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curiouswebsterFlag for United States of America

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PHP versus Razor

I have been using Razor and MVC3 since January (MVC1 and MVC2 before that), but only now got exposed to PHP.

1) What advantage does Razor have over PHP?
2) Is PHP object oriented? Is it a scripting language?
3) For PHP to be used in creating the View, what back-end technologies could be used to create the Model and the Controller?

I presume if I could find PHP to be a fair alternative to Razor that once I find an alternative back-end technology to C#, I could then host the solution on LINUX. True?

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Ray Paseur
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So, it's server side scripting since the sérver interprets it and renders HTML it then sends back to the client.

It uses OOP and the correlary in ASP.NET is the C sharp that's integrated into theRazor file through the use of the @ symbol.
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