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removing domain controller from domain
we recently had to rebuild one of our servers which was a domain controller and unfortunately didnt have chance to demote it first so the good thing is it will not come back to domain in the future accidentally to cause any conflict since i changed name of server to a totally different name. My concern is how do i remove it so it does not cause replication problems with other domain controllers which shows it in list of domain controllers available for replication in active directory. Will active directory simply know after a while that it is no longer present in the domain and will just remove it from list eventually? thanks.
we recently had to rebuild one of our servers which was a domain controller and unfortunately didnt have chance to demote it first so the good thing is it will not come back to domain in the future accidentally to cause any conflict since i changed name of server to a totally different name. My concern is how do i remove it so it does not cause replication problems with other domain controllers which shows it in list of domain controllers available for replication in active directory. Will active directory simply know after a while that it is no longer present in the domain and will just remove it from list eventually? thanks.
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yes paul, i actually was able to transfer those 5 roles prior to the server crashing so that was lucky since i had to seize roles few years ago and wasnt fun. So i can just manually delete any entries or references to that server and will be fine? If i didnt do anything, would this cause a problem? Just curious but i will definately follow your instructions.
If you left the expired DC in AD it wouldn't hurt anything per se. You might get odd error messages now and then. All things being equal, if you're going to keep the domain, I'd go through the process of removing the traces of the old DC.
It seems that the article referenced, gives instructions on how to remove active directory information relating to the domain controller if dcpromo failed and the server is still present in the domain. Since the domain controller we have is no longer present in domain, do i still have to run ntdsutil? Dont wanna have to run it if not necessary.
No it's not necessary, but it will help ensure all references to the absent computer are removed.
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