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Avatar of lino_evolution
lino_evolutionFlag for Afghanistan

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Page DIrective dislaying in browser.

All of a sudden the page directive is being displayed throughout the entire site.  I didn't work on this site and it was created long ago but what caused this and more importantly how do i fix this?

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Has anything changed in your web.config file? It seems like the ASP processor is not processing your files.
Avatar of lino_evolution


No the file hasn't been changed since 2006. Looks like it was built with VS2003,  and we have recently moved from IIS5 to IIS7.5.

correction  IIS6 to IIS7.5
Have you installed and selected correct version of .Net for your app pool?
Yes,  We are running around 100 sites, with multiple App pools.  The app pool assigned to that site is .net 1.1 framework.
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Nasir Razzaq
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no change..

I could run the site on my localhost with 1.1 framework and the page directive is gone.  Must be the configuration of the website in IIS7.5