should I have in the NAT Policy on my Sonicwall? It was working and now its not and the only thing that has changed is the power went out and came back online. I have port 1723 open to the IP Address of .250 currently and it has its own WAN IP.
have you a event in event log for ras?
Yes I do but it doesn't show anything.
it is getting to the point of verifying the username and password
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It gets to the point of verifying the username and password and then just stops there.
ok can you post a screenshot from the eventlog who that is inside?
i mean the eventlog from the Server who is service RAS