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cookmysterFlag for Canada

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Getting the last record insert


So i am doing a copy fuction.. and I insert the record and using a ID from the  

So after the insert statement i run a select statemetn with the ID and can return all the records from that ID.. but i want to get the last entry by that ID in the select statement...   I am not sure how to do that??


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I'm not sure if I understand your question.  If you want to select the last ID inserted into any table, you would run
select last_insert_id()

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Coast Line
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also, if above is the key to your question, you seriously need to elaborate what you are doing
oops! Statement Corrected

also, if above is not the key to your question, you seriously need to elaborate what you are doing
Avatar of cookmyster


I am getting this error...

Element GENERATED_KEY is undefined in LASTID.

can u show me how you are doing it so i can check
<cfset today = #dateformat(now(), "mm/dd/yy")#>
      <cfquery result="lastID" name="jobinsert" datasource="#Application.dbname#" username="#Application.username#" password="#application.password#" dbtype="ODBC">
            insert into jobs (company_id, job_title, job_location, job_description, job_qualifications, job_otherinfo, job_salary, job_date, job_contactname, job_email)
                  values ('#session.cid#', '#form.txtjobtitle#', '#jobinfo.job_location#', '#jobinfo.job_description#', '#jobinfo.job_qualifications#', '#jobinfo.job_otherinfo#', '#jobinfo.job_salary#', now(), '#jobinfo.job_contactname#', '#jobinfo.job_email#')
<cfset lastDI = lastID.GENERATED_KEY>
are u trying like this

<cfquery name="addData" datasource="#DSN#" result="addDataResult">
                                        INSERT INTO tbldata(Path,Pathname)
                                (<cfqueryparam value="#path#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">,
                                <cfqueryparam value="#pathname#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">)
        <cfset variables.newID = addDataResult.GENERATED_KEY>

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why are u using " dbtype="ODBC", its no needed

Check the Code i gave it
i forgot to ask, are you using Coldfusion 8 and above, if yes, then the code i gave u will work
I am using coldfusion 9..   and i took the ODBC off...  still kicking the error....
(no points)

The variable is for MySQL if you're using a different database, please let us know

<cfset today = #dateformat(now(), "mm/dd/yy")#>
      <cfquery result="lastID" name="jobinsert" datasource="#Application.dbname#" username="#Application.username#" password="#application.password#" dbtype="ODBC">
            insert into jobs (company_id, job_title, job_location, job_description, job_qualifications, job_otherinfo, job_salary, job_date, job_contactname, job_email)
                  values ('#session.cid#', '#form.txtjobtitle#', '#jobinfo.job_location#', '#jobinfo.job_description#', '#jobinfo.job_qualifications#', '#jobinfo.job_otherinfo#', '#jobinfo.job_salary#', now(), '#jobinfo.job_contactname#', '#jobinfo.job_email#')

You can dump the variable...
<cfdump var="#lastID#">
do this thing, runa simple test

<cfquery datasource="test" result="result">
insert into test(name)

<cfdump var="#result#">

make sure test table exists and change the dsn name
(no points)

> I am getting this error...
> Element GENERATED_KEY is undefined in LASTID.

Silly question, but your table does have an AUTOINCREMENT column correct?
Hey Guys... figured the problem out... i add it pointing to an access database instead of my mysql database.  So they original solutions did work...

thank you for all your help