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Avatar of Phil Chapman
Phil ChapmanFlag for United States of America

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Crystal XI

I have an image that I put in the header of reports as a JPG file.  The image location is the same folder as the report.  I need to be able to change the image file and all reports  display the new image,  Something like Re-load image on each print.

Is this possible in Crystal XI?  Any help would be appreciated.

Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

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Is they a Crystal Command that will give the path where the report is located?
My problem is the reports are not always install in the same location.  However the JPG file is always in the same location as the reports.
Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

I don't know of one.  How do you run the reports?

You could pass the path in as a parameter from an application.

I can add a User Defined Function to give me my reports path.  Thanks to both of you for you help.