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ARamptonFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Windows 7 Domain Login Script Progress Feedback

I have a nice login script that uses an IE windows to provide progress of each step in my vbs script as it starts and completes - great for showing up error too

This works great in Windows XP but all feedback is hidden when this user login script is progressing in Windows 7 - it seems to run but as I can't see it I don't know what fails

Any simple ways of making this window show?

Sample of IE windows and text it returns attached
Dim MsgIn
Sub WriteLnIE(MsgIn)
	objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & MsgIn & HTMLCR
	objShell.AppActivate ("StubbsRich - Microsoft Internet Explorer Window")
	objShell.SendKeys "{PGDN}"
End Sub

' Write output to IE window without Carriage Return
Sub WriteIE(MsgIn)
	objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & MsgIn
	objShell.AppActivate ("StubbsRich - Microsoft Internet Explorer Window")
	objShell.SendKeys "{PGDN}"
End Sub

' Set up IE window for output.
Set objExplorer = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.Document.Title = "StubbsRich Logon Script"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Width = 500
objExplorer.Height = 800 
objExplorer.Left = 400
objExplorer.Top = 0

Do While (objExplorer.Busy)
    Wscript.Sleep 200

objExplorer.Visible = 1
objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<HTML><BODY>"															' HTML Headers
WriteIE("<H1>StubbsRich Logon Script</H1>")
WriteIE("<H2>Creating User-Specific Settings ...</H2>")
WriteIE("Reading Active Directory")

Set objConn=Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCmd=Createobject("ADODB.Command")

' Create ldap query

' objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
Set objRoot=Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
Set objDomain=Getobject("LDAP://"& objRoot.get("DefaultNamingContext"))

strQuery="Select givenname,sn,telephonenumber, ADsPath from '" & _  
objDomain.AdsPath & "' Where objectCategory='person' AND " & _
	"objectclass='user'" & _
	" AND sAMAccountName='" & strUsername & "'"
Set objCatalog=Getobject("GC:")
For Each objItem In objCatalog  
	Set objGC=objItem

objConn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
objCmd.Properties("Page Size") = 100
objCmd.Properties("asynchronous")= True
objCmd.Properties("Timeout") = 30
objCmd.Properties("Cache Results") = False
' Run query
Set objRS=objCmd.Execute

' Locate user in AD via strADSPath
Do While Not objRS.EOF    
	Set objUser = GetObject(strADsPath)
	Exit do

WScript.sleep 1 ' slow things down a bit

' Set user information
strName=objUser.get("givenName") & " " & objUser.get("sn")  

WriteLnIE (" ... complete")

Open in new window

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Which is the IE version of the working XP box? Which is the IE version of the NON working 7 box? Thank you.
Avatar of ARampton
Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image

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