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Format the code please

It is a javascript library from web. Not sure why it has such the wild format.
function ULSaKF() { var o = new Object; o.ULSTeamName = "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation"; o.ULSFileName = "SP.UI.Dialog.js"; return o; }
Type.registerNamespace("SP.UI"); SP.UI.DialogResult = function () { }; SP.UI.DialogResult.prototype = { invalid: -1, cancel: 0, OK: 1 }; SP.UI.DialogResult.registerEnum("SP.UI.DialogResult", false); SP.UI.DialogOptions = function () { }; SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions = function () { ULSaKF: ; return new SP.UI.DialogOptions }; SP.UI.Dialog = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$1X = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2Q_0); this.$1J = Function.createDelegate(this, this.autoSize); this.$1M = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1u_0); this.$1V = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2J_0); this.$1L = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1t_0); this.$1K = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1q_0); this.$1O = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1z_0); this.$1N = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1x_0); this.$x = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$27_0); this.$y = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$28_0); this.$w = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1r); this.$Y = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1s_0); this.$z = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$1k_0); this.$1Z = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2S_0); this.$1Y = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2R_0); this.$1W = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2K_0); this.$q_0 = -1; this.$G_0 = a; this.$14_0 = a.args; this.$W_0 = a.width; if (this.$W_0 < 0) this.$W_0 = null; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$W_0)) this.$W_0 = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogWidth); this.$R_0 = a.height; if (this.$R_0 < 0) this.$R_0 = null; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$R_0)) this.$R_0 = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogHeight); this.$n_0 = a.autoSize; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$n_0)) this.$n_0 = true; this.$a_0 = a.dialogReturnValueCallback; this.$j_0 = a.url; this.$k_0 = a.x; if (this.$k_0 < 0) this.$k_0 = null; this.$l_0 = a.y; if (this.$l_0 < 0) this.$l_0 = null; this.$E_0 = a.html; this.$P_0 = a.title; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.allowMaximize)) this.$d_0 = true; else this.$d_0 = a.allowMaximize; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.showMaximized)) this.$1D_0 = false; else this.$1D_0 = a.showMaximized; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.showClose)) this.$t_0 = true; else this.$t_0 = a.showClose }; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1 = function () { ULSaKF: ; return window.self._dlgWndTop() }; SP.UI.Dialog.$1b_0 = function () { ULSaKF: ; if (!SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0) { var b = document.createElement("p"); = "100%"; = "100px"; var a = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "hidden"; = "100px"; = "50px"; a.appendChild(b); document.body.appendChild(a); = "hidden"; var d = b.offsetWidth; = "scroll"; var c = b.offsetWidth; if (d === c) c = a.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(a); SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0 = d - c; if (!SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0) SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0 = 17 } return SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0 }; SP.UI.Dialog.$1d = function (b) { ULSaKF: ; var a; a = b.document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a) || a <= 0) a = b.innerWidth; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a) || a <= 0) a = b.document.body.clientWidth; return a }; SP.UI.Dialog.$1c = function (b) { ULSaKF: ; var a; a = b.document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a) || a <= 0) a = b.innerHeight; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a) || a <= 0) a = b.document.body.clientHeight; return a }; SP.UI.Dialog.$12 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; var b = 0; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement.scrollWidth) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement.offsetWidth)) b = Math.max(a.documentElement.scrollWidth, a.documentElement.offsetWidth); return Math.max(a.body.scrollWidth, a.body.offsetWidth, b) }; SP.UI.Dialog.$11 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; var b = 0; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement.scrollHeight) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.documentElement.offsetHeight)) b = Math.max(a.documentElement.scrollHeight, a.documentElement.offsetHeight); return Math.max(a.body.scrollHeight, a.body.offsetHeight, b) }; SP.UI.Dialog.$24 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; var b = a.pageXOffset; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(b)) return b; if (!(Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer && Sys.Browser.version === 7) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.document.documentElement) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.document.documentElement.scrollLeft)) return a.document.documentElement.scrollLeft; return a.document.body.scrollLeft }; SP.UI.Dialog.$26 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; var b = a.pageYOffset; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(b)) return b; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.document.documentElement) && !SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a.document.documentElement.scrollTop)) return a.document.documentElement.scrollTop; return a.document.body.scrollTop }; SP.UI.Dialog.$1o_0 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (a.length > 2040) a = a.substr(0, 2040); if (a.indexOf("?") < 0) a = a + "?IsDlg=1"; else { if (!a.endsWith("&")) a = a + "&"; a = a + "IsDlg=1" } return a }; SP.UI.Dialog.$1m_0 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;") }; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$X_0 = function () { ULSaKF: ; var a = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_overlayPopup; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a)) return null; return a }; SP.UI.Dialog.set_$X_0 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_overlayPopup = a; return a }; SP.UI.Dialog.$2T_0 = function () { ULSaKF: ; var b = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$X_0(); if (b) { SP.UI.UIUtility.removeNode(b); SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().setTimeout(SP.UI.Dialog.$2U_0, 20) } var a = SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_childDialog(); while (a) { a.$2L(); a = a.$o_1 } }; SP.UI.Dialog.$2U_0 = function () { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0 && $removeHandler(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1(), "resize", SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0); var a = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$X_0(); if (a) { var b = SP.UI.Dialog.$12(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document); = b.toString() + "px"; var c = SP.UI.Dialog.$11(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document); = c.toString() + "px"; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.body.appendChild(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$X_0()) } SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0 && $addHandler(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1(), "resize", SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0) }; SP.UI.Dialog.prototype = { $H_0: null, $6_0: null, $4_0: null, $0_0: null, $c_0: null, $2_0: null, $18_0: null, $I_0: null, $a_0: null, $j_0: null, $k_0: 0, $l_0: 0, $W_0: 0, $R_0: 0, $17_0: 0, $G_0: null, $1i_0: false, $T_0: 0, $U_0: 0, $B_0: 0, $A_0: 0, $S_0: false, $1D_0: false, $9_0: null, $5_0: null, $3_0: null, $p_0: false, $h_0: null, $n_0: false, $M_0: null, $D_0: null, $C_0: null, $J_0: null, get_firstTabStop: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$J_0 }, $F_0: null, get_lastTabStop: function () { ULSaKF: ; !this.$F_0 && this.$25_0(); if (this.$F_0) return this.$F_0; else return null }, get_url: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$j_0 }, $E_0: null, get_html: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$E_0 }, $P_0: null, get_title: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$P_0 }, $14_0: null, get_args: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$14_0 }, $d_0: false, get_allowMaximize: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$d_0 }, $t_0: false, get_showClose: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$t_0 }, $g_0: null, get_returnValue: function () { ULSaKF: ; return this.$g_0 }, set_returnValue: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$g_0 = a; return a }, get_$10_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$n_0 && (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.width) || SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.height))) return true; return false }, $1g: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$1w_0(); this.$L_0 > 0 && this.$2N_0(this.$L_0 - 1); if (this.get_$10_0() && this.$0_0) { window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, function () { ULSaKF: ; if (!this.$1i_0 && !this.$p_0) this.$M_0 = SP.UI.ModalDialog.$2O() }), 1e3); this.$1H_0(false) } else this.$1H_0(true) }, $1f_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (!this.$9_0) { this.$9_0 = new SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior(this.$2_0, this.$6_0); this.$9_0.$1n(this.$4_0); this.$9_0.$1v(this.$0_0); this.$9_0.initialize() } }, $1y_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$9_0) { this.$9_0.dispose(); this.$9_0 = null } }, $1r: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.close(0); a.preventDefault() }, $27_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$J_0) try { this.$J_0.focus() } catch (a) { } }, $28_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.get_lastTabStop()) try { this.get_lastTabStop().focus() } catch (a) { } else if (this.$J_0) try { this.$J_0.focus() } catch (b) { } }, $1s_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; a.stopPropagation() }, $2R_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$ = "move" }, $2S_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$ = "default" }, $1k_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$S_0) { this.$3_0.innerHTML = '<span style="height:18px;width:18px;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" class="s4-clust"><img src="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" style="left:-0px !important;top:-676px !important;position:absolute;" class=\'ms-dlgCloseBtnImg\' /></span>'; this.$3_0.setAttribute("title", SP.Res.maximize); this.$Q_0(this.$B_0, this.$A_0); this.$m_0(this.$T_0, this.$U_0) } else { this.$T_0 = this.$2_0.offsetLeft; this.$U_0 = this.$2_0.offsetTop; if (this.$0_0) { this.$B_0 = this.$0_0.offsetWidth; this.$A_0 = this.$0_0.offsetHeight } else { this.$B_0 = this.$I_0.offsetWidth; this.$A_0 = this.$I_0.offsetHeight } this.$3_0.innerHTML = '<span style="height:18px;width:18px;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" class="s4-clust"><img src="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" style="left:-0px !important;top:-694px !important;position:absolute;" class=\'ms-dlgCloseBtnImg\' /></span>'; this.$3_0.setAttribute("title", SP.Res.restore); this.$1G_0() } this.$S_0 = !this.$S_0; if (this.$S_0) this.$1y_0(); else this.$1f_0(); a && a.preventDefault(); this.$3_0 && SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().setTimeout(this.$1W, 0) }, $2K_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$3_0.focus() }, $1x_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$0_0) this.$0_0.contentWindow && this.$0_0.contentWindow.focus() }, $1G_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; var a = this.$1a_0(); this.$m_0(10, 10); this.$Q_0(a[0], a[1]) }, $2L: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$S_0 && this.$1G_0() }, $m_0: function (a, b) { ULSaKF: ; this.$ = a + "px"; this.$ = b + "px"; this.$ = a + "px"; this.$ = b + "px" }, $Q_0: function (a, b) { ULSaKF: ; if (a <= 0 || b <= 0) return; var c = b + this.$6_0.offsetHeight; this.$ = a + "px"; this.$ = c + "px"; this.$ = a + 2 + "px"; this.$ = c + 2 + "px"; if (this.$0_0) { this.$ = a.toString() + "px"; this.$ = b.toString() + "px" } else { this.$ = a.toString() + "px"; this.$ = b.toString() + "px" } this.$ = a.toString() + "px"; this.$ = Math.max(this.$6_0.offsetWidth - 64, 0) + "px"; this.$ = a + "px"; this.$ = c + "px" }, $2B_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; var d = this.$1a_0(), b = d[0], c = d[1], a = false; if (this.$B_0 > b) { this.$B_0 = b; a = true } if (this.$A_0 > c) { this.$A_0 = c; a = true } a && this.$Q_0(this.$B_0, this.$A_0); a = false; if (this.$2_0.offsetLeft + this.$2_0.offsetWidth > b + 20) { this.$T_0 = 10; a = true } if (this.$2_0.offsetTop + this.$2_0.offsetHeight > c + 20) { this.$U_0 = 10; a = true } a && this.$m_0(this.$T_0, this.$U_0) }, $1a_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; var d = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1(), b = SP.UI.Dialog.$1d(d) - 2, a = SP.UI.Dialog.$1c(d) - 2; if (b > 20) b = b - 20; a = a - this.$6_0.offsetHeight; if (a > 20) a = a - 20; var c = new Array(2); c[0] = b; c[1] = a; return c }, autoSize: function () { ULSaKF: ; var a = 0, b = 0; this.$Q_0(SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.width) ? 500 : this.$G_0.width, SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.height) ? 20 : this.$G_0.height); if (this.$0_0) try { var g = this.$0_0.contentWindow.document, e = g.getElementById("s4-ribbonrow"), f = g.getElementById("s4-workspace"); if (e && f) { var c =, d =, i = c.width, j = c.height, k = d.width, l = d.height; c.width = ""; c.height = ""; d.width = ""; d.height = ""; a = Math.max(e.offsetWidth, f.scrollWidth); b = e.offsetHeight + f.scrollHeight; c.width = i; c.height = j; d.width = k; d.height = l } else { var m = g.getElementById("ms-notdlgautosize"); if (m) { a = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogWidth); b = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogHeight) } else { a = this.$0_0.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth; b = this.$0_0.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight } } } catch (h) { } else if (this.$E_0) { a = this.$E_0.scrollWidth; b = this.$E_0.scrollHeight } a += SP.UI.Dialog.$1b_0(); b += SP.UI.Dialog.$1b_0(); if (a < 50) a = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogWidth); if (b < 20) b = parseInt(SP.Res.defaultDialogHeight); if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.height)) this.$A_0 = b; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$G_0.width)) this.$B_0 = a; this.$Q_0(this.$B_0, this.$A_0) }, $1h_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; return Function.createDelegate(this, function (c) { ULSaKF: ; var b =, d = ""; while (b && !b.getAttribute("href")) b = b.parentNode; if (b && b.getAttribute("href")) { d = b.getAttribute("href").toString(); c.preventDefault(); c.stopPropagation(); c.rawEvent.returnValue = false; if (a) SP.Utilities.HttpUtility.navigateTo(d); else { var e = this.$0_0.contentWindow.STSNavigate;$0_0.contentWindow, d) } } }) }, $1e_0: function (k) { ULSaKF: ; for (var f = 0, l = k.length; f < l; f++) { var b = k[f], c = b.getAttribute("target"), m = b.getAttribute("onclick"), d = b.getAttribute("rel"), a = b.getAttribute("href"), e = ""; if (a) { var h = a.toString(), i = h.indexOf("?"); if (i !== -1) { var n = h.substr(i + 1), g = n.match(new RegExp("DialogLink=[^&]*")); if (g && g.length > 0) { var o = g[0], j = o.split("="); if (j.length > 1) e = j[1] } } } if ((!c || c.toString() === "" || c.toString() === "_self") && !m) if ((!d || d.toString() === "sp_DialogLinkExternal") && (e === "" || e === "External") && (!c || c.toString() === "")) a && a.toString().indexOf("javascript:") === -1 && b.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); else if (d && d.toString() === "sp_DialogLinkInternal" || e === "Internal") { if (this.$0_0) a && a.toString().indexOf("javascript:") === -1 && $addHandler(b, "click", this.$1h_0(false)) } else if ((d && d.toString() === "sp_DialogLinkNavigate" || e === "Navigate") && (!c || c.toString() === "")) a && a.toString().indexOf("javascript:") === -1 && $addHandler(b, "click", this.$1h_0(true)) } }, $1z_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$1i_0 = true; if (this.$H_0 && this.$0_0) { var a = null; try { if (this.$0_0.contentWindow) a = this.$0_0.contentWindow.document; else if (this.$0_0.contentDocument) a = this.$0_0.contentDocument } catch (c) { } if (a) { this.$c_0 = a; var b = SP.Res.defaultDialogTitle; try { b = a.title } catch (d) { } if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrEmptyString(this.$P_0)) { SP.UI.UIUtility.setInnerText(this.$H_0, b); this.$H_0.title = b } var e = this.$0_0.contentWindow, f = new SP.UI.DialogHostedWindow(this, e); f.initialize(); var g = this.$c_0.getElementsByTagName("a"); this.$1e_0(g) } else if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrEmptyString(this.$P_0)) { SP.UI.UIUtility.setInnerText(this.$H_0, SP.Res.defaultDialogTitle); this.$H_0.title = SP.Res.defaultDialogTitle } if (this.get_$10_0()) { this.$1H_0(true); if (this.$M_0) { this.$M_0.close(0); this.$M_0 = null } } window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, function () { ULSaKF: ; try { this.$0_0.contentWindow.NotifyBrowserOfAsyncUpdate(); this.$0_0.contentWindow.EnsureScriptParams("core.js", "FixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions"); this.$0_0.contentWindow.AddEvtHandler(this.$0_0.contentWindow, "onresize", this.$0_0.contentWindow.FixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensionsForResize) } catch (a) { } }), 0) } }, $25_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$c_0) try { this.$F_0 = this.$13_0(this.$c_0.body) } catch (a) { this.$F_0 = null } else if (this.$E_0) try { this.$F_0 = this.$13_0(this.$E_0) } catch (b) { this.$F_0 = null } else this.$F_0 = null }, $13_0: function (b) { ULSaKF: ; if (b.nodeType === 1) { for (var d = b.childNodes, c = d.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { var a = d[c]; if (a.tagName === "SCRIPT") continue; if (a.nodeType === 1 && === "none") continue; var e = this.$13_0(a); if (e) return e } if (this.$2A_0(b)) return b; else return null } else return null }, $2A_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (a.tagName === "A" || a.tagName === "INPUT" || a.tagName === "AREA" || a.tagName === "BUTTON" || a.tagName === "SELECT" || a.tagName === "TEXTAREA" || a.tagName === "OBJECT") { if (a.tabIndex === -1) return false; if (a.disabled || a.getAttribute("disabled") === "true") return false; if (a.tagName === "INPUT") { var b = a; if (b.type === "hidden" || === "none") return false } return true } return false }, $1w_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; var b = this.$7_0("div"); this.$2_0 = b; b.className = "ms-dlgContent"; b.setAttribute("role", "dialog"); b.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "dialogTitleSpan"); b.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); if (this.$L_0) = this.$L_0; if (this.get_$Z_0()) SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.body.appendChild(b); else document.body.appendChild(b); var c = this.$7_0("div"); this.$18_0 = c; c.className = "ms-dlgBorder"; b.appendChild(c); this.$D_0 = this.$7_0("input"); this.$D_0.type = "button"; this.$D_0.value = SP.Res.hiddenButtonValueBeforeDialog; this.$D_0.className = "ms-hidden"; c.appendChild(this.$D_0); var d = this.$7_0("div"); d.className = "ms-dlgTitle"; $addHandler(d, "mousedown", this.$1Y); $addHandler(d, "mouseup", this.$1Z); c.appendChild(d); var a = this.$7_0("span"); if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrEmptyString(this.$P_0)) if (this.$j_0) { SP.UI.UIUtility.setInnerText(a, SP.Res.dialogLoading); a.title = SP.Res.dialogLoading } else { SP.UI.UIUtility.setInnerText(a, SP.Res.defaultDialogTitle); a.title = SP.Res.defaultDialogTitle } else { SP.UI.UIUtility.setInnerText(a, this.$P_0); a.title = this.$P_0 } a.className = "ms-dlgTitleText"; = "dialogTitleSpan"; this.$H_0 = a; this.$6_0 = d; d.appendChild(a); a = this.$7_0("span"); a.className = "ms-dlgTitleBtns"; if (this.$d_0) { this.$3_0 = this.$7_0("a"); this.$ = "DlgResize" + SP.Guid.newGuid().toString(); this.$3_0.className = "ms-dlgCloseBtn"; this.$3_0.setAttribute("title", SP.Res.maximize); SP.UI.Dialog.$1m_0(this.$3_0); this.$3_0.innerHTML = '<span style="height:18px;width:18px;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" class="s4-clust"><img src="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" style="left:-0px !important;top:-676px !important;position:absolute;" class=\'ms-dlgCloseBtnImg\' /></span>'; this.$h_0 = this.$z; $addHandler(this.$6_0, "dblclick", this.$h_0); $addHandler(this.$3_0, "click", this.$z); $addHandler(this.$3_0, "mousedown", this.$Y); $addHandler(this.$3_0, "mouseup", this.$Y); a.appendChild(this.$3_0) } if (this.$t_0) { this.$5_0 = this.$7_0("a"); this.$ = "DlgClose" + SP.Guid.newGuid().toString(); this.$5_0.className = "ms-dlgCloseBtn"; this.$5_0.setAttribute("title", SP.Res.close); SP.UI.Dialog.$1m_0(this.$5_0); this.$5_0.setAttribute("accesskey", SP.Res.dialogCancelAK); this.$5_0.innerHTML = '<span style="height:18px;width:18px;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" class="s4-clust"><img src="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" style="left:-0px !important;top:-658px !important;position:absolute;" class=\'ms-dlgCloseBtnImg\' /></span>'; $addHandler(this.$5_0, "click", this.$w); $addHandler(this.$5_0, "mousedown", this.$Y); $addHandler(this.$5_0, "mouseup", this.$Y); a.appendChild(this.$5_0) } if (this.$d_0) this.$J_0 = this.$3_0; else this.$J_0 = this.$5_0; d.appendChild(a); if (this.$j_0) { var h = this.$j_0; h = SP.UI.Dialog.$1o_0(h); var f = this.$7_0("div"); this.$I_0 = f; f.className = "ms-dlgFrameContainer"; c.appendChild(f); var e = this.$7_0("iframe"); this.$0_0 = e; this.$ = "DlgFrame" + SP.Guid.newGuid().toString(); e.className = "ms-dlgFrame"; e.setAttribute("src", h); e.setAttribute("frameBorder", "0"); f.appendChild(e) } else { var g = this.$7_0("div"); this.$I_0 = g; g.className = "ms-dlgFrameContainer"; c.appendChild(g); var i = this.$E_0.getElementsByTagName("a"); this.$1e_0(i); g.appendChild(this.$E_0) } this.$C_0 = this.$7_0("input"); this.$C_0.type = "button"; this.$C_0.value = SP.Res.hiddenButtonValueAfterDialog; this.$C_0.className = "ms-hidden"; c.appendChild(this.$C_0); $addHandler(this.$D_0, "focus", this.$y); 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this.$g_0 = b; this.close(a) }, $2J_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$q_0 = a }, $1H_0: function (e) { ULSaKF: ; window.IsFullNameDefined("CUI.PMetrics.perfMark") && CUI.PMetrics.perfMark(7706); this.$ = "block"; this.$Q_0(this.$W_0, this.$R_0); if (this.$0_0) { this.$A_0 = this.$0_0.offsetHeight; this.$B_0 = this.$0_0.offsetWidth } else { this.$A_0 = this.$I_0.offsetHeight; this.$B_0 = this.$I_0.offsetWidth } if (this.get_$10_0() && e) this.autoSize(); else this.$Q_0(this.$B_0, this.$A_0); var a, b, c = SP.UI.Dialog.$24(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1()), d = SP.UI.Dialog.$26(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1()); if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$k_0)) a = this.$k_0; else if (this.get_$Z_0()) { a = (SP.UI.Dialog.$1d(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1()) - this.$2_0.offsetWidth) / 2 + c; if (a < c + 10) a = c + 10 } else { a = (SP.UI.Dialog.$12(this.$2_0.ownerDocument) - this.$2_0.offsetWidth) / 2; if (a < 10) a = 10 } if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$l_0)) b = this.$l_0; else if (this.get_$Z_0()) { b = (SP.UI.Dialog.$1c(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1()) - this.$2_0.offsetHeight) / 2 + d; 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a.className = "ms-dlgOverlay"; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.body.appendChild(a); SP.UI.Dialog.set_$X_0(a); if (!SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0) SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0 = SP.UI.Dialog.$2T_0; $addHandler(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1(), "resize", SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0) } if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) for (var d = document.getElementsByTagName("object"), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { var b = d[c]; if (b.className.indexOf("ms-dlgDisable") !== -1 && !== "hidden") { b.dialogDisabled = true; = "hidden" } } this.$r_0 =; = "block"; = e; = SP.UI.Dialog.$12(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document) + "px"; = SP.UI.Dialog.$11(SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document) + "px" }, $29_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; var b = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$X_0(); if (b) { if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(this.$r_0) || this.$r_0 <= 0) { = "none"; if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) for (var d = document.getElementsByTagName("object"), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { var a = d[c]; if (a.className.indexOf("ms-dlgDisable") !== -1 && === "hidden" && a.dialogDisabled) { a.dialogDisabled = false; = "visible" } } } = this.$r_0 } }, $7_0: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (this.get_$Z_0()) return SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement(a); else return document.createElement(a) }, get_$Z_0: function () { ULSaKF: ; if (!(this.$L_0 > 0)) throw Error.notImplemented(SP.Res.modelessDialogsNotImplemented); return this.$L_0 > 0 } }; SP.UI.DialogHostedWindow = function (a, b) { ULSaKF: ; this.$2C_0 = a; this.$u_0 = b }; SP.UI.DialogHostedWindow.prototype = { $2C_0: null, $u_0: null, initialize: function () { ULSaKF: ; try { if (this.$u_0.document && this.$u_0.document.body) this.$u_0.document.body.tabIndex = -1 } catch (a) { } }, dispose: function () { } }; SP.UI.ModalDialog = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.ModalDialog.initializeBase(this, [a]) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_$1E_1 = function () { ULSaKF: ; var a = 0, b = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_ModalDialogCount; if (!SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(b)) a = b; return a }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.set_$1E_1 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_ModalDialogCount = a; return a }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_childDialog = function () { ULSaKF: ; var a = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_childDialog; if (SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(a)) return null; return a }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1l_1 = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().g_childDialog = a }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog = function (b) { ULSaKF: ; var a = new SP.UI.ModalDialog(b); a.$1g(); return a }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.$2O = function () { ULSaKF: ; return SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1I_1(SP.Res.dialogLoading, SP.Res.dialogLoadingText, false, false, null, null, 270, "12px 12px 4px 6px", 0) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenWithNoClose = function (c, a, b, d) { ULSaKF: ; return SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1I_1(c, a, false, true, null, b, d, null, 1) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenSize = function (d, b, a, c, e) { ULSaKF: ; return SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1I_1(d, b, true, true, a, c, e, null, 1) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1I_1 = function (p, q, j, r, s, t, u, o, k) { ULSaKF: ; var c = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("INPUT"), d = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("DIV"); = SP.ScriptUtility.isNullOrUndefined(o) ? "10px" : o; var l = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TABLE"), e = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TBODY"), f = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TR"), b = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TD"); = "top"; if (k === 1) = "6px"; if (j) b.rowSpan = 2; var g = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("IMG"); if (k === 1) g.src = "/_layouts/images/gears_anv4.gif"; else if (!k) g.src = "/_layouts/images/loadingcirclests16.gif"; b.appendChild(g); f.appendChild(b); var h = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TD"); h.className = "ms-dlgLoadingText"; h.innerHTML = q; f.appendChild(h); e.appendChild(f); if (j) { var n = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TR"), i = SP.UI.Dialog.get_$1().document.createElement("TD"); = "right"; c.type = "Button"; c.value = SP.Res.createWaitScreenCancel; i.appendChild(c); n.appendChild(i); e.appendChild(n) } l.appendChild(e); d.appendChild(l); var a = new SP.UI.DialogOptions; a.html = d; a.width = u; a.height = t; a.showClose = j; a.allowMaximize = r; a.title = p; a.dialogReturnValueCallback = s; var m = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(a); $addHandler(c, "click", m.$w); return m }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.OpenPopUpPage = function (d, a, c, b) { ULSaKF: ; OpenPopUpPage(d, a, c, b) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; ShowPopupDialog(a) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogOpen = function (d, b, a, c) { ULSaKF: ; commonModalDialogOpen(d, b, a, c) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogClose = function (a, b) { ULSaKF: ; commonModalDialogClose(a, b) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.RefreshPage = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; RefreshPage(a) }; SP.UI.ModalDialog.prototype = { $1j_1: false, $o_1: null, $1g: function () { ULSaKF: ; SP.UI.ModalDialog.set_$1E_1(SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_$1E_1() + 1) - 1; this.$L_0 = SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_$1E_1() * 5 + 1500; SP.UI.ModalDialog.callBaseMethod(this, "$1g"); this.$o_1 = SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_childDialog(); SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1l_1(this) }, close: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$1j_1) return; this.$1j_1 = true; SP.UI.ModalDialog.set_$1E_1(SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_$1E_1() - 1) + 1; SP.UI.ModalDialog.$1l_1(this.$o_1); this.$o_1 = null; SP.UI.ModalDialog.callBaseMethod(this, "close", [a]) } }; Type.registerNamespace("SP.Application.UI"); SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior = function (b, a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$1U = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2I_2); this.$1T = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2H_2); this.$1S = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$2G_2); SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior.initializeBase(this, [b]); this.$N_2 = new SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior(a); this.$b_2 = []; this.$8_2 = null }; SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior.prototype = { $N_2: null, $b_2: null, $8_2: null, $1n: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$b_2[this.$b_2.length] = a }, $1v: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Firefox || Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari || Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.AppleWebKit) { if (!a) return; this.$8_2 = document.createElement("div"); this.$ = "absolute"; this.$ = "move"; this.$ = + 1; this.$ = a.offsetWidth + "px"; this.$ = a.offsetHeight + "px"; this.$ = a.offsetTop + "px"; this.$ = a.offsetLeft + "px" } }, initialize: function () { ULSaKF: ; SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); this.$N_2.initialize(); this.$N_2.add_$1p(this.$1S); this.$N_2.add_$20(this.$1T); this.$N_2.add_$2P(this.$1U) }, $15_2: 0, $16_2: 0, $1A_2: 0, $19_2: 0, $2G_2: function (g, b) { ULSaKF: ; var c = b.$f_1.x, d = b.$f_1.y, e = this.get_element().offsetLeft, f = this.get_element().offsetTop; this.$15_2 = c - e; this.$16_2 = d - f; var a = window.self._dlgWndTop(); this.$1A_2 = a.document.body.clientWidth; this.$19_2 = a.document.body.clientHeight; this.$8_2 && this.get_element().appendChild(this.$8_2) }, $2H_2: function (g, e) { ULSaKF: ; var a = e.$f_1.x, b = e.$f_1.y; if (a < 16) a = 16; else if (a > this.$1A_2 - 16) a = this.$1A_2 - 16; if (b < 16) b = 16; else if (b > this.$19_2 - 16) b = this.$19_2 - 16; this.get_element().style.left = a - this.$15_2 + "px"; this.get_element() = b - this.$16_2 + "px"; for (var c = 0, f = this.$b_2.length; c < f; c++) { var d = this.$b_2[c]; = a - this.$15_2 + "px"; = b - this.$16_2 + "px" } }, $2I_2: function () { ULSaKF: ; this.$8_2 && this.get_element().removeChild(this.$8_2) }, dispose: function () { ULSaKF: ; try { this.$N_2 && this.$N_2.dispose() } finally { SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose") } } }; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs = function (c, a, b, d) { ULSaKF: ; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this.$2F_1 = d; this.$f_1 = c; this.$2E_1 = a; this.$2D_1 = b }; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs.prototype = { $f_1: null, $2E_1: null, $2D_1: null, $2F_1: null }; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior = function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$1R = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$23_2); this.$1Q = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$22_2); this.$1P = Function.createDelegate(this, this.$21_2); SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.initializeBase(this, [a]); this.$s_2 = this.$1P; this.$e_2 = this.$1Q; this.$O_2 = this.$1R }; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.$1F_2 = function (b) { ULSaKF: ; if (b.rawEvent.pageX) return new Sys.UI.Point(b.rawEvent.pageX, b.rawEvent.pageY); var c = b.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft, d = b.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop, a = document.body.parentNode; if (a && a.clientLeft) { c += a.scrollLeft - a.clientLeft; d += a.scrollTop - a.clientTop } return new Sys.UI.Point(c, d) }; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.prototype = { $s_2: null, $e_2: null, $O_2: null, $i_2: false, initialize: function () { ULSaKF: ; SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); this.$i_2 = false; $addHandler(this.get_element(), "mousedown", this.$s_2) }, $1B_2: 0, $1C_2: 0, add_$1p: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().addHandler("begindrag", a) }, remove_$1p: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().removeHandler("begindrag", a) }, add_$2P: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().addHandler("stopdrag", a) }, remove_$2P: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().removeHandler("stopdrag", a) }, add_$20: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().addHandler("dragging", a) }, remove_$20: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.get_events().removeHandler("dragging", a) }, $21_2: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (this.$i_2 || a.button) return; this.$i_2 = true; this.$1B_2 = a.clientX; this.$1C_2 = a.clientY; if (this.get_element().ownerDocument.addEventListener) { $addHandler(this.get_element().ownerDocument, "mousemove", this.$e_2); $addHandler(this.get_element().ownerDocument, "mouseup", this.$O_2) } else { this.get_element().setCapture(); $addHandler(this.get_element(), "mousemove", this.$e_2); $addHandler(this.get_element(), "mouseup", this.$O_2); $addHandler(this.get_element(), "losecapture", this.$O_2) } a.preventDefault(); a.stopPropagation(); var b = this.get_events().getHandler("begindrag"); if (b) { var c = new Sys.UI.Point(a.clientX, a.clientY), d = new Sys.UI.Point(0, 0), e = SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.$1F_2(a), f = new SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs(c, d, e,; b(this, f) } }, $22_2: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; if (!this.$i_2) return; a.stopPropagation(); var b = this.get_events().getHandler("dragging"); if (b) { var c = new Sys.UI.Point(a.clientX, a.clientY), d = new Sys.UI.Point(a.clientX - this.$1B_2, a.clientY - this.$1C_2), e = SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.$1F_2(a), f = new SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs(c, d, e,; b(this, f) } }, $23_2: function (a) { ULSaKF: ; this.$i_2 = false; if (this.get_element().ownerDocument.removeEventListener) { $removeHandler(this.get_element().ownerDocument, "mouseup", this.$O_2); $removeHandler(this.get_element().ownerDocument, "mousemove", this.$e_2) } else { $removeHandler(this.get_element(), "losecapture", this.$O_2); $removeHandler(this.get_element(), "mouseup", this.$O_2); $removeHandler(this.get_element(), "mousemove", this.$e_2); this.get_element().releaseCapture() } a.stopPropagation(); var b = this.get_events().getHandler("stopdrag"); if (b) { var c = new Sys.UI.Point(a.clientX, a.clientY), d = new Sys.UI.Point(a.clientX - this.$1B_2, a.clientY - this.$1C_2), e = SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.$1F_2(a), f = new SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs(c, d, e,; b(this, f) } }, dispose: function () { ULSaKF: ; try { if (this.$s_2) this.get_element() && $removeHandler(this.get_element(), "mousedown", this.$s_2) } finally { SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose") } } }; SP.UI.Dialog.registerClass("SP.UI.Dialog"); SP.UI.DialogHostedWindow.registerClass("SP.UI.DialogHostedWindow", null, Sys.IDisposable); SP.UI.ModalDialog.registerClass("SP.UI.ModalDialog", SP.UI.Dialog); SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior.registerClass("SP.Application.UI.DragBehavior", Sys.UI.Behavior); SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs.registerClass("SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs); SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior.registerClass("SP.Application.UI.MouseTrackerBehavior", Sys.UI.Behavior); SP.UI.Dialog.$K_0 = null; SP.UI.Dialog.$V_0 = 0; SP.UI.ModalDialog.zIndexStep = 5; SP.UI.ModalDialog.zIndexStart = 1500; typeof Sys != "undefined" && Sys && Sys.Application && Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded(); NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs("sp.ui.dialog.js");

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Avatar of Dave Baldwin
Dave Baldwin
Flag of United States of America image

A lot of javascript libraries do not use line breaks because it is not needed in javascript.  JQuery doesn't for example.
AS most of javascript libraries are using such wild format is because to make the library compact in size. As you know these files are to be downloaded by the browser while loading the page to run. As these type of file can be of 300kb to 500kb in size.So,when we remove all the spaces and compact it's size it become light by size and hence uses less bandwidth and take less time to download tiself on client.

,it  can be compacted upto 70% to 80% of it's original size.

Some people also use these techniques to keep their some type of B.L secret ,as it's hard to read and understand.
Avatar of fundacionrts
Flag of Spain image

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