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mpcsincFlag for United States of America

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Installing special fonts with Access 2007 Runtime package

I have found very little regarding loading add-on programs with Access runtime and I have created some cool event images ( like a birthday cake when it's your birthday) using HTML code but requires special Fonts to be added to the windows environment.

If I provide the Font package as an attached file, is there a way to activate the exe file with the Runtime package.
Avatar of MzLiberty22
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Is this a program you are distributing where you are installing it with the Access Runtime, and you want fonts installed at the same time? If so, you should be able to add the fonts to your installer. I use Sagekey which installs the database, the runtime, and I also have a barcode font installed with it.
Avatar of Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
If you're using the standard Runtime download, and just distributing that, then you probably shouldn't mess with that .msi file, and should instead use a commercial installer to include both the Runtime .msi file as well as your font. Most standard installers have a facility for installing fonts on end user machines.

There are several free installers:

I actually store my  fonts in front end database. I install them on the fly when the database opens. I remove them when it closes.

I have created an example to show how to do this: Print Barcodes on an Access report

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MzLiberty22: - Per my question I AM USING ACCESS RUNTIME.

LSMConsulting: the link you provided "thefreecountry" has numerous "malware" connections;

like: Requested URL:   
Category/categories:             Malware

TheHiTechCoach: I looked at your barcode file. No help either.  

I need the fonts "permanently"  installed in the WINDOWS\Fonts folder during the installation package. I am using QSetup to package my Access Runtime application. I am FAR BETTER at Access programming than I am at packing the final product. The QSetup (Pantaray) software company has limited support & software help. 

Thank anyway.

Avatar of Boyd (HiTechCoach) Trimmell, Microsoft Access MVP 2010-2015
Boyd (HiTechCoach) Trimmell, Microsoft Access MVP 2010-2015
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To TheHiTechCoach:

Thank you for taking the time to research this and show me and explain it. Know that I understand, I'll go back re-look at your bar code example. The only thing is, the fonts have to work all the time in the database, not just a report.

Thanks again. Mike
<<The only thing is, the fonts have to work all the time in the database, not just a report.>>

Using my method, the font is available to all windows apps the entire time the database is opened.  They will work for forms, reports, and even mail merge to a Word document.
"LSMConsulting: the link you provided "thefreecountry" has numerous "malware" connections;

like: Requested URL:   
Category/categories:             Malware"


What??? clickteam is the company that OWNS Install Creator, and the link simply asks you where you're coming from so they can direct you the correct download site. If your malware engine detects that as malicious, I'd suggest you contact the creator of that malware engine and advise them they have a false positive. I use the professional version of Malware Bytes and a scan of that site reports absolutely no malware or virus infestations, as did several other malware/virus scans. I've directed people to this site for years (and have used it myself) with zero issues.