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Find by mutliple fields in Access/VBA

I have a legacy table where the combination of the Owner Name, Tenant Name, Month Completed and Year Completed are the key field.

How can I search ALL of those fields simulatneously?  

Would docmd.find work?  

Or would I use a recordset that has the same SQL as the form and then iterate through until I find the record and get the Absolute Position and then use docmd.gotorecord AbsolutePosition?

The second method seems somewhat convoluted.

JOe K.
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You could use a SQL statement:

[Owner Name]= "Something", [Tenant Name] = "SomethingElse", [Month Completed] = "February", [Year Completed] = 2010

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The exact syntax depends on the actual field types, how you are defining the criteria (for example user input from a form, and how you are using the results (such as limiting the records shown in a form or report).
To goto a specific record on a form, you can use bookmarks:

dim rs as dao.recrdset
dim strSQL as string

set rs = me.recordsetclone
strSQL = "[Owner Name]= 'Something', [Tenant Name] = 'SomethingElse', [Month Completed] = 'February', [Year Completed] = 2010"

rs.findfirst strSQL
If rs.nomatch = true then
    msgbox "No Match Found"
   me.bookmark = rs.bookmark
end if

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Sorry - my syntax is off even for example purposes.  For criteria using multiple fields, use AND, not commas:

dim rs as dao.recrdset
dim strSQL as string

set rs = me.recordsetclone
strSQL = "[Owner Name]= 'Something' AND [Tenant Name] = 'SomethingElse' AND [Month Completed] = 'February' AND [Year Completed] = 2010"

rs.findfirst strSQL
If rs.nomatch = true then
    msgbox "No Match Found"
   me.bookmark = rs.bookmark
end if 

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DoCmd.FindRecord takes multple fields so you can do

DoCmd.FindRecord "OwnerName='" & value & "' AND TenantName='" & value & "'...
"How can I search ALL of those fields simulatneously?  "
Question 1: Against what? Form fields? Prompts?

Question 2:  Using AND or OR logic ?

With prompts, using  AND logic:

WHERE (((TableA.[Owner Name])=[Enter Owner]) AND ((TableA.[Tenant Name])=[Enter Tenant]) AND ((TableA.[Month Completed])=[Enter Completed ]) AND ((TableA.[Year Completed])=[Enter Year Completed]));

Using OR logic

WHERE (((TableA.[Owner Name])=[Enter Owner])) OR (((TableA.[Tenant Name])=[Enter Tenant])) OR (((TableA.[Month Completed])=[Enter Completed ])) OR (((TableA.[Year Completed])=[Enter Year Completed]));

The Prompts could easily be replaced with references to Form text boxes:

Instead of [Enter Tenant] >> Forms!YourFormName!txtTenant

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Yes but how do I navigate to a record on a seperate form?  

this is my current method but it only works for two conditions.  I need to update those conditions to for conditions which makes this method very convoluted.

Basically is opens a recordset, creates a counter, iterates through the record set incrementing the counter.  When it finds the result it sets the index and then I use Docmd.Gotorecord, acGoTo
'opens form, goes to job id, finds the corresponding clicked job id and closes the find form
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPreviouslyWX", acNormal
    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
    Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.ActiveConnection = cn
    rs.Open "SELECT PreviouslyWeatherized.Owner, PreviouslyWeatherized.Tenant, PreviouslyWeatherized.StreetNumber " & _
            "FROM PreviouslyWeatherized " & _
            "ORDER BY PreviouslyWeatherized.MonthCompleted;", , adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    Dim ctr As Long
    ctr = 1
    Dim recordPlace As Long
    While Not rs.eof
        If IsNull(rs.Fields(1) = Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(2)) Then
            If rs.Fields(0).Value = Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(1) And rs.Fields(2).Value = Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(3) Then
                recordPlace = ctr
            End If
        ElseIf rs.Fields(0).Value = Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(1) And rs.Fields(1) = Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(2) Then
                recordPlace = ctr
        End If
        ctr = ctr + 1
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPreviouslyWX", acNormal
    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "frmPreviouslyWX", acGoTo, recordPlace
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmFind", acSaveYes

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DoCmd.FindRecord "OwnerName='" & value & "' AND TenantName='" & value & "'...

Does not work because it's saying it's recieving too many arguments.
This line throws an error with multiple criteria (however it works with only 1):

    rs.Find "owner = '" & Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(1) & "' AND tenant = '" & Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(2) & "'"

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.Open "SELECT * " & _
            "FROM PreviouslyWeatherized p " & _
            "ORDER BY p.monthcompleted", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    rs.Find "owner = '" & Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(1) & "' AND tenant = '" & Me.lstPrevWX_Results.Column(2) & "'" // ERROR ARGUMENTS ARE OF WRONG TYPE
Just curious why you are using ADO instead of DAO ?

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Well this explains why it won't handle multiple arguements:  

From help file:  Only a single-column name may be specified in criteria. This method does not support multi-column searches.

worked perfect!