Victor Charles
asked on
How do I display data in a grid based on multiple ID values in my link.xml file.
How do I display data in a grid based on multiple ID values in my link.xml file.
For example I have two xml files with the following data
1. CountryUser.xml
<CountryUserUser_ID>1</Cou ntryUserUs er_ID>
<CountryUserUser>BEL</Coun tryUserUse r>
<CountryUserUser_ID>2</Cou ntryUserUs er_ID>
<CountryUserUser>CAN</Coun tryUserUse r>
<CountryUserUser_ID>3</Cou ntryUserUs er_ID>
<CountryUserUser>DEU</Coun tryUserUse r>
<CountryUserUser_ID>4</Cou ntryUserUs er_ID>
<CountryUserUser>FRA</Coun tryUserUse r>
2. Link.xml
<CountryUserUser_ID>1,2,4< /CountryUs erUser_ID>
Based on the values of CountryUser_ID in my link.xml file How do I display
on my Grid?
I am able to do display the values in a Textbox with only one ID value in my Link.xml file (i.e. <CountryUserUser_ID>1</Cou ntryUserUs er_ID>) with the code below, but need help displaying the data in GridView when I have multiple ID values.
Code for single value:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Coun try_ID='" & C1Country.SelectedItem.Val ue & "']")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [CountryUs er_ID='" & ReceiverID & "']")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
C1CountryUser.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd ex).Item(" CountryUse r")
Below is also the code I used to pass data separated by (;) to multiple rows in my GridView, can it be modified to accomplish what I am trying to do? instead of the variale s, for example, I need to some how get ReceiverID2 to read the CountryUser_ID wich contains 1,2,4.
Dim s as string
s = "1.;2.;3.;4.;5."
Dim tmp() As String = s.Split(";")
Dim dTable As New DataTable
dTable.Columns.Add("Column 1", GetType(String))
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
dTable.Rows.Add(New Object() {tmp(i)})
GridView1.DataSource = dTable
How do I display data in a grid based on multiple ID values in my link.xml file.
For example I have two xml files with the following data
1. CountryUser.xml
2. Link.xml
Based on the values of CountryUser_ID in my link.xml file How do I display
on my Grid?
I am able to do display the values in a Textbox with only one ID value in my Link.xml file (i.e. <CountryUserUser_ID>1</Cou
Code for single value:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
C1CountryUser.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd
Below is also the code I used to pass data separated by (;) to multiple rows in my GridView, can it be modified to accomplish what I am trying to do? instead of the variale s, for example, I need to some how get ReceiverID2 to read the CountryUser_ID wich contains 1,2,4.
Dim s as string
s = "1.;2.;3.;4.;5."
Dim tmp() As String = s.Split(";")
Dim dTable As New DataTable
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
dTable.Rows.Add(New Object() {tmp(i)})
GridView1.DataSource = dTable
Thanks for the code, made some modifications but I'm getting error message:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
On line:
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
Below is an example of my xml files and the latest code, can you please take a look to see what is causing this error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3,4</C ountryUser _ID>
<CountryUser_ID>2,3,4</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CountryUser_ID>1</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>BEL</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>2</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>CAN</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>3</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>CZE</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>4</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>DNK</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>5</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>FRA</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>6</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>DEU</CountryU ser>
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA") ' LinkA[Country_ID='...'] ?
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText ' CountryUser_ID
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [" & selectionString & "]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name}) *****Error Line
Thanks for the code, made some modifications but I'm getting error message:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
On line:
Below is an example of my xml files and the latest code, can you please take a look to see what is causing this error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
I will only need to access one record at a time, for example for the first record in LinkSSADB.xml, my Grid should display.
O sorry I thought you would have the dtReceiver available already.
To select 1 country you can restore your previous selection (in the first SelectNodes) that I deleted because I didn't know where it was coming from:
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
To select 1 country you can restore your previous selection (in the first SelectNodes) that I deleted because I didn't know where it was coming from:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA[Country_ID='" & C1Country.SelectedItem.Value & "']")
No, copied the wrong one for that last part, use:
It uses the other names now in the xml.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA[Country_ID='" & C1Country.SelectedItem.Value & "']")
It uses the other names now in the xml.
Thanks, How do you modify the code to search for an ID that is part of the string?
For example my CountryUser_ID in my Link has multiple values (1,2,3)
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Coun tryUser_ID ='" & C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIt em.Value & "']")
For example my CountryUser_ID in my Link has multiple values (1,2,3)
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Oops, still the wrong code. My bad!
First we look for the selected country so that line looks for 1 specific ID but I used the wrong element name. It should be:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[LinkAID='" & C1Country.SelectedItem.Val ue & "']")
In the second part a selection string is built to select more than 1 country using basically your own 'split' routine.
First we look for the selected country so that line looks for 1 specific ID but I used the wrong element name. It should be:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/
In the second part a selection string is built to select more than 1 country using basically your own 'split' routine.
Thanks for the code, but I will be searching LinkSSADB by CountryUser_ID not by LinkAID, for example when the user selects BEL and its ID is 1, I need to search for 1 in the CountryUser_ID element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3,4</C ountryUser _ID>
<CountryUser_ID>2,3,4</Cou ntryUser_I D>
Thanks for the code, but I will be searching LinkSSADB by CountryUser_ID not by LinkAID, for example when the user selects BEL and its ID is 1, I need to search for 1 in the CountryUser_ID element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
That's possible but contradictory to both your earlier examples.
If you search for '1' in CountryUser_ID you find corresponding LinkAID's 1 and 2, but not 3. So would these 'point back' to the same records in LinkSSADB? That would be only BEL and CAN.
By the way, is the xml definition your own? Maybe it's easier if you could use:
If you search for '1' in CountryUser_ID you find corresponding LinkAID's 1 and 2, but not 3. So would these 'point back' to the same records in LinkSSADB? That would be only BEL and CAN.
By the way, is the xml definition your own? Maybe it's easier if you could use:
I need to keep the existing format, only showed you part of the linkSSADB.xml, it has about 10 elements, but I am only focusing on the CountryUser_ID, will need to apply the same approach for the other elements.
If I search for CountryUer_ID = 1 in my LinkSSADB.xml file it should rectreive records wherever 1 is found in the CountryUser_ID of my LinkSSADB file.
For example if the LinkSSADB contains the following
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,4</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryUser_ID>2,4</Count ryUser_ID>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,5</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryUser_ID>1,6</Count ryUser_ID>
My Grid should show me:
When I click on the Next record I should see
When I click on the Next record I should see
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CountryUser_ID>1</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>BEL</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>2</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>CAN</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>3</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>CZE</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>4</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>DNK</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>5</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>FRA</CountryU ser>
<CountryUser_ID>6</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>DEU</CountryU ser>
I need to keep the existing format, only showed you part of the linkSSADB.xml, it has about 10 elements, but I am only focusing on the CountryUser_ID, will need to apply the same approach for the other elements.
If I search for CountryUer_ID = 1 in my LinkSSADB.xml file it should rectreive records wherever 1 is found in the CountryUser_ID of my LinkSSADB file.
For example if the LinkSSADB contains the following
My Grid should show me:
When I click on the Next record I should see
When I click on the Next record I should see
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
The code without changing the xml would be:
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
Dim selectionString As String = ""
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
If tmp(i).Equals(C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem.Value) Then
Dim selectionStringNew As String = "CountryUser_ID='" & Link_ID & "'"
If Not selectionString.Contains(selectionStringNew) Then ' avoid duplicates, although it wouldn't make a difference really
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= selectionStringNew
End If
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectionString) Then
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[" & selectionString & "]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser").InnerText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID2, Name})
End If
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End Sub
Ok, I'm afraid I still misunderstood you (I posted my previous post around the same time as yours so I hadn't seen that yet).
Let me re-read it and I will change the code.
Let me re-read it and I will change the code.
Ok, I appreciate your Help.
I think there's one piece missing from your previous post. You give 4 lines but only three example outputs, it looks like you skipped: When you select the second record with countries 2,4 you expect: CAN, DNK?
Since that record does not include 1, it should not show.
Ah, so this is still all with a selection of "1". I understood 'click on the Next record' as changing the selection.
How about this:
How about this:
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA") ' [LinkAID='" & C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem.Value & "']
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
If tmp.Contains(C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem.Value) Then
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
Dim selectionStringNew As String = "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
If Not selectionString.Contains(selectionStringNew) Then ' avoid duplicates, although it wouldn't make a difference really
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= selectionStringNew
End If
Name = ""
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectionString) Then
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[" & selectionString & "]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
If Name <> "" Then Name &= ", "
Name &= xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser").InnerText
End If
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID, Name})
End If
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver
I am making great progress..Thanks.
Is there a way to only see one record at time on the Grid? For example if my query for CountryOrigin finds 2 records, I only want to see one record at a time. Right now, results for all records found are showing on the grid at the same time.
As mentioned my LinkSSADB contains 9 different data elements to be displayed in 9 Grid controls. However once I grasp the same concept can be applied for the remaing 8 Grids.
Example of 3 records in LinkSSADB:
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3,4</C ountryUser _ID>
<CountryOrigin_ID>5,4</Cou ntryOrigin _ID>
<ItemA_ID>11,23,8</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>8,9,11</ItemA_ID >
<ItemA_ID>7,12,34</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>8,3,9,5,4</ItemA _ID>
<CountryUser_ID>7,9,3</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryOrigin_ID>4,3,2</C ountryOrig in_ID>
<ItemA_ID>7,7,33,8</ItemA_ ID>
<ItemA_ID>18,9,11</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>17,112,314</Item A_ID>
<ItemA_ID>8,16,41</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>8,13,9,15,4</Ite mA_ID>
<CountryUser_ID>12,22,</Co untryUser_ ID>
<CountryOrigin_ID>6,5,4</C ountryOrig in_ID>
<ItemA_ID>111,23,18</ItemA _ID>
<ItemA_ID>8,19,11</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>17,12,34</ItemA_ ID>
<ItemA_ID>8,16,41</ItemA_I D>
<ItemA_ID>8,31,9,15,4</Ite mA_ID>
If my search is for CountryOrigin = 5, than I would need to display all the records from LinkAID = 1 and LinkAID = 3. How I would show all the data elements for LinkAID = 1 than when I press the Next button, how do to show all the data elements for LinkAID = 3.
I am making great progress..Thanks.
Is there a way to only see one record at time on the Grid? For example if my query for CountryOrigin finds 2 records, I only want to see one record at a time. Right now, results for all records found are showing on the grid at the same time.
As mentioned my LinkSSADB contains 9 different data elements to be displayed in 9 Grid controls. However once I grasp the same concept can be applied for the remaing 8 Grids.
Example of 3 records in LinkSSADB:
If my search is for CountryOrigin = 5, than I would need to display all the records from LinkAID = 1 and LinkAID = 3. How I would show all the data elements for LinkAID = 1 than when I press the Next button, how do to show all the data elements for LinkAID = 3.
This is the code I am using to Move to the Next record, but it was for when I only had one ID value in my LinkSSADB file.
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex")
LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
Session("CurrentIndex") = CurrentIndex
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex) .Item("Cou ntryOrigin ")
C1CountryUser.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd ex).Item(" CountryUse r")
If CurrentIndex = dtTable.Rows.Count Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
End If
Label8.Text = CurrentIndex + 1
Label6.Text = dtTable.Rows.Count
This is the code I am using to Move to the Next record, but it was for when I only had one ID value in my LinkSSADB file.
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex")
LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
Session("CurrentIndex") = CurrentIndex
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex)
C1CountryUser.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd
If CurrentIndex = dtTable.Rows.Count Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
End If
Label8.Text = CurrentIndex + 1
Label6.Text = dtTable.Rows.Count
Below is an example of the code used when I only had one ID value in the data element of my LinkSSADB file. Perhaps it will help you better understand what I'm trying to do, and how to modify it when I have multiple IDs in my data elements.
Dim xdLink As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdLinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
xdLink.Load(Server.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/LinkSSA DB.xml"))
xdLinkA.Load(Server.MapPat h("~/App_D ata/LinkA. xml"))
xdDonor.Load(Server.MapPat h("~/App_D ata/Countr yOrigin.xm l"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("~/Ap p_Data/Cou ntryUser.x ml"))
xdManufacturer.Load(Server .MapPath(" ~/App_Data /Manufactu rer.xml"))
Dim Name As String
Dim DonorID As String
Dim ReceiverID As String
Dim DonorID2 As String
Dim ReceiverID2 As String
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
dtReceiver = New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add("Co untryUser_ ID", GetType(String))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add("Co untryUser" , GetType(String))
dtDonor = New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add("Count ryOrigin_I D", GetType(String))
dtDonor.Columns.Add("Count ryOrigin", GetType(String))
dtManufacturer = New DataTable
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add ("Manufact urer_ID", GetType(String))
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add ("Manufact urer", GetType(String))
Session("dtTable") = dtTable
Session("dtDonor") = dtDonor
Session("dtReceiver") = dtReceiver
Session("dtManufacturer") = dtManufacturer
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Item A_ID='" & ItemA.SelectedItem.Value & "']")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root /CountryOr iginTable[ CountryOri gin_ID='" & DonorID & "']")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryOri gin_ID").I nnerText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryOri gin").Inne rText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [CountryUs er_ID='" & ReceiverID & "']")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
dtTable.Rows.Add({LinkID2} )
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdLinkA.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & LinkID2 & "']")
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode(" Manufactur er_ID").In nerText
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[Manu facturer_I D='" & ManufacturerID & "']")
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t
dtManufacturer.Rows.Add({M anufacture rID2, Name})
C1CountryOrigin.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryOrigin.DataTextFi eld = "CountryOrigin"
C1CountryOrigin.DataValueF ield = "CountryOrigin_ID"
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex) .Item("Cou ntryOrigin ")
C1CountryUser.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryUser.DataTextFiel d = "CountryUser"
C1CountryUser.DataValueFie ld = "CountryUser_ID"
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite m("Manufac turer")
C1Manufacturer.ToolTip = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite m("Manufac turer")
C1Manufacturer.Attributes. Add("origi naltext", dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite m("Manufac turer"))
Below is an example of the code used when I only had one ID value in the data element of my LinkSSADB file. Perhaps it will help you better understand what I'm trying to do, and how to modify it when I have multiple IDs in my data elements.
Dim xdLink As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdLinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim Name As String
Dim DonorID As String
Dim ReceiverID As String
Dim DonorID2 As String
Dim ReceiverID2 As String
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
dtReceiver = New DataTable
dtDonor = New DataTable
dtManufacturer = New DataTable
Session("dtTable") = dtTable
Session("dtDonor") = dtDonor
Session("dtReceiver") = dtReceiver
Session("dtManufacturer") = dtManufacturer
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdLinkA.SelectNodes("/Root
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex)
C1CountryUser.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite
C1Manufacturer.ToolTip = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite
Hi, I was out for a bit but I'm back now, need some time to eat and process your info though.
Thanks for letting me know, I think we may only need to modify the code for the Grid to initially only show data from the first row of the table.
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver.row(0) ' didn't work
Then include move code in btnNext and btnPrev to display data from didderent rows.
When showing the data in the Grid, is there a way to remove the commas? For example the data shows as follows:
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver.row(0) ' didn't work
Then include move code in btnNext and btnPrev to display data from didderent rows.
When showing the data in the Grid, is there a way to remove the commas? For example the data shows as follows:
Perhaps there's a way to integrate your code with the code from my previuous post. For example:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Item A_ID='" & ItemA.SelectedItem.Value & "']")
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root /CountryOr iginTable[ CountryOri gin_ID='" & DonorID & "']")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryOri gin_ID").I nnerText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryOri gin").Inne rText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
DonorID is only value (1) taking from LinkSSADB.xml (DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText), but when I have multiple IDs in LinkSSADB.xml, i would need to create dtDonor from DonorID (1,2,5.7) instead of just (1).
I'm happy with your code, just need figure out how to only show one record at a time on the Gridview, but thought I would try to show you my existing code and perhaps there's a way to integrate you code with it, where I have controls with nultiple rows of data.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdLink.SelectNodes("/Root/
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
DonorID is only value (1) taking from LinkSSADB.xml (DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
I'm happy with your code, just need figure out how to only show one record at a time on the Gridview, but thought I would try to show you my existing code and perhaps there's a way to integrate you code with it, where I have controls with nultiple rows of data.
Yeah, I think that should be possible. Moving through the results can be done in a number of ways. For example by remembering a counter that holds which one is being displayed and re-querying the data each time. It can be done in other ways but this seems the easiest to implement so you can see if that is how you want it.
So I've put a hidden field in the form on the page, called CurrentRecord. It looks like this:
Here is the code:
So I've put a hidden field in the form on the page, called CurrentRecord. It looks like this:
<asp:HiddenField ID="CurrentRecord" runat="server" ViewStateMode="Enabled" />
Here is the code:
Protected Sub C1Country_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIndexChanged
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Button1.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = False
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA") ' [LinkAID='" & C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem.Value & "']
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
If tmp.Contains(C1CountryOrigin.SelectedItem.Value) Then
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button1.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
Dim selectionStringNew As String = "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
If Not selectionString.Contains(selectionStringNew) Then ' avoid duplicates, although it wouldn't make a difference really
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= selectionStringNew
End If
Name = ""
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[" & selectionString & "]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser").InnerText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID2, Name})
End If
End If
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End Sub
Oops, again I was busy on a post too long and didn't see your new post until after I put my previous message.
> If my search is for CountryOrigin = 5...
Can you explain a bit about how your search parameters are going to be established, is it possible to choose several criteria or do users first choose which field to search on and then select from that range which of the values to search only within that one field?
Can you explain a bit about how your search parameters are going to be established, is it possible to choose several criteria or do users first choose which field to search on and then select from that range which of the values to search only within that one field?
The users will search the LinkSSADB file by one ore more data elements, for example
CountryUser_ID IN (1,2,4) and CountryOrigin_ID in (5,6) and manufacturer_ID IN (6)
and LinkSSADB.xml might look as follows
<CountryUser_ID> 2,3,4</CountryUser_ID>
<CountryOrigin_ID> 5</CountryOrigin_ID>
<Manufacturer_ID> 1,4,6</Manufacturer_ID>
The users will search the LinkSSADB file by one ore more data elements, for example
CountryUser_ID IN (1,2,4) and CountryOrigin_ID in (5,6) and manufacturer_ID IN (6)
and LinkSSADB.xml might look as follows
<CountryUser_ID> 2,3,4</CountryUser_ID>
<CountryOrigin_ID> 5</CountryOrigin_ID>
<Manufacturer_ID> 1,4,6</Manufacturer_ID>
I will try your code in the office tomorrow ad get back to you. Thanks.
I will try your code in couple of hours. How do i modify my search For Each command below to search using multiple data elements?
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA") '
For example:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes (CountryUser_ID IN (x) and CountryOrigin_ID in (y) and manufacturer_ID IN (z))
Where x,y,z contains multiple IDs (i.e 1,2,3)
I will try your code in couple of hours. How do i modify my search For Each command below to search using multiple data elements?
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For example:
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes (CountryUser_ID IN (x) and CountryOrigin_ID in (y) and manufacturer_ID IN (z))
Where x,y,z contains multiple IDs (i.e 1,2,3)
Below is an example of what I did for a windows application,In part A, I am using one Grid to select multiple values for Manufacturer, receiver and Donor and I am passing the string variables (xyzz) to Part B to display the results in a grid. Can I do something using a web's GridView?
Part A:
Private Sub C1TrueDBGrid3_RowColChange (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.RowCol ChangeEven tArgs) Handles C1TrueDBGrid3.RowColChange
Button1.Enabled = True
Dim Srow1 As Integer
Dim vc12 As Integer
If ch = 1 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR ows
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox1.Text = xyzz
End If
If ch = 2 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR ows
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox2.Text = xyzz
End If
If ch = 3 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR ows
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1 ).CellText (Srow1) & "'"
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox3.Text = xyzz
End If
End Sub
Part B:
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt.Columns.Add("Manufactur er")
Dim linker As XElement = XElement.Load(Application. StartupPat h + "\LinkFinal.xml")
Dim Manufacturer As XElement = XElement.Load(Application. StartupPat h + "\Manufacturer.xml")
Dim Receiver As XElement = XElement.Load(Application. StartupPat h + "\Receiver.xml")
Dim Donor As XElement = XElement.Load(Application. StartupPat h + "\Receiver.xml") 'Add (2)
For Each item As XElement In linker.Elements("Row")
Dim linkID As String = item.Element("Link_ID").Va lue
Dim ManufacturerId As String = item.Element
Dim receiverId As String = item.Element("Receiver_ID" ).Value
Dim DonorID As String = item.Element("Donor_ID").V alue 'Add (3)
Dim ManufacturerVal As String = String.Empty
Dim xe As XElement = Manufacturer.Elements("Row ").Cast(Of XElement)().Where(Function (n) n.Element("Manufacturer _ID").Value = ManufacturerId).FirstOrDef ault()
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
ManufacturerVal = xe.Element("Manufacturer") .Value
End If
Dim ReceiverVal As String = String.Empty
xe = Receiver.Elements("Row").C ast(Of XElement)().Where(Function (n) n.Element("Receiver_ID").V alue = receiverId).FirstOrDefault ()
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
receiverVal = xe.Element("Receiver").Val ue
End If
Dim DonorVal As String = String.Empty 'Add (4)
xe = Donor.Elements("Row").Cast (Of XElement)().Where(Function (n) n.Element("Receiver_ID").V alue = DonorID).FirstOrDefault()
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
DonorVal = xe.Element("Receiver").Val ue
End If
Dim dr As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
dr("Link_ID") = linkID
dr("Manufacturer") = ManufacturerVal 'Add (5)
dr("Receiver") = ReceiverVal
dr("Donor") = DonorVal 'Add (5)
Dim FilteredDT As DataTable
Dim DV As New DataView(dt, SearchCriteria, Nothing, DataViewRowState.CurrentRo ws)
FilteredDT = DV.ToTable
C1TrueDBGrid1.DataSource = FilteredDT
Below is an example of what I did for a windows application,In part A, I am using one Grid to select multiple values for Manufacturer, receiver and Donor and I am passing the string variables (xyzz) to Part B to display the results in a grid. Can I do something using a web's GridView?
Part A:
Private Sub C1TrueDBGrid3_RowColChange
Button1.Enabled = True
Dim Srow1 As Integer
Dim vc12 As Integer
If ch = 1 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox1.Text = xyzz
End If
If ch = 2 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox2.Text = xyzz
End If
If ch = 3 Then
For Each Srow1 In Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.SelectedR
If vc12 > 0 Then
xyzz = xyzz & "," & "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
xyzz = "'" & Me.C1TrueDBGrid3.Columns(1
End If
vc12 = vc12 + 1
TextBox3.Text = xyzz
End If
End Sub
Part B:
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim linker As XElement = XElement.Load(Application.
Dim Manufacturer As XElement = XElement.Load(Application.
Dim Receiver As XElement = XElement.Load(Application.
Dim Donor As XElement = XElement.Load(Application.
For Each item As XElement In linker.Elements("Row")
Dim linkID As String = item.Element("Link_ID").Va
Dim ManufacturerId As String = item.Element
Dim receiverId As String = item.Element("Receiver_ID"
Dim DonorID As String = item.Element("Donor_ID").V
Dim ManufacturerVal As String = String.Empty
Dim xe As XElement = Manufacturer.Elements("Row
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
ManufacturerVal = xe.Element("Manufacturer")
End If
Dim ReceiverVal As String = String.Empty
xe = Receiver.Elements("Row").C
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
receiverVal = xe.Element("Receiver").Val
End If
Dim DonorVal As String = String.Empty 'Add (4)
xe = Donor.Elements("Row").Cast
If xe IsNot Nothing Then
DonorVal = xe.Element("Receiver").Val
End If
Dim dr As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
dr("Link_ID") = linkID
dr("Manufacturer") = ManufacturerVal 'Add (5)
dr("Receiver") = ReceiverVal
dr("Donor") = DonorVal 'Add (5)
Dim FilteredDT As DataTable
Dim DV As New DataView(dt, SearchCriteria, Nothing, DataViewRowState.CurrentRo
FilteredDT = DV.ToTable
C1TrueDBGrid1.DataSource = FilteredDT
First things first.
I was writing an answer to the post before your last post (about rewriting the For Each) but am unclear on what you're asking.
In this code:
does CountryUser_ID hold 1 value?
In that case it's possible (using the xpath function 'contains' and a little concatenation trick), otherwise see my previous code where I split the string and use that to build a selection string for use in the xpath argument to SelectNodes.
I was writing an answer to the post before your last post (about rewriting the For Each) but am unclear on what you're asking.
In this code:
xdlink.SelectNodes (CountryUser_ID IN (x) and CountryOrigin_ID in (y) and manufacturer_ID IN (z))
does CountryUser_ID hold 1 value?
In that case it's possible (using the xpath function 'contains' and a little concatenation trick), otherwise see my previous code where I split the string and use that to build a selection string for use in the xpath argument to SelectNodes.
Sorry for confusing matters, I'm trying your code now but running into some issues with Moving to Next/Previous records, running more test, will get back to you shortly, to answer your last question, CountryUser_ID can have one or more values (i.e. 1,4,5,3). users will be selecting countries from a Grid/Combo box.
On my previous post (Windows project) I was able to put all selections in a string variable xyzz (1,4,3) and pass those values in my Searchcriteria, but would welcome a better approach (xpath function)for the web version.
On my previous post (Windows project) I was able to put all selections in a string variable xyzz (1,4,3) and pass those values in my Searchcriteria, but would welcome a better approach (xpath function)for the web version.
I was having issues with selecting a country from my combobox so I decided to hardcode value = 1 and it works. How do you get the total number of records in dtReceiver? I will also need to Move to Last/First Record. I think the only remaining issue is If I have 1,3,4,5 instead of just 1.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
' If C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIt em IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Button171.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = False
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA") '
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
' If tmp.Contains(C1CountryOrig in.Selecte dItem.Valu e) Then
If tmp.Contains(1) Then
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button171.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
Dim selectionStringNew As String = "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
If Not selectionString.Contains(s electionSt ringNew) Then ' avoid duplicates, although it wouldn't make a difference really
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= selectionStringNew
End If
Name = ""
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [" & selectionString & "]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
End If
End If
MsgBox("Total Records")
MsgBox(dtReceiver.Rows.Cou nt)
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
' End If
I was having issues with selecting a country from my combobox so I decided to hardcode value = 1 and it works. How do you get the total number of records in dtReceiver? I will also need to Move to Last/First Record. I think the only remaining issue is If I have 1,3,4,5 instead of just 1.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
' If C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIt
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Button171.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = False
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
Dim tmp() As String = ReceiverID.Split(",")
Dim selectionString As String = ""
' If tmp.Contains(C1CountryOrig
If tmp.Contains(1) Then
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button171.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For i As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
Dim selectionStringNew As String = "CountryUser_ID='" & tmp(i) & "'"
If Not selectionString.Contains(s
If selectionString <> "" Then selectionString &= " or "
selectionString &= selectionStringNew
End If
Name = ""
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
End If
MsgBox("Total Records")
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
' End If
I think I'm getting somewhere, at least for the first selection, this will have to be expanded for the others.
The code is not very clear in itself maybe so first the explanation of what I'm doing:
* using all selected values from a listbox with countries, build an xpath selection string that returns all Link records where the multivalued CountryUser_ID contains that value. Example: when BEL and FRA are selected, the string will contain:
* then, to select the countries the previous code would work but to make it consistent I use the same functionality, but note that the arguments are the other way around now because here we are searching for the Country records that have an ID that is contained in the string that we obtained from the previous step. The generated string for the first selected record would be:
Now, the new code as a whole:
The code is not very clear in itself maybe so first the explanation of what I'm doing:
* using all selected values from a listbox with countries, build an xpath selection string that returns all Link records where the multivalued CountryUser_ID contains that value. Example: when BEL and FRA are selected, the string will contain:
contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), ',1,') or contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), ',5,')
* then, to select the countries the previous code would work but to make it consistent I use the same functionality, but note that the arguments are the other way around now because here we are searching for the Country records that have an ID that is contained in the string that we obtained from the previous step. The generated string for the first selected record would be:
contains(',1,2,3,4,', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))
Now, the new code as a whole:
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Button1.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedIndices
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1selitem).Value & ",')"
Me.Label1.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSelectionString) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA[" & allSelectionString & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button1.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[contains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser").InnerText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID2, Name})
End If
GridView1.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End If
End Sub
sorry, our posts keep crossing each other but actually this may be the solution in general.
I'm on transit now but will keep checking your post, I will try the code and get back to you. Using this approach can we search LinkSSADB.xml using multiple data elemennts? for example
CountryUser_ID IN (1,3,4) and CountryOrigin_ID IN (2,4,5) and Manufacturer_ID IN (4)
I'm on transit now but will keep checking your post, I will try the code and get back to you. Using this approach can we search LinkSSADB.xml using multiple data elemennts? for example
CountryUser_ID IN (1,3,4) and CountryOrigin_ID IN (2,4,5) and Manufacturer_ID IN (4)
I tried your code but C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI ndices gives me an error (Not a member of C1.C1Combobox...), It's third party Gridcontrol from ComponentOne, this might be the problem, I tried to hard code the values using (1,2,4,5), but it doesn'yt like the syntax.
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
'For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI ndices
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel item).Valu e & ",')"
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ing) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionString & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End If
I tried your code but C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, Name As String
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
'For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End If
Yes, sure that's possible but I was hoping that by providing a general solution and explain how the code works you can combine multiple queries in the way that you need without me needing to recreate all the other xml files and listboxes. For example, repeat the code for Manufacturer and concatenate the two selection strings like this:
You shouldn't have to hard-code anything anymore but you do need to look carefully what you're putting where.
If .SelectedIndices doesn't work, just use your own working code to make this string. That shouldn't be the difficult part.
"(" & allSelectionStrings & " and " & allSelectionStringsManufacturerer & ")"
You shouldn't have to hard-code anything anymore but you do need to look carefully what you're putting where.
If .SelectedIndices doesn't work, just use your own working code to make this string. That shouldn't be the difficult part.
Hi again,
I can't run the project because of the error in my previous post but is the code below the approach you would take when searching for multiple elements in LinkSSADB.xml? I don't think it would work without concatenating an "AND" statement for each element right?
The code is for CountryUser and CountryOrigin are using the same Country.xml file. Which will be the case for some of my xml files.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument, DonorID As String, DonorID2, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun try.xml"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
'xdDonor.Load(Server.MapPa th("Countr yUser.xml" ))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
Dim allSelectionStringA As String = ""
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI ndices
'For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel item).Valu e & ",')"
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryOrigin.GetSelecte dIndices
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionStringA &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(oC1s elitem).Va lue & ",')"
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ing) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionString & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yTable[con tains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ingA) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringA & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root /CountryTa ble[contai ns('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End If
I can't run the project because of the error in my previous post but is the code below the approach you would take when searching for multiple elements in LinkSSADB.xml? I don't think it would work without concatenating an "AND" statement for each element right?
The code is for CountryUser and CountryOrigin are using the same Country.xml file. Which will be the case for some of my xml files.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument, DonorID As String, DonorID2, Name As String
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
Dim allSelectionStringA As String = ""
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedI
'For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryOrigin.GetSelecte
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionStringA &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(oC1s
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
End If
Just noticed your post, I will resolve the GetSelectindices issue, but for now is there a way to hard code the balue? it doesn't like "For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)"
ALso where in the code from my last post do I include:
"(" & allSelectionStrings & " and " & allSelectionStringsA & ")"
I'm still not too clear on how the code is functioning.
Just noticed your post, I will resolve the GetSelectindices issue, but for now is there a way to hard code the balue? it doesn't like "For Each oC1selitem As Integer In (1,2,3)"
ALso where in the code from my last post do I include:
"(" & allSelectionStrings & " and " & allSelectionStringsA & ")"
I'm still not too clear on how the code is functioning.
I was able to resolve the GetSelectedIndicies issue, tried the code below but no data appears on the grid. My country file changes but Link_SSADB remained the same. Can you please help me fix the code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun try.xml"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
Dim allSelectionStringA As String = ""
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.SelectedIndi ces
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', Country_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel item).Valu e & ",')"
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIn dices
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionStringA &= "contains(concat(',', Country_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(oC1s elitem).Va lue & ",')"
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ing) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionString & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yTable[con tains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ingA) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringA & "]")
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yTable[con tains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End If
End If
End Sub
I was able to resolve the GetSelectedIndicies issue, tried the code below but no data appears on the grid. My country file changes but Link_SSADB remained the same. Can you please help me fix the code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
If C1CountryUser.SelectedItem
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2, Name As String
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
NextA.Enabled = False
Previous.Enabled = False
Dim allSelectionString As String = ""
Dim allSelectionStringA As String = ""
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryUser.SelectedIndi
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionString &= "contains(concat(',', Country_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(oC1sel
For Each oC1selitem As Integer In C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIn
If allSelectionString <> "" Then allSelectionString &= " or "
allSelectionStringA &= "contains(concat(',', Country_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(oC1s
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionString
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Button2.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End If
End If
End Sub
Ok I will try, but I'll need some more time.
Again, upon re-reading your last request, I get lost a bit. Here's why:
I see now you put the results in 2 separate GridViews. This would mean you don't need to make 1 big selection with AND's but instead exactly how you have done it.
However, then you would need separate buttons to move through the results and separate hidden fields to remember the current position as well, because now that is crossing over in a wrong way.
I see now you put the results in 2 separate GridViews. This would mean you don't need to make 1 big selection with AND's but instead exactly how you have done it.
However, then you would need separate buttons to move through the results and separate hidden fields to remember the current position as well, because now that is crossing over in a wrong way.
Well, maybe I was too hasty with that last remark. I'm trying different combinations and I think I found what you need.
Now I will try to re-write my code with your variables.
Now I will try to re-write my code with your variables.
Thank you again for your help, will check the post later today. Sorry for not being clear from the beginning.
Here it is:
This is my page by the way:
Protected Sub C1CountryUser_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1CountryUser.SelectedIndexChanged, C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIndexChanged
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonPrev_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPrev.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryOrigin.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryOrigin.Items(itemCounter).Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(itemCounter).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Me.Label1.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
ButtonPrev.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSelectionString1) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSelectionString2) Then
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryOrigin_ID").InnerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonPrev.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
LabelRecord.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryTable[contains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country").InnerText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID2, Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryTable[contains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country").InnerText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2, Name})
End If
LabelRecord.Text = " ( 0 / 0 ) "
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End Sub
This is my page by the way:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:HiddenField ID="CurrentRecord" runat="server" ViewStateMode="Enabled" />
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/CountryUser.xml" TransformFile="~/CountryToListbox.xslt"/>
<asp:Table ID="Table1" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="600px"
BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Dotted" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="2"
<asp:TableRow runat="server">
<asp:TableCell runat="server" ColumnSpan="3" HorizontalAlign="Center">Header</asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableRow runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left" VerticalAlign="Top">
<asp:TableCell runat="server">
<asp:ListBox ID="C1CountryUser" runat="server" Rows="9" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1" DataTextField="CountryName" DataValueField="CountryID" AutoPostBack="true" ViewStateMode="Enabled" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
<asp:ListBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" Rows="9" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1" DataTextField="CountryName" DataValueField="CountryID" AutoPostBack="true" ViewStateMode="Enabled" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
<asp:TableCell runat="server"><asp:GridView ID="C1GridView5" runat="server" ViewStateMode="Disabled"/></asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell runat="server"><asp:GridView ID="C1GridView6" runat="server" ViewStateMode="Disabled"/></asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableRow runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left" VerticalAlign="Top">
<asp:TableCell runat="server" ColumnSpan="3" HorizontalAlign="Center"><asp:Button ID="ButtonPrev" runat="server" Text="Prev" /><asp:Label ID="LabelRecord" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><asp:Button ID="ButtonNext" runat="server" Text="Next" /></asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableRow runat="server">
<asp:TableCell runat="server" ColumnSpan="3" HorizontalAlign="Center">TEST selectionstring: <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label></asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableRow runat="server">
<asp:TableCell runat="server" ColumnSpan="3" HorizontalAlign="Center">Footer</asp:TableCell>
Don't be sorry! In the beginning I thought it was not possible what you wanted. Now I think it's pretty amazing what you're making. I have learned something about application design and about myself ;-)
I'm glad you enjoy helping others :-), you have definately helped me.
Thank you very much for the code, it is very helpful. My only concern is with
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
For example if I have 3 controls that gives me allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2 and allSelectionString3, I need to include them in allSelectionStringOverall only when the user selects that from the controls.
If the user did not select a country from CountryOrigin, this code would return an error, is it possible to build this string based on the controls slected?
For example the following three controls will give me
allSelectionString1 CountryUser
allSelectionString2 CountryOrigin
allSelectionString3 Manufacturer
If I decide to only search for CountryUser and Manufacturer, I should only build my search string with:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString3 & ")"
There should be no need to create allSelectionString2. Please take a look at the sample with the Windows version, it basically the same thing except the data is displayed in one Grid, instead of multiple Grids.
Thank you very much for the code, it is very helpful. My only concern is with
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
For example if I have 3 controls that gives me allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2 and allSelectionString3, I need to include them in allSelectionStringOverall only when the user selects that from the controls.
If the user did not select a country from CountryOrigin, this code would return an error, is it possible to build this string based on the controls slected?
For example the following three controls will give me
allSelectionString1 CountryUser
allSelectionString2 CountryOrigin
allSelectionString3 Manufacturer
If I decide to only search for CountryUser and Manufacturer, I should only build my search string with:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString3 & ")"
There should be no need to create allSelectionString2. Please take a look at the sample with the Windows version, it basically the same thing except the data is displayed in one Grid, instead of multiple Grids.
Below is an example of the code for the Windows version. For the Web version we would use Control.Selected.Item.Valu e <> "" instead of textbox.text <> "" or If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty). The astrixState variable is set if the user decides to use AND or NOT IN, it's not important for what we are trying to do.
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
Below is an example of the code for the Windows version. For the Web version we would use Control.Selected.Item.Valu
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
You're absolutely right, I had just assumed it should only return results when every choice had at least 1 selected item.
There's a number of solutions, one of the easiest is probably:
Note that in the last line of this piece of code the square brackets are gone (they are added earlier if there's anything in the selection string), it's now possible to start without a selection and have all records to choose from. Complete code:
There's a number of solutions, one of the easiest is probably:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add others here
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
allSelectionStringOverall &= selString
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
Me.Label1.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
ButtonPrev.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
Note that in the last line of this piece of code the square brackets are gone (they are added earlier if there's anything in the selection string), it's now possible to start without a selection and have all records to choose from. Complete code:
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub C1CountryUser_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1CountryUser.SelectedIndexChanged, C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIndexChanged
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonPrev_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPrev.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryOrigin.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryOrigin.Items(itemCounter).Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(itemCounter).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
allSelectionStringOverall &= selString
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
Me.Label1.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
ButtonPrev.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("LinkAID").InnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryUser_ID").InnerText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("CountryOrigin_ID").InnerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonPrev.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryTable[contains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country").InnerText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({ReceiverID2, Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryTable[contains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country_ID").InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNode("Country").InnerText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2, Name})
End If
LabelRecord.Text = " ( " & Math.Min(ViewState("CurrentRecord"), selectedNodes.Count) & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End Sub
Hi again,
I need to explain to you more of what I’m trying to do as it will influence the approach you take to help me solve my issues.
1. The first approach is for the user to search multiple data elements in LinkSSADB.xml (We are working on now)
2. The second part which I did not mention is LinkSSADB.xml is linked to other Link files by LinkAID
For example: LinkID2 = LinkAID LinkAID was initially created in LinkSSADB.xml
Now if my Query returns 3 rows in LinkSSADB.xml (LinkAID = 4, LinkAID = 5, LinkAID = 10) LinkID2 is automatically set to those same values for LinkSSADBx.xml, LinkSSADBy.xml , LinkSSADBz.xml
LinkSSADBy.xml (example)
<LinkID2> 3 </LinkID2> 3
LinkID2 = 3 is related to same record of LInkAID = 3
My question is can we still use the same approach to display the data in other Link files linked to LinkSSADB.xml?
Because now we need to consider LinkID2 not the IDs of the elements, like we did for CountryUser_ID,
CountryOrigin_ID. I hope I didn’t confuse matters, lets try to resolve this issue, hopefully it will all fall into place with the other link files, just thought I’d my the complete approach to your attention.
I need to explain to you more of what I’m trying to do as it will influence the approach you take to help me solve my issues.
1. The first approach is for the user to search multiple data elements in LinkSSADB.xml (We are working on now)
2. The second part which I did not mention is LinkSSADB.xml is linked to other Link files by LinkAID
For example: LinkID2 = LinkAID LinkAID was initially created in LinkSSADB.xml
Now if my Query returns 3 rows in LinkSSADB.xml (LinkAID = 4, LinkAID = 5, LinkAID = 10) LinkID2 is automatically set to those same values for LinkSSADBx.xml, LinkSSADBy.xml , LinkSSADBz.xml
LinkSSADBy.xml (example)
<LinkID2> 3 </LinkID2> 3
LinkID2 = 3 is related to same record of LInkAID = 3
My question is can we still use the same approach to display the data in other Link files linked to LinkSSADB.xml?
Because now we need to consider LinkID2 not the IDs of the elements, like we did for CountryUser_ID,
CountryOrigin_ID. I hope I didn’t confuse matters, lets try to resolve this issue, hopefully it will all fall into place with the other link files, just thought I’d my the complete approach to your attention.
Small but important error on my part: in the first piece of code in my previous post, change line 5:
if you want a negation, insert before that line:
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
if you want a negation, insert before that line:
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
Thank You very much for the code, will try it and get back to you.
What does the code below? Can you please to put comments next to the code to help me better understand? Thanks.
1. Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Sel ected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Val ue & ",')"
End If
2. For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
allSelectionStringOverall &= selString
End If
What does the code below? Can you please to put comments next to the code to help me better understand? Thanks.
1. Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
End If
2. For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
allSelectionStringOverall &= selString
End If
First, the question about the other xml files. That's possible with a construction like:
Then the code explanation. I tried that before with the description in text before posting the code but I'll try again inside the code. Also, if you have a 'debugging' Label1 like I used in the code you can follow what's being put in the selectionString according to selections in the listboxes.
2. (note I used the enhanced version)
otherXmlFile.SelectSingleNode("//LinkTable[LinkID2='" & LinkAID & "']")
Then the code explanation. I tried that before with the description in text before posting the code but I'll try again inside the code. Also, if you have a 'debugging' Label1 like I used in the code you can follow what's being put in the selectionString according to selections in the listboxes.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
' Loop through all items (I changed it because SelectedIndices was not available)
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Selected Then
' if there's already something in the string then the next 'contains()' will be added but before that we add the operator 'or'
' (so the first time this will be skipped)
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
' now follows the part of the xpath query that checks for the value of the current item in the comma delimited element in the Link record
' the trick is to prefix and postfix both the string that we're searching for and the string that we're searching in by a comma so that we
' don't have to check for special cases like is it at the beginning or end or on its own. we can't just check for '1' because then '12' is
' also found, so we check for ,1, but that only works if the string we're searching in like '1,2,3' is changed to ',1,2,3,'
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCounter).Value & ",')"
End If
2. (note I used the enhanced version)
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
Thank You, I will try to understand it and get back to you latest Monday.
Have a nice weekend.
Have a nice weekend.
I can't seem to get MsgBox("B") to execute even when I select a row from from C1CountryUser, any ideas what is wrong? I'm not getting an error message.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Sel ected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Val ue & ",')"
End If
I can't seem to get MsgBox("B") to execute even when I select a row from from C1CountryUser, any ideas what is wrong? I'm not getting an error message.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
End If
Could that have something to do with the custom components you're using?
Maybe I shouldn't have changed that part, I used another construction first, which didn't work for you but scrolling back I saw you mentioned at some point you got that working:
Maybe I shouldn't have changed that part, I used another construction first, which didn't work for you but scrolling back I saw you mentioned at some point you got that working:
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For Each selind As Integer In C1CountryUser.GetSelectedIndices
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(selind).Value & ",')"
I think it has to do with the third party control, I was hard coding the values before to test the code. I try to fix the issue with the control. Meanwhile I will try to test code by hard coding the values.
Ok, if you can post which components you are using it should be possible to find. I use a Listbox, had been assuming you would be using something with selectable items as well. Is there no documentation with their controls?
Sorry for the late reply, I am usig a GridView from ComponentOne. Still looking into it, will get back to you.
Sorry for the late reply, I am usig a GridView from ComponentOne. Still looking into it, will get back to you.
I decided to use the Listbox control that comes with VS2010, but still riunning into issues, I tried options A and B below, but still unable to get a value for allSelectionString1. Also when you select multiple rows from the listbox did you have to hold the Ctrl key? Also below is the code is used to load the listbox controls.
' Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString1 )
Option B:
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For Each selind As Integer In ListBox3.GetSelectedIndice s
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(selind).Val ue & ",')"
MsgBox(allSelectionString1 )
Code to Load Listbox:
Dim CountryUser As New DataSet
CountryUser.ReadXml(Server .MapPath(" ~/App_Data /CountryUs er.xml"))
ListBox3.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
ListBox3.DataMember = "CountryUser"
ListBox3.DataTextField = "CountryUser"
ListBox3.DataValueField = "CountryUser_ID"
ListBox4.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
ListBox4.DataMember = "CountryUser"
ListBox4.DataTextField = "CountryUser"
ListBox4.DataValueField = "CountryUser_ID"
I decided to use the Listbox control that comes with VS2010, but still riunning into issues, I tried options A and B below, but still unable to get a value for allSelectionString1. Also when you select multiple rows from the listbox did you have to hold the Ctrl key? Also below is the code is used to load the listbox controls.
' Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
End If
Option B:
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For Each selind As Integer In ListBox3.GetSelectedIndice
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(selind).Val
Code to Load Listbox:
Dim CountryUser As New DataSet
ListBox3.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
ListBox3.DataMember = "CountryUser"
ListBox3.DataTextField = "CountryUser"
ListBox3.DataValueField = "CountryUser_ID"
ListBox4.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
ListBox4.DataMember = "CountryUser"
ListBox4.DataTextField = "CountryUser"
ListBox4.DataValueField = "CountryUser_ID"
I am getting the total number of rows with MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun t) but for example
If ListBox3.Items(0).Selected Then
is not executing eventhough I selected the firstt row in the Listbox.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun t)
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString1 )
I am getting the total number of rows with MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun
If ListBox3.Items(0).Selected
is not executing eventhough I selected the firstt row in the Listbox.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
End If
Ok, looking at the documentation I don't see multi-select possibilities in C1Gridview (although there is mention of setting SelectionMode to MultiRow).
Yes, in the standard Listbox you can use the control key to select 2 or more values.
Both of those pieces of code worked for me, maybe check that you use the right properties on the listboxes as well? Including these:
Yes, in the standard Listbox you can use the control key to select 2 or more values.
Both of those pieces of code worked for me, maybe check that you use the right properties on the listboxes as well? Including these:
runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" ViewStateMode="Enabled" SelectionMode="Multiple"
Ok, made a dum mistake, testing the rest of the code and will get back to you shortly.
It's working, but only when I select countries from both listboxes, because of the fix AND statement, is there a way to include the AND statement for a control only if a row is elected? I will be using multiple controls to search and users will not always select all the controls?
Also how would you replace the code below to search directly from a listbox selected value(s)
instead of viewing all the nodes.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA")
I'm making great progress Thanks to your Help.
It's working, but only when I select countries from both listboxes, because of the fix AND statement, is there a way to include the AND statement for a control only if a row is elected? I will be using multiple controls to search and users will not always select all the controls?
Also how would you replace the code below to search directly from a listbox selected value(s)
instead of viewing all the nodes.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
I'm making great progress Thanks to your Help.
Below is my latest code, when nothing is selected in Listbox4 and get an "AND ()" as part of my search string, which causes not item to be found.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
' MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun t)
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox4.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox4.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & ListBox4.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
MsgBox(allSelectionStringO verall)
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ing1) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe lectionStr ing2) Then
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
Label14.Text = " ( 0 / 0 ) "
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
Below is my latest code, when nothing is selected in Listbox4 and get an "AND ()" as part of my search string, which causes not item to be found.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
' MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox4.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox4.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & ListBox4.Items(itemCounter
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Me.Label14.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSe
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
Label14.Text = " ( 0 / 0 ) "
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
Is it possible to concatenate allSelectionStringOverall using a similar approach below without using the Textboxes. If necessary I can always use the Textboxes and make them invisible.
Part B:
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt.Columns.Add("Manufactur er")
Is it possible to concatenate allSelectionStringOverall using a similar approach below without using the Textboxes. If necessary I can always use the Textboxes and make them invisible.
Part B:
Dim SearchCriteria As String = "Link_ID <> -1"
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Manufacturer IN (" & TextBox1.Text & " )"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor IN (" & TextBox2.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Donor NOT IN (" & TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If Not (TextBox3.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver IN (" & TextBox3.Text & " )"
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
SearchCriteria &= " AND Receiver NOT IN (" & TextBox3.Text & ")"
End If
End If
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Please disregard the question
************************** ********** *
Also how would you replace the code below to search directly from a listbox selected value(s)
instead of viewing all the nodes.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA")
************************** ********** **
I just realised I can also use the same approach with just:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ")
Also how would you replace the code below to search directly from a listbox selected value(s)
instead of viewing all the nodes.
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
I just realised I can also use the same approach with just:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ")
I'm not sure I understand all of those posts.
Be careful what you copy because it's becoming a bit of a mess.
Earlier I put this next part in but this means you're not processing anything if nothing is selected in either of the listboxes so don't use that anymore.
For the problem with the empty parts in the string like "and ()" I made a new piece of code, I guess it wasn't clear how that worked but it is a much better solution:
Be careful what you copy because it's becoming a bit of a mess.
Earlier I put this next part in but this means you're not processing anything if nothing is selected in either of the listboxes so don't use that anymore.
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSelectionString1) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(allSelectionString2) Then
For the problem with the empty parts in the string like "and ()" I made a new piece of code, I guess it wasn't clear how that worked but it is a much better solution:
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
Thank You, will get back to you shortly, just realised I wasn't using the latest code you provided me.
I modified the code as shown below and its working very good, but I am unable to see data in GridView6, any ideas why it is not showing? Both Grids are using the same CountryUser.xml for CountryUser and CountryOrigin. Below is an example of the CountryUser.xml and LinkSSADB.xml formats.
CountryUser.xml format:
<CountryUser_ID>1</Country User_ID>
<CountryUser>BEL</CountryU ser>
LinkSSADB.xml format:
<CountryUser_ID>1,6,4</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryOrigin_ID>1,2,4</C ountryOrig in_ID>
Latest Code:
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
' MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun t)
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString1 )
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox4.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox4.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & ListBox4.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString2 )
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionStringO verall)
'************************* ********** ********** ****
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
I modified the code as shown below and its working very good, but I am unable to see data in GridView6, any ideas why it is not showing? Both Grids are using the same CountryUser.xml for CountryUser and CountryOrigin. Below is an example of the CountryUser.xml and LinkSSADB.xml formats.
CountryUser.xml format:
LinkSSADB.xml format:
Latest Code:
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
' MsgBox(ListBox3.Items.Coun
If ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & ListBox3.Items(itemCounter
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox4.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox4.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & ListBox4.Items(itemCounter
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
I think in the last part where you get the countries there's an error (may be mine):
should be:
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[contains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','))]")
should be:
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/Root/CountryUserTable[contains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
Good News :-) I fixed the problem with the seconf Grid.
One last related question on this topic. How do you disable the Next button when you reach the last record or the previous botton when you Move to the First record? and is it possible to add a move First and Move Last button?
Thanks a million for all your Help.
Good News :-) I fixed the problem with the seconf Grid.
One last related question on this topic. How do you disable the Next button when you reach the last record or the previous botton when you Move to the First record? and is it possible to add a move First and Move Last button?
Thanks a million for all your Help.
One more question, I hope you can also help me on the next issue. If you prefer I can open another post.
Instead of the user searching by selecting rows from the listbox control in some cases the user will need to enter text in a Textbox, the application needs to search the xml file related to that textbox and check if that text exist, and if it does retrieve its ID to serach the LinkSSADB xml file.
For example:
Textbox: Manufacturer
User enters IBM
Programs searches for IBM in Manufacturer.xml, if found retreive it sID (i.e. Maufacturer_ID = 1)
The search string for LinkSSADB.xml will now include Manufacturer_ID = 1
If not found, message will return to the user staing IBM was not found.
One more question, I hope you can also help me on the next issue. If you prefer I can open another post.
Instead of the user searching by selecting rows from the listbox control in some cases the user will need to enter text in a Textbox, the application needs to search the xml file related to that textbox and check if that text exist, and if it does retrieve its ID to serach the LinkSSADB xml file.
For example:
Textbox: Manufacturer
User enters IBM
Programs searches for IBM in Manufacturer.xml, if found retreive it sID (i.e. Maufacturer_ID = 1)
The search string for LinkSSADB.xml will now include Manufacturer_ID = 1
If not found, message will return to the user staing IBM was not found.
The ButtonNext gets disabled by default, then only enabled if this part is reached:
You can add MoveFirst en MoveLast buttons and set them enabled/disabled the same as MovePrevious and MoveNext.
MoveFirst_Click would simply do:
MoveLast_Click is a bit more difficult, I would probably set it to -1 and then add this after setting selectedNodes (just before "For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes"):
So, the complete code, this time not in code tags so I can use bold to show the changes, as it's not adjusted to your other latest changes:
Protected Sub C1CountryUser_SelectedInde xChanged(B yVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1CountryUser.SelectedInde xChanged, C1CountryOrigin.SelectedIn dexChanged
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonPrev_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPrev.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonFirst_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonFirst.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonLast_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLast.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = -1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Sel ected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo unter).Val ue & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryOrigin.Items.Coun t - 1
If C1CountryOrigin.Items(item Counter).S elected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(item Counter).V alue & ",')"
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
'If astrix.Checked Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
ButtonPrev.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
ButtonFirst.Enabled = False
ButtonLast.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
If ViewState("CurrentRecord") = -1 Then ViewState("CurrentRecord") = selectedNodes.Count
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonPrev.Enabled = True
ButtonFirst.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
ButtonLast.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yTable[con tains('," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yTable[con tains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', Country_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country _ID").Inne rText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country ").InnerTe xt
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
LabelRecord.Text = " ( " & Math.Min(ViewState("Curren tRecord"), selectedNodes.Count) & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End Sub
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
You can add MoveFirst en MoveLast buttons and set them enabled/disabled the same as MovePrevious and MoveNext.
MoveFirst_Click would simply do:
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
MoveLast_Click is a bit more difficult, I would probably set it to -1 and then add this after setting selectedNodes (just before "For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes"):
If ViewState("CurrentRecord") = -1 Then ViewState("CurrentRecord") = selectedNodes.Count
So, the complete code, this time not in code tags so I can use bold to show the changes, as it's not adjusted to your other latest changes:
Protected Sub C1CountryUser_SelectedInde
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonPrev_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPrev.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonFirst_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonFirst.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonLast_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLast.Click
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryUser.Items(itemCo
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1CountryOrigin.Items.Coun
If C1CountryOrigin.Items(item
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1CountryOrigin.Items(item
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2}
If selString <> "" Then
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
'If astrix.Checked Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
ButtonPrev.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
ButtonFirst.Enabled = False
ButtonLast.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
If ViewState("CurrentRecord")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonPrev.Enabled = True
ButtonFirst.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
ButtonLast.Enabled = True
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
End If
LabelRecord.Text = " ( " & Math.Min(ViewState("Curren
C1GridView5.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1GridView6.DataSource = dtDonor
End Sub
The manufacturer question: does it have to be an exact match, or the first partial match? Or will there be more than 1 search result possible?
Will a 'manufacturer not found' message mean that everything else stops or should the rest of the search still go on?
Will a 'manufacturer not found' message mean that everything else stops or should the rest of the search still go on?
Here's a first implementation for Manufacturer. Don't forget to adjust: For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3}
Dim allSelectionString3 As String = ""
If Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes("/Root/ManufacturerTable[contains(Manufacturer, '" & Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
If allSelectionString3 <> "" Then allSelectionString3 &= " or "
allSelectionString3 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingleNode("Manufacturer_ID").InnerText & ",')"
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingleNode("Manufacturer").InnerText & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingleNode("Manufacturer_ID").InnerText & ")"
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
LabelManufacturer.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
LabelManufacturer.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
Thank You for the code and continuing to help me solve this new issue. I will try the code and get back to you tomorrow.
To answer your questions, the Manufacturer should be a partial string search and multiple IDs for that manufacturer can be found in the LinkSSADB file.
If Manufacturer is not found, the user should be notified and given an opportunity to enter another text or cancel the search.
Thank You for the code and continuing to help me solve this new issue. I will try the code and get back to you tomorrow.
To answer your questions, the Manufacturer should be a partial string search and multiple IDs for that manufacturer can be found in the LinkSSADB file.
If Manufacturer is not found, the user should be notified and given an opportunity to enter another text or cancel the search.
I tried the code below, but it doesn't work when I enter a Manufacturer in the Textbox control. I tried entering multiple manufacturers, separated by a "," but it still didn't work.
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu rer_ID), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ")"
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4 )
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ***
I tried the code below, but it doesn't work when I enter a Manufacturer in the Textbox control. I tried entering multiple manufacturers, separated by a "," but it still didn't work.
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4
Entering multiple manufacturers won't work with this code, you would need to use a split and for loop construction for that to work.
The code looks good, can you post (a little piece of) your Manufacturer.xml file please?
Do you need case-insensitive matching? In that case use:
Also, for asking the user what to do when no manufacturer matches, you could use something like this:
One other important thing: I've seen in an earlier post that sometimes you have spaces in the xml, for example: "<Manufacturer_ID> 1,4,6</Manufacturer_ID>". That could spoil matching. Maybe it was just in the post, not in your actual xml, but I think it's good to check. Or build something in the code to match regardless of spaces.
The code looks good, can you post (a little piece of) your Manufacturer.xml file please?
Do you need case-insensitive matching? In that case use:
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes("/Root/ManufacturerTable[contains(translate(Manufacturer, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '" & Manufacturer.Text.ToLower & "')]")
Also, for asking the user what to do when no manufacturer matches, you could use something like this:
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
If MsgBox("Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found, show results disregarding this?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
LabelManufacturer.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
LabelManufacturer.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
One other important thing: I've seen in an earlier post that sometimes you have spaces in the xml, for example: "<Manufacturer_ID> 1,4,6</Manufacturer_ID>". That could spoil matching. Maybe it was just in the post, not in your actual xml, but I think it's good to check. Or build something in the code to match regardless of spaces.
Thanks for the code, I will double check the format of my strings. Below is an example of the format of my xml file. I think its probably better not to make it case sensitive.
<Manufacturer_ID>1</Manufa cturer_ID>
<Manufacturer>IBM</Manufac turer>
<Manufacturer_ID>2</Manufa cturer_ID>
<Manufacturer>ARCO</Manufa cturer>
Thanks for the code, I will double check the format of my strings. Below is an example of the format of my xml file. I think its probably better not to make it case sensitive.
> I think its probably better not to make it case sensitive.
Ok, so you've already got the code for that in my previous post.
The xml seems fine so if it still doesn't work, please use a breakpoint and/or other debugging tools to establish exactly what part doesn't work.
Ok, so you've already got the code for that in my previous post.
The xml seems fine so if it still doesn't work, please use a breakpoint and/or other debugging tools to establish exactly what part doesn't work.
Ok, I will run some more test and get back toy you. Thanks.
I think the problem is in the part of the code below because "allSelectionString4" keeps returning a blank value, any ideas what is causing this problem? I am only entering a single value in the textbox.
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
I think the problem is in the part of the code below because "allSelectionString4" keeps returning a blank value, any ideas what is causing this problem? I am only entering a single value in the textbox.
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Well then I would actually expect the problem to be on the line before: "For Each xnManufacturer ...", can you put a breakpoint on that and first establish that it is reached and what the content of the SelectNodes is, by putting a watch on the whole expression?
See attached image for an example of how it looks with me. This is assuming you already checked the content of the text field.
See attached image for an example of how it looks with me. This is assuming you already checked the content of the text field.
I am getting the following error message:
XpathException was unhandled by user code (Heading)
Expression must evaluate to a node-set (Error message)
On Line:
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
All i did differently was add another View in my MultiView control to see the results of my search, not sure if the error is cause because the page load event is triggered when I go the other other view to see my results.
I put a message box right below the code:
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
Msgbox "Test"
But I am unable to execute the code because of this new error, any ideas what is causing this problem?
I am getting the following error message:
XpathException was unhandled by user code (Heading)
Expression must evaluate to a node-set (Error message)
On Line:
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
All i did differently was add another View in my MultiView control to see the results of my search, not sure if the error is cause because the page load event is triggered when I go the other other view to see my results.
I put a message box right below the code:
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
Msgbox "Test"
But I am unable to execute the code because of this new error, any ideas what is causing this problem?
Something in my form load event is causing this error because when I stay on the same view using code A it is working ok.
A - ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
But when I tgo to the next view to see the results using the code B, the Controls don't show the sesults and when I click on Next to try to see the results for the next record, then the error occurs.
B - ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
Not sure if my explantion helps you understand better, but please let me know if you have any questions.
A - ViewState("CurrentRecord")
But when I tgo to the next view to see the results using the code B, the Controls don't show the sesults and when I click on Next to try to see the results for the next record, then the error occurs.
B - ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Not sure if my explantion helps you understand better, but please let me know if you have any questions.
Some progress. I am able to see the first record of my results in the next View with the code below, but still next the same error when I try top move to the next record.
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
Some progress. I am able to see the first record of my results in the next View with the code below, but still next the same error when I try top move to the next record.
Regarding issue with the Manufacturer.Text, you are right, the Msgbox "Test" does not execute below the code below, something is wrong with that line, running some test to see what is wrong.
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
Msgbox "Test"
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
Msgbox "Test"
when I click on the Next button for the next record, the error occurs because "allSelectionStringOverall " is blank. The search was trigered from View 0, but the next button is clicked on while I am in View 1, for some reason the values selected while in View 0 no longer exist. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
when I click on the Next button for the next record, the error occurs because "allSelectionStringOverall
For example when I click on the Next button, MsgBox("Value") in the code below doesn't execute. Like it did when I clicked on the Search button while in View 0.
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Va lue & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
End If
Hmm, I'm afraid I don't really know what the influence of the MultiView could be.
But if you set ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1 then that's the reason you don't go to 'record 2' because that's exactly what's being used to determine which record to show.
So only set that in the Page_Load the first time, like I posted earlier:
But if you set ViewState("CurrentRecord")
So only set that in the Page_Load the first time, like I posted earlier:
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End If
End Sub
Just tried your suggestion, but still the same error, for some reason
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
doesn't execute when I click on next, perhaps when you are in another view the controls in a previous view is not recognized?, Will keep running more test.
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
doesn't execute when I click on next, perhaps when you are in another view the controls in a previous view is not recognized?, Will keep running more test.
Can you post your html (aspx) please?
Below is my .aspx page, removed a lot of unecessary information, tried the same test and getting the same problem, I hope you can replicate it from your end, will post the aspx.vb code shortly. Thanks.
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Amend.aspx.vb" Inherits="AOP8Webprototype .Amend" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Comb oBox" tagprefix="cc1" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Inpu t" tagprefix="cc2" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Grid View" tagprefix="cc1" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Inpu t" tagprefix="cc3" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Cale ndar" tagprefix="cc4" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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MaxLength="35" style="text-align: left" Text="Select Screen"
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<asp:View ID="View1" runat="server">
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<td class="style1420">
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<td class="style1424">
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<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
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<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
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<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
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DropDownPositioningMode="T opRight" SelectionMode="Multiple">
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<td class="style1246" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
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<td class="style1274" bgcolor="Silver">
101-Manufacturer<br /> (Max 50 characters)<br />
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1271">
<asp:TextBox ID="C1Manufacturer" type="text" runat="server" Width="328px" Height="47px"
MaxLength="50" BackColor="White" Autopostback = "False"
TextMode="MultiLine" style="overflow:hidden" MyMaxLength="35"></asp:Tex tBox>
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<td class="style988" colspan="3" bgcolor="Yellow" align = "center">
<td class="style1279" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018">
200-Country of Origin<span class="style990"> (*)<br />
<td class="style1280" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
DropDownPositioningMode="B ottomCente r"
ForceSelectionText="True" Height="32px" IsEditable="False"
style="text-align: left"
Width="60px" Text="Select" OpenDropDownOnLoad="True">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1282" bgcolor="Silver">
210-User Country <br />
&n bsp; &nbs p; Lo gin Country</td>
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1283">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryUserA" runat="server" Width="60px"
DropDownPositioningMode="R ightTop"
IsEditable="False" ShowTrigger="False" AppendDataBoundItems="True "
AutoComplete="False" DropDownResizable="True" MaxLength="35"
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1288" bgcolor="Silver">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1289">
<td class="style1281" bgcolor="Silver">
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<td class="style122">
<td class="style122">
<td class="style1121">
<td class="style122" valign="top">
<td class="style122">
Below is my .aspx page, removed a lot of unecessary information, tried the same test and getting the same problem, I hope you can replicate it from your end, will post the aspx.vb code shortly. Thanks.
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Amend.aspx.vb"
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>AOP-8 Prototype</title>
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.mainTable { margin: auto;
height:1500;border:solid 2px black;width:1120px;
background-color: Silver
.insideTD2 { padding:10px }
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
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<td class="style1114">
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Checked="True" style="text-align: left" Text="Temporary" />
<td class="style1114">
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Text="Permanent" Enabled="False" />
<td class="style1100" style="text-align: right">
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<asp:TextBox ID="Username" runat="server" Width="120px"></asp:TextBo
<td class="style1094" colspan="2">
<td class="style1037">
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Height="26px" />
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<td class="style1097">
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Width="87px" />
<asp:Button ID="Button139" runat="server" Text="Log Out" Width="68px" />
<asp:Button ID="Button140" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Text="Exit" OnClientClick="closeWindow
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<td class="style1114">
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BorderColor="#666666" BorderStyle="None" Font-Bold="True"
ForeColor="#FFFF66" Text="Add/Update" style="color: #333333"
Checked="True" />
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BorderStyle="None" Text="Search" AutoPostBack="True" />
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style="margin-right: 0px; text-align: left;" TextMode="Password" Width="120px"></asp:TextBo
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<td colspan="2" align = "right" valign="top">
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BorderColor="#3333FF" ForeColor="Black" Height="23px">Screen </asp:Label>
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ForeColor="Black" Height="23px" Width="16px">1</asp:Label>
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Text="of " Height="23px" Width="15px"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Label9S" runat="server" BackColor="Silver" ForeColor="Black"
BorderColor="Silver" Height="23px" Width="15px">9</asp:Label>
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Text="|<< " Width="35px" />
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Width="35px" />
<asp:Button ID="btnNext" runat="server" Height="25px" Text=">> "
Width="35px" />
<asp:Button ID="btnLast" runat="server" style="margin-left: 0px"
Text=">>|" Width="30px" />
<td class="style1097">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1ScreenA" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="True
AutoComplete="False" AutoPostBack="True" BackColor="#FFFF99"
MaxLength="35" style="text-align: left" Text="Select Screen"
<asp:MultiView ID="MultiView1" runat="server" ActiveViewIndex="0">
<asp:View ID="View1" runat="server">
<table class="style1418">
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button172" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<td class="style1420">
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<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button175" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1AManufacturer" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button176" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button177" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1ACountryOrigin" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button178" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1ACountryUser" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button179" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<asp:View ID="View2" runat="server">
<table class="center1" bgcolor="Silver">
<td class="style1171">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel5" runat="server" Width="550px" BorderStyle="Solid"
<table border="1">
<td class="style988" colspan="3"bgcolor="Yellow
<td class="style1244" bgcolor="Silver">
<span class="style990"><br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1245" valign="top">
<td class="style1246" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="?" Width="26px" />
<td class="style1274" bgcolor="Silver">
101-Manufacturer<br /> (Max 50 characters)<br />
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1271">
<asp:TextBox ID="C1Manufacturer" type="text" runat="server" Width="328px" Height="47px"
MaxLength="50" BackColor="White" Autopostback = "False"
TextMode="MultiLine" style="overflow:hidden" MyMaxLength="35"></asp:Tex
<td class="style1178" bgcolor="Silver">
<asp:Button ID="Button38" runat="server" Text="?" Width="26px" />
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1230" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1231" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1232">
<td class="style1254" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1237" valign="top">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1247" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1255" bgcolor="Silver" align="justify" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" align="justify" class="style1209" valign="top">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1399" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1400" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1401" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1249" valign="top">
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1250">
<br />
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1251">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1191">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel11" runat="server" Width="550px" BorderStyle="Solid"
<table border="1" style="height: 456px">
<td class="style988" colspan="3" bgcolor="Yellow" align = "center">
<td class="style1279" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018">
200-Country of Origin<span class="style990"> (*)<br />
<td class="style1280" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
ForceSelectionText="True" Height="32px" IsEditable="False"
style="text-align: left"
Width="60px" Text="Select" OpenDropDownOnLoad="True">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1282" bgcolor="Silver">
210-User Country <br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1283">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryUserA" runat="server" Width="60px"
IsEditable="False" ShowTrigger="False" AppendDataBoundItems="True
AutoComplete="False" DropDownResizable="True" MaxLength="35"
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1288" bgcolor="Silver">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1289">
<td class="style1281" bgcolor="Silver">
<td class="style1276" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top" class="style1291">
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This version has less unnecessary code:
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Amend.aspx.vb" Inherits="AOP8Webprototype .Amend" %>
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro ls.4" namespace="C1.Web.UI.Contr ols.C1Comb oBox" tagprefix="cc1" %>
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BorderStyle="None" Text="Search" AutoPostBack="True" />
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style="margin-right: 0px; text-align: left;" TextMode="Password" Width="120px"></asp:TextBo x>
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<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="?" Width="26px" />
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101-Manufacturer<br /> (Max 50 characters)<br />
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1271">
<asp:TextBox ID="C1Manufacturer" type="text" runat="server" Width="328px" Height="47px"
MaxLength="50" BackColor="White" Autopostback = "False"
TextMode="MultiLine" style="overflow:hidden" MyMaxLength="35"></asp:Tex tBox>
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<table border="1" style="height: 456px">
<td class="style988" colspan="3" bgcolor="Yellow" align = "center">
<td class="style1279" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018">
200-Country of Origin<span class="style990"> (*)<br />
<td class="style1280" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
DropDownPositioningMode="B ottomCente r"
ForceSelectionText="True" Height="32px" IsEditable="False"
style="text-align: left"
Width="60px" Text="Select" OpenDropDownOnLoad="True">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1282" bgcolor="Silver">
210-User Country <br />
&n bsp; &nbs p; Lo gin Country</td>
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1283">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryUserA" runat="server" Width="60px"
DropDownPositioningMode="R ightTop"
IsEditable="False" ShowTrigger="False" AppendDataBoundItems="True "
AutoComplete="False" DropDownResizable="True" MaxLength="35"
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1288" bgcolor="Silver">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1289">
<td class="style1281" bgcolor="Silver">
<td class="style1276" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top" class="style1291">
<td class="style68" bgcolor="Silver">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mainTable">
This version has less unnecessary code:
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Amend.aspx.vb"
<%@ Register assembly="C1.Web.UI.Contro
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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ForeColor="#FFFF66" Text="Add/Update" style="color: #333333"
Checked="True" />
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BorderStyle="None" Text="Search" AutoPostBack="True" />
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style="margin-right: 0px; text-align: left;" TextMode="Password" Width="120px"></asp:TextBo
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BorderColor="#3333FF" ForeColor="Black" Height="23px">Screen </asp:Label>
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ForeColor="Black" Height="23px" Width="16px">1</asp:Label>
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Text="of " Height="23px" Width="15px"></asp:Label>
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Text="|<< " Width="35px" />
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Width="35px" />
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Width="35px" />
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Text=">>|" Width="30px" />
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AutoComplete="False" AutoPostBack="True" BackColor="#FFFF99"
MaxLength="35" style="text-align: left" Text="Select Screen"
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<asp:Button ID="Button172" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
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<td class="style1420">
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<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1AManufacturer" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button176" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button177" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1ACountryOrigin" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button178" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<td class="style1423">
<td class="style1424">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1ACountryUser" runat="server"
<td class="style1420">
<asp:Button ID="Button179" runat="server" Text="+" Width="25px" />
<asp:View ID="View2" runat="server">
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<table border="1">
<td class="style988" colspan="3"bgcolor="Yellow
<td class="style1244" bgcolor="Silver">
<span class="style990"><br />
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<td class="style1246" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="?" Width="26px" />
<td class="style1274" bgcolor="Silver">
101-Manufacturer<br /> (Max 50 characters)<br />
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1271">
<asp:TextBox ID="C1Manufacturer" type="text" runat="server" Width="328px" Height="47px"
MaxLength="50" BackColor="White" Autopostback = "False"
TextMode="MultiLine" style="overflow:hidden" MyMaxLength="35"></asp:Tex
<td class="style1178" bgcolor="Silver">
<asp:Button ID="Button38" runat="server" Text="?" Width="26px" />
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1230" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1231" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1232">
<td class="style1254" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<br />
<br />
<td class="style1191">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel11" runat="server" Width="550px" BorderStyle="Solid"
<table border="1" style="height: 456px">
<td class="style988" colspan="3" bgcolor="Yellow" align = "center">
<td class="style1279" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018">
200-Country of Origin<span class="style990"> (*)<br />
<td class="style1280" bgcolor="Silver" valign="top">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
ForceSelectionText="True" Height="32px" IsEditable="False"
style="text-align: left"
Width="60px" Text="Select" OpenDropDownOnLoad="True">
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1282" bgcolor="Silver">
210-User Country <br />
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1283">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryUserA" runat="server" Width="60px"
IsEditable="False" ShowTrigger="False" AppendDataBoundItems="True
AutoComplete="False" DropDownResizable="True" MaxLength="35"
<td bgcolor="Silver" class="style1281" valign="top">
<td class="style1288" bgcolor="Silver">
<td bgcolor="Silver" valign="top" class="style1289">
<td class="style1281" bgcolor="Silver">
<td class="style1276" bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top">
<td bgcolor="Silver" style="1018" valign="top" class="style1291">
<td class="style68" bgcolor="Silver">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mainTable">
Below is the aspx.vb file. Button 173 triggers the search, Further below is an example of the LinkSSADB file.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1Combo Box
Imports C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1Input
Public Class Amend
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public text As String
Public num As Integer
Public docName As String
Public CurrentIndex As Integer
Public dtTable As DataTable
Dim dtDonor As DataTable
Dim dtReceiver As DataTable
Dim dtLinkID As DataTable
Dim dtManufacturer As DataTable
Dim dtLink As DataTable
Dim currentIndemmo As Integer
Dim NodeNumber As Integer = 0
Dim xnLink As New XmlDocument()
Dim xnLinkA As New XmlDocument()
Public LinkID2 As String
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
RadioButton2.Checked = False
Dim CountryUser As New DataSet
CountryUser.ReadXml(Server .MapPath(" ~/App_Data /CountryUs er.xml"))
C1ACountryUser.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
C1ACountryUser.DataMember = "CountryUser"
C1ACountryUser.DataTextFie ld = "CountryUser"
C1ACountryUser.DataValueFi eld = "CountryUser_ID"
Dim CountryOrigin As New DataSet
CountryOrigin.ReadXml(Serv er.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/Country Origin.xml "))
C1ACountryOrigin.DataSourc e = CountryOrigin.Tables(0)
C1ACountryOrigin.DataMembe r = "CountryOrigin"
C1ACountryOrigin.DataTextF ield = "CountryOrigin"
C1ACountryOrigin.DataValue Field = "CountryOrigin_ID"
C1ACountryOrigin.DataBind( )
Dim Manufacturer As New DataSet
Manufacturer.ReadXml(Serve r.MapPath( "~/App_Dat a/Manufact urer.xml") )
C1AManufacturer.DataSource = Manufacturer.Tables(0)
C1AManufacturer.DataMember = "Manufacturer"
C1AManufacturer.DataTextFi eld = "Manufacturer"
C1AManufacturer.DataValueF ield = "Manufacturer_ID"
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As EventArgs)
btnBack.Visible = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex > 0
btnNext.Visible = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex < MultiView1.Views.Count - 1
End Sub
Protected Sub btnBack_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex -= 1
Label11.Text = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex + 1
End Sub
Protected Sub Button169_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Previous.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdManufacturer As New XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l")) '1
xdManufacturer.Load(Server .MapPath(" Manufactur er.xml"))
On Error Resume Next
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Va lue & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou nt - 1
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Value & ",')"
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString2 )
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *
' Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
'If Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
'Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
'For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
'If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
'allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu rer_ID), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
'If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
'ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ")"
'If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
'Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
'Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
'End If
'End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4 )
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ***
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("ID"))
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
'For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
'************************* ********** ********** ****
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
' ButtonNext.Enabled = False
MsgBox(allSelectionStringO verall)
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & vbatest & "]")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
ManufacturerID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("M anufacture r_ID").Inn erText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
' ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r_ID").Inn erText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r").InnerT ext
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains('," & ManufacturerID & ",', concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','))]") '5
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t
dtManufacturer.Rows.Add({M anufacture rID2, Name})
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataTextFie ld = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataValueFi eld = "ID"
C1CountryOrigin.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryOrigin.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataTextFi eld = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataValueF ield = "ID"
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChange d(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton3.CheckedChange d
End Sub
End Class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CountryUser_ID>1,6,4</Cou ntryUser_I D>
<CountryOrigin_ID>1,2,4</C ountryOrig in_ID>
<Manufacturer_ID>1,2</Manu facturer_I D>
<CountryUser_ID>1,2,3,6</C ountryUser _ID>
<CountryOrigin_ID>1,2</Cou ntryOrigin _ID>
<Manufacturer_ID>1,2</Manu facturer_I D>
Below is the aspx.vb file. Button 173 triggers the search, Further below is an example of the LinkSSADB file.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1Combo
Imports C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1Input
Public Class Amend
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public text As String
Public num As Integer
Public docName As String
Public CurrentIndex As Integer
Public dtTable As DataTable
Dim dtDonor As DataTable
Dim dtReceiver As DataTable
Dim dtLinkID As DataTable
Dim dtManufacturer As DataTable
Dim dtLink As DataTable
Dim currentIndemmo As Integer
Dim NodeNumber As Integer = 0
Dim xnLink As New XmlDocument()
Dim xnLinkA As New XmlDocument()
Public LinkID2 As String
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
RadioButton2.Checked = False
Dim CountryUser As New DataSet
C1ACountryUser.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
C1ACountryUser.DataMember = "CountryUser"
Dim CountryOrigin As New DataSet
Dim Manufacturer As New DataSet
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As EventArgs)
btnBack.Visible = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex
btnNext.Visible = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex
End Sub
Protected Sub btnBack_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click
Label11.Text = MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex
End Sub
Protected Sub Button169_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Previous.Click
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdManufacturer As New XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString2
' Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
'If Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
'Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
'For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
'If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
'allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu
'If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
'ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
'If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
'Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
'Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
'End If
'End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
'For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
' ButtonNext.Enabled = False
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
ManufacturerID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("M
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
' ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
End If
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChange
End Sub
End Class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
Ok, I'll give it a go. I had a MultiView working in my own code but it didn't have much data other than on the first view. I'll let you know what I find asap.
OK. Thank You.
You'll notice if you select CoutryUser DEU and CounbtryOrigin CAN it will return two records, first record will show in the two Comboboxes in View1, but when you click Next, the secxond record will not show.
Ok, had some problems getting C1 up and running (downloaded a different version I think) but it works now.
I must say your intention with the Views is not clear to me. You don't need another view to show a different record, I made that before without views. Where are the grids to show the information?
I must say your intention with the Views is not clear to me. You don't need another view to show a different record, I made that before without views. Where are the grids to show the information?
I am showing data for one record in 9 different screens using Comboboxes,Grids for multiple entries/lines and Textboxes for single entries. The code for the Grid and ComboBoxes are slightly different, for example no need to includede Datatextfield and DataValue Field for the Grid control. The remaining 8 screens are linked with the LinkAID for LinkSSADB.xml.
I am not crazy about the MultiView control because I can't print the data, but it is much easier to navigate through different screens using the Multiview control. I included the tables and panels within each View, I may eventually just use them instead of the Multi-View, once I learn how to navigate through different screens using tables/Panels.
I am showing data for one record in 9 different screens using Comboboxes,Grids for multiple entries/lines and Textboxes for single entries. The code for the Grid and ComboBoxes are slightly different, for example no need to includede Datatextfield and DataValue Field for the Grid control. The remaining 8 screens are linked with the LinkAID for LinkSSADB.xml.
I am not crazy about the MultiView control because I can't print the data, but it is much easier to navigate through different screens using the Multiview control. I included the tables and panels within each View, I may eventually just use them instead of the Multi-View, once I learn how to navigate through different screens using tables/Panels.
Forgot to mention, similar to the combobox, the GridView is also empty when I try to go to the next record.
Ok, I'll focus on that for, try to find where the selections in the xml are going wrong, because displaying the comboboxes seems not to be working at all for me.
Ok, Thanks.
In case you are interested, below is the code I used in the Update feature to include the data in multiple xml files (i.e. CountryUser.xml and LinkC.xml). Basically as I loop through the Grid coontrols I search top see if the data already aready exist in the xml file, if yes, I take the existing ID, if no I save it in the xml file and create a new ID, end resuls in the LinkC.xml file for mulitle line in the Grid should be (i.e. 1,2,4,5)
Dim xyz() As String = New String() {"Item"..............."Ite m50}
Fore example, "Item" can be CountryUser.
Dim xdItem As New Xml.XmlDocument '(1)
Dim xdItemA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdItemB As New Xml.XmlDocument
xdItem.Load(Server.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/Item.xm l")) '(2)
Dim searchIdCountryOrigin As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdCountryUser As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdNSN As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdItemA As String
Dim searchIdItemR As String
Dim searchIdItemM As String
Dim num As Integer
Dim numx As Integer
Dim numy As Integer
Dim num1 As String
Dim num2 As String
Dim countryUser_IDA As String = Nothing
Dim countryUser_IDB As String = Nothing
Dim NSN_ID As String = Nothing
Dim ItemA_ID As String
Dim ItemR_ID As String
Dim ItemM_ID As String
'************************* ********** ******LOOP Begins******************** ********** ********** ********** *8
Dim xyz() As String = New String() {"Item"}
For i = 0 To 1
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
num = 0
numx = 0
numy = 0
searchIdItemA = ""
Dim xid As String
Dim xtable As String
Dim curXYZ = xyz(i)
Dim MyFix As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP ath("~/App _Data/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
xid = curXYZ & "_ID"
xtable = curXYZ & "Table"
'Sort ID in each xml file
Dim LargestFixID = (From el In MyFix.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi st
num = (LargestFixID.Count() + 1)
Dim domFix As New XmlDocument()
domFix.Load(Server.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
Dim listFix As XmlNodeList = domFix.SelectNodes("//" & xtable)
Dim CheckForItemFix = (From el In MyFix.Descendants(xtable). Elements(c urXYZ) Select el.Value).ToList
Dim u As Integer = 0
Dim uu As Integer = 0
'***********Looping through all controls with multiple lines********************* ********** ********** ********** ****
'Look for data already in Item.xml
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemA.Rows.Count - 1
If CheckForItemFix.Contains(C 1GridItemA .Rows(x).C ells(0).Te xt) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItem.SelectNodes("/Root/ ItemTable[ Item='" & C1GridItemA.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text & "']")
ItemA_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I tem_ID").I nnerText
If ItemA_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemA_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemA.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFix.Contains(C 1GridItemA .Rows(x).C ells(0).Te xt) Then
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, num))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemA.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text))
MyFix.Save(Server.MapPath( "~/App_Dat a/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += num & ","
num2 = num & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
num = num + 1
End If
searchIdItemA = num1 & num2
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *****
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
xdItemA.Load(Server.MapPat h("~/App_D ata/Item.x ml"))
Dim MyFixa As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP ath("~/App _Data/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
Dim CheckForItemFixa = (From el In MyFixa.Descendants(xtable) .Elements( curXYZ) Select el.Value).ToList
Dim LargestFixIDA = (From el In MyFixa.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi st
numx = (LargestFixIDA.Count() + 1)
searchIdItemR = ""
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemR.Rows.Count - 1
'Look for data already in XML file
If CheckForItemFixa.Contains( C1GridItem R.Rows(x). Cells(0).T ext) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemA.SelectNodes("/Root /ItemTable [Item='" & C1GridItemR.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text & "']")
ItemR_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I tem_ID").I nnerText
If ItemR_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemR_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemR.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFixa.Contains( C1GridItem R.Rows(x). Cells(0).T ext) Then
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, numx))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemR.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text))
MyFixa.Save(Server.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += numx & ","
num2 = numx & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
numx = numx + 1
End If
searchIdItemR = num1 & num2
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *
xdItemB.Load(Server.MapPat h("~/App_D ata/Item.x ml"))
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
searchIdItemM = ""
Dim MyFixb As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP ath("~/App _Data/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
Dim CheckForItemFixb = (From el In MyFixb.Descendants(xtable) .Elements( curXYZ) Select el.Value).ToList
Dim LargestFixIDB = (From el In MyFixb.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi st
numy = (LargestFixIDB.Count() + 1)
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemM.Rows.Count - 1
'Look for data alraedy in XML file
If CheckForItemFixb.Contains( C1GridItem M.Rows(x). Cells(0).T ext) Then
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemB.SelectNodes("/Root /ItemTable [Item='" & C1GridItemM.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text & "']")
ItemM_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I tem_ID").I nnerText
If ItemM_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemM_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemM.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFixb.Contains( C1GridItem M.Rows(x). Cells(0).T ext) Then
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, numy))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemM.Rows(x).Cells( 0).Text))
MyFixb.Save(Server.MapPath ("~/App_Da ta/" & curXYZ & ".xml"))
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += numy & ","
num2 = numy & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
numy = numy + 1
End If
searchIdItemM = num1 & num2
Dim MyDocLinkC As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP ath("~/App _Data/Link C.xml"))
Dim LinkID = (From el In MyDocLinkC.Descendants("Li nkA") Select CInt(el.<LinkAID>.Value)). ToList
Dim xNewLink As XElement = New XElement("LinkA")
xNewLink.Add(New XElement("LinkAID", (LinkID.Last() + 1)))
If i = 0 Then
MyDocLinkC.Root.Add(New XElement("LinkA", New XElement("LinkAID", (LinkID.Last() + 1)), New XElement("ItemA_ID", searchIdItemA), New XElement("ItemR_ID", searchIdItemR), New XElement("ItemM_ID", searchIdItemM)))
MyDocLinkC.Save(Server.Map Path("~/Ap p_Data/Lin kC.xml"))
End If
Exit For
In case you are interested, below is the code I used in the Update feature to include the data in multiple xml files (i.e. CountryUser.xml and LinkC.xml). Basically as I loop through the Grid coontrols I search top see if the data already aready exist in the xml file, if yes, I take the existing ID, if no I save it in the xml file and create a new ID, end resuls in the LinkC.xml file for mulitle line in the Grid should be (i.e. 1,2,4,5)
Dim xyz() As String = New String() {"Item"..............."Ite
Fore example, "Item" can be CountryUser.
Dim xdItem As New Xml.XmlDocument '(1)
Dim xdItemA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdItemB As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim searchIdCountryOrigin As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdCountryUser As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdNSN As String = Nothing
Dim searchIdItemA As String
Dim searchIdItemR As String
Dim searchIdItemM As String
Dim num As Integer
Dim numx As Integer
Dim numy As Integer
Dim num1 As String
Dim num2 As String
Dim countryUser_IDA As String = Nothing
Dim countryUser_IDB As String = Nothing
Dim NSN_ID As String = Nothing
Dim ItemA_ID As String
Dim ItemR_ID As String
Dim ItemM_ID As String
Dim xyz() As String = New String() {"Item"}
For i = 0 To 1
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
num = 0
numx = 0
numy = 0
searchIdItemA = ""
Dim xid As String
Dim xtable As String
Dim curXYZ = xyz(i)
Dim MyFix As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP
xid = curXYZ & "_ID"
xtable = curXYZ & "Table"
'Sort ID in each xml file
Dim LargestFixID = (From el In MyFix.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi
num = (LargestFixID.Count() + 1)
Dim domFix As New XmlDocument()
Dim listFix As XmlNodeList = domFix.SelectNodes("//" & xtable)
Dim CheckForItemFix = (From el In MyFix.Descendants(xtable).
Dim u As Integer = 0
Dim uu As Integer = 0
'***********Looping through all controls with multiple lines*********************
'Look for data already in Item.xml
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemA.Rows.Count - 1
If CheckForItemFix.Contains(C
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItem.SelectNodes("/Root/
ItemA_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I
If ItemA_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemA_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemA.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFix.Contains(C
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, num))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemA.Rows(x).Cells(
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += num & ","
num2 = num & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
num = num + 1
End If
searchIdItemA = num1 & num2
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
Dim MyFixa As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP
Dim CheckForItemFixa = (From el In MyFixa.Descendants(xtable)
Dim LargestFixIDA = (From el In MyFixa.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi
numx = (LargestFixIDA.Count() + 1)
searchIdItemR = ""
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemR.Rows.Count - 1
'Look for data already in XML file
If CheckForItemFixa.Contains(
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemA.SelectNodes("/Root
ItemR_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I
If ItemR_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemR_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemR.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFixa.Contains(
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, numx))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemR.Rows(x).Cells(
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += numx & ","
num2 = numx & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
numx = numx + 1
End If
searchIdItemR = num1 & num2
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
searchIdItemM = ""
Dim MyFixb As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP
Dim CheckForItemFixb = (From el In MyFixb.Descendants(xtable)
Dim LargestFixIDB = (From el In MyFixb.Descendants(curXYZ & "Table") Select CInt(el.<xid>.Value)).ToLi
numy = (LargestFixIDB.Count() + 1)
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemM.Rows.Count - 1
'Look for data alraedy in XML file
If CheckForItemFixb.Contains(
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemB.SelectNodes("/Root
ItemM_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I
If ItemM_ID <> "" Then
CD = ItemM_ID
If u > 0 Then
num1 = num1 & "" & CD & ","
num1 = CD & ","
End If
u = u + 1
End If
End If
'Assign ID to data not already in XML file
For x As Integer = 0 To C1GridItemM.Rows.Count - 1
If Not CheckForItemFixb.Contains(
Dim xNew As XElement = New XElement(xtable)
xNew.Add(New XElement(xid, numy))
xNew.Add(New XElement(curXYZ, C1GridItemM.Rows(x).Cells(
If uu > 0 Then
num2 += numy & ","
num2 = numy & ","
End If
uu = uu + 1
numy = numy + 1
End If
searchIdItemM = num1 & num2
Dim MyDocLinkC As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapP
Dim LinkID = (From el In MyDocLinkC.Descendants("Li
Dim xNewLink As XElement = New XElement("LinkA")
xNewLink.Add(New XElement("LinkAID", (LinkID.Last() + 1)))
If i = 0 Then
MyDocLinkC.Root.Add(New XElement("LinkA", New XElement("LinkAID", (LinkID.Last() + 1)), New XElement("ItemA_ID", searchIdItemA), New XElement("ItemR_ID", searchIdItemR), New XElement("ItemM_ID", searchIdItemM)))
End If
Exit For
Are you using the Combobox from ComponentOne?
Yes but possibly a slightly different one, I downloaded the Controls from their website but had to change the Imports a bit...
I was missing a lot of button actions, think I managed to
Double check the actions on prev/next etc. buttons because I got twisted results. Maybe give them all clear names like btnSearch, btnNextResult, btnPrevResult, btnNextView, btnPrevView. What I implemented earlier was "First/Last Result", while you're using "First/Last View".
I didn't see the hidden field "Current Record" in your code, I added it directly after the <Form> tag:
Possibly it works without it because you can make your own entries within the ViewState collection but I was getting strange results without it.
As far as I can see the code to populate the DataTables is getting called correctly. What I did for testing: place a Label to the right of the 2 comboboxes in View2, and put the ReceiverID and DonorID in it after setting those in the loop "For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes".
Important: An earlier change was not in this code and affects working right from the start:
after filling allSelectionStringOverall in the loop "For Each selString As String ... ... ... Next" add this:
Then remove the "[" and "]" from here:
Double check the actions on prev/next etc. buttons because I got twisted results. Maybe give them all clear names like btnSearch, btnNextResult, btnPrevResult, btnNextView, btnPrevView. What I implemented earlier was "First/Last Result", while you're using "First/Last View".
I didn't see the hidden field "Current Record" in your code, I added it directly after the <Form> tag:
<asp:HiddenField ID="CurrentRecord" runat="server" ViewStateMode="Enabled" />
Possibly it works without it because you can make your own entries within the ViewState collection but I was getting strange results without it.
As far as I can see the code to populate the DataTables is getting called correctly. What I did for testing: place a Label to the right of the 2 comboboxes in View2, and put the ReceiverID and DonorID in it after setting those in the loop "For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes".
Important: An earlier change was not in this code and affects working right from the start:
after filling allSelectionStringOverall in the loop "For Each selString As String ... ... ... Next" add this:
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
Then remove the "[" and "]" from here:
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
Great News!! It's working, have to run to a meeting will run more test and get back to you later. THANK YOU!
CountryOrigin is working great, but I noticed if you go back to the same record the list of the CountryUser combobox duplicates, can you please check to see what is causing that problem?
CountryOrigin is working great, but I noticed if you go back to the same record the list of the CountryUser combobox duplicates, can you please check to see what is causing that problem?
Well no, not really, I still haven't got anything in there, just in the labels I added...
But it must have something to do with a DataTable not being initialized empty? Maybe it's restored from the viewstate or session. In that case try something like: "dtReceiver.Rows.Clear()".
I can't seem to figure it out, tried dtReceiver.Rows.Clear()" but it still doesn't work. Can you please try using a GridView instaed of the lables to see if you receive the same results?
I can't seem to figure it out, tried dtReceiver.Rows.Clear()" but it still doesn't work. Can you please try using a GridView instaed of the lables to see if you receive the same results?
How do Implement session to update the records in the other views? For example when I
move to the screen (View 2) which contains RotationMin control, even and press the Next button, the value for RotationMin doesn't change, but the value for the current record should be different.
Please take a look at my latest code, setting dtReceiver.Rows.Clear()
still didn't solve the problem with duplicated values in my CountryUser combobox control.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdlinkA.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkA.x ml"))
xdlinkB.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkB.x ml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
xdManufacturer.Load(Server .MapPath(" Manufactur er.xml"))
XdRotationMin.Load(Server. MapPath("R otationMin .xml"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Va lue & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou nt - 1
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Value & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu rer_ID), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ")"
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4 )
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *******
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("ID"))
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("ID"))
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
'************************* ********** ********** ****
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & vbatest & "]")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r_ID").Inn erText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r").InnerT ext
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & Link_ID & "']")
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode(" Manufactur er_ID").In nerText
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[Manu facturer_I D='" & ManufacturerID & "']")
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t
dtManufacturer.Rows.Add({M anufacture rID2, Name})
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & Link_ID & "']")
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode(" RotationMi n_ID").Inn erText
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes( "/Root/Rot ationMinTa ble[Rotati onMin_ID=' " & RotationMinID & "']")
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin_ID ").InnerTe xt
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin"). InnerText
dtRotationMin.Rows.Add({Ro tationMinI D2, Name})
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataTextFie ld = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataValueFi eld = "ID"
C1CountryOrigin.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryOrigin.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataTextFi eld = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataValueF ield = "ID"
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite m("Name")
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item ("Name")
dtManufacturer.Rows.Clear( )
How do Implement session to update the records in the other views? For example when I
move to the screen (View 2) which contains RotationMin control, even and press the Next button, the value for RotationMin doesn't change, but the value for the current record should be different.
Please take a look at my latest code, setting dtReceiver.Rows.Clear()
still didn't solve the problem with duplicated values in my CountryUser combobox control.
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
End If
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes(
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item
I was able to use session before by putting the ID value in a table, it worked with
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Coun tryUser_ID ='"
But for some reason, I am now getting an error on line:
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
Error message: Object not set to an instance of an object
Any ideas what is causing this error? Do I need to use session or can I keep track of current records while in the other Views using ViewState?
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Coun tryUser_ID ='" & C1CountryUser.SelectedItem .Value & "']")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r_ID").Inn erText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r").InnerT ext
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText ******Error
dtTable.Rows.Add({LinkID2} )
************************** *****
NextButton Code:
'ViewState("CurrentRecord" ) += 1
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
Session("currentIndex") = CurrentIndex
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
End If
I was able to use session before by putting the ID value in a table, it worked with
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
But for some reason, I am now getting an error on line:
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
Error message: Object not set to an instance of an object
Any ideas what is causing this error? Do I need to use session or can I keep track of current records while in the other Views using ViewState?
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
NextButton Code:
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
Session("currentIndex") = CurrentIndex
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
End If
I've been trying with ViewStateMode="Enabled" on the C1ComboBox'es but no luck, I lose the data. Maybe it's a problem with the C1 components.
So also, when I go to View2 and back to View1 I lose the data in the country comboboxes. This is apparently not stored in the ViewState. So change the Page_Load for that:
Now these files are bound to the control each time the page is constructed.
I'm working on the next step now. The grids need ViewStateMode="Enabled" now because a new page is contructed when you go to a new View. Another option is to build the content of the combo's or grids every time again. But in that case the order of things become important, you can't just call UpdateGrid in Page_Load, because for example you need to execute a button click first which increments the record counter.
This basic understanding should be much more important to you in the end than me fixing this page.
So also, when I go to View2 and back to View1 I lose the data in the country comboboxes. This is apparently not stored in the ViewState. So change the Page_Load for that:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End If
RadioButton2.Checked = False
Dim CountryUser As New DataSet
C1ACountryUser.DataSource = CountryUser.Tables(0)
C1ACountryUser.DataMember = "CountryUser"
C1ACountryUser.DataTextField = "CountryUser"
C1ACountryUser.DataValueField = "CountryUser_ID"
Dim CountryOrigin As New DataSet
C1ACountryOrigin.DataSource = CountryOrigin.Tables(0)
C1ACountryOrigin.DataMember = "CountryOrigin"
C1ACountryOrigin.DataTextField = "CountryOrigin"
C1ACountryOrigin.DataValueField = "CountryOrigin_ID"
Dim Manufacturer As New DataSet
C1AManufacturer.DataSource = Manufacturer.Tables(0)
C1AManufacturer.DataMember = "Manufacturer"
C1AManufacturer.DataTextField = "Manufacturer"
C1AManufacturer.DataValueField = "Manufacturer_ID"
End Sub
Now these files are bound to the control each time the page is constructed.
I'm working on the next step now. The grids need ViewStateMode="Enabled" now because a new page is contructed when you go to a new View. Another option is to build the content of the combo's or grids every time again. But in that case the order of things become important, you can't just call UpdateGrid in Page_Load, because for example you need to execute a button click first which increments the record counter.
This basic understanding should be much more important to you in the end than me fixing this page.
For example see this explanation:
Do you see how misconstructing a page can lead to empty controls or doubled up lists?
Do you see how misconstructing a page can lead to empty controls or doubled up lists?
So actually from that page I got the solution for the problem in my previous post, delete all calls to UpdateGrid and do it like this:
Protected Sub Page_LoadComplete(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadComplete
End Sub
I couldn't get the lower ComboBox to work (I thought) but it IS working: if you put the cursor in it and press cursor down it showed the list. The arrow is not shown but that is because of the attribute: ShowTrigger="False".
Just read your messages, will try your suggestions and get back to you.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Just read your messages, will try your suggestions and get back to you.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Still having isues with the bottom combobox and not getting current record when navigating from View 2, will run more test tomorrow.
Still having isues with the bottom combobox and not getting current record when navigating from View 2, will run more test tomorrow.
Have a good look at the different attributes on those two ComboBoxes, are those deliberate or have you been trying out various possibilities and forgot to clean up?
Below is what you posted earlier, I took out the ShowTrigger="False" on the second one and got it working. But also why is there a Text="Select" on the first one if you're using it to display the found records? What should the OpenDropDownOnLoad do? I mean it sounds obvious but doesn't work for me.
Below is what you posted earlier, I took out the ShowTrigger="False" on the second one and got it working. But also why is there a Text="Select" on the first one if you're using it to display the found records? What should the OpenDropDownOnLoad do? I mean it sounds obvious but doesn't work for me.
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryOrigin" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
ForceSelectionText="True" Height="32px" IsEditable="False"
style="text-align: left"
Width="60px" Text="Select" OpenDropDownOnLoad="True">
<cc1:C1ComboBox ID="C1CountryUserA" runat="server" Width="60px"
IsEditable="False" ShowTrigger="False" AppendDataBoundItems="True"
AutoComplete="False" DropDownResizable="True" MaxLength="35"
Select is in the CountryOrigin Combobox to allow them to select a country during the Update part of the application, forgot to remove it, but it should not have an impact, the OpenDropDownOnLoad shows all the data loaded in a dropdown list and it is working on my side. I will clean up my code and end you the latest, hopefully it will help with solving the remaining two issues.
Select is in the CountryOrigin Combobox to allow them to select a country during the Update part of the application, forgot to remove it, but it should not have an impact, the OpenDropDownOnLoad shows all the data loaded in a dropdown list and it is working on my side. I will clean up my code and end you the latest, hopefully it will help with solving the remaining two issues.
I see what you were talking about regarding the bottom combobox, it is now working for me also, the only problem now is when moving to different Views, I am still unable to keep track of the current record. For example When I am in View2 which contains RotationMin, when I click on Next, its value remains the same. I tried using session, but it still doesn't work.
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
' dtTable = Session("dtTable")
' dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
'dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
'dtItemA = Session("dtItemA")
'dtManufacturer = Session("dtManufacturer")
'CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex")
'LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
'Session("currentIndex") = CurrentIndex
' If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
'CurrentIndex += 1
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdItemA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ItemAID As String
Dim ItemAID2 As String
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdlinkA.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkA.x ml"))
xdlinkB.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkB.x ml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
xdDonor.Load(Server.MapPat h("Country User.xml") )
xdItemA.Load(Server.MapPat h("ItemA.x ml")) '1
xdManufacturer.Load(Server .MapPath(" Manufactur er.xml"))
XdRotationMin.Load(Server. MapPath("R otationMin .xml"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Va lue & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString1 )
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou nt - 1
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Value & ",')"
End If
MsgBox(allSelectionString2 )
Dim allSelectionString3 As String = "" '2
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1AItemA.Items.Count - 1
If C1AItemA.Items(itemCounter ).Selected Then
If allSelectionString3 <> "" Then allSelectionString3 &= " or "
allSelectionString3 &= "contains(concat(',', ItemA_ID, ','), '," & C1AItemA.Items(itemCounter ).Value & ",')"
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString3 )
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu rer_ID), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ")"
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4 )
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *******
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtItemA As New DataTable '3
dtItemA.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtItemA.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("ID"))
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("ID"))
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("Name"))
Session("CurrentIndex") = 0
dtTable = New DataTable
dtTable.Columns.Add("LinkI D2", GetType(Integer))
'Screen 1
Session("dtTable") = dtTable
Session("dtItemA") = dtDonor
Session("dtDonor") = dtDonor
Session("dtReceiver") = dtReceiver
Session("dtManufacturer") = dtManufacturer
'Screen 2
Session("dtRotationMin") = dtRotationMin
Session("LinkID2") = LinkID2
Session("dtLinkID") = dtLinkID
Link_ID = ""
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
'************************* ********** ********** ****
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & vbatest & "]")
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[Item A_ID='" & C1ItemA.SelectedItem.Value & "']")
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
ItemAID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I temA_ID"). InnerText '4
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root /CountryUs erTable[co ntains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r_ID").Inn erText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r").InnerT ext
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
For Each xnItemA As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemA.SelectNodes("/Root /ItemATabl e[contains ('," & ItemAID & ",', concat(',', ItemA_ID, ','))]") '5
ItemAID2 = xnItemA.SelectSingleNode(" ItemA_ID") .InnerText
Name = xnItemA.SelectSingleNode(" ItemA").In nerText
dtItemA.Rows.Add({ItemAID2 , Name})
End If
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
dtTable.Rows.Add({LinkID2} )
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & LinkID2 & "']")
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode(" Manufactur er_ID").In nerText
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[Manu facturer_I D='" & ManufacturerID & "']")
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t
dtManufacturer.Rows.Add({M anufacture rID2, Name})
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & LinkID2 & "']")
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode(" RotationMi n_ID").Inn erText
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes( "/Root/Rot ationMinTa ble[Rotati onMin_ID=' " & RotationMinID & "']")
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin_ID ").InnerTe xt
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin"). InnerText
dtRotationMin.Rows.Add({Ro tationMinI D2, Name})
C1ItemA.DataSource = dtItemA
C1ItemA.DataMember = "Name"
C1ItemA.DataTextField = "Name"
C1ItemA.DataValueField = "ID"
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataTextFie ld = "Name"
C1CountryUserA.DataValueFi eld = "ID"
C1CountryOrigin.DataSource = dtDonor
C1CountryOrigin.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataTextFi eld = "Name"
C1CountryOrigin.DataValueF ield = "ID"
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite m("Name")
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item ("Name")
dtManufacturer.Rows.Clear( )
End Sub
I see what you were talking about regarding the bottom combobox, it is now working for me also, the only problem now is when moving to different Views, I am still unable to keep track of the current record. For example When I am in View2 which contains RotationMin, when I click on Next, its value remains the same. I tried using session, but it still doesn't work.
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
' dtTable = Session("dtTable")
' dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
'dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
'dtItemA = Session("dtItemA")
'dtManufacturer = Session("dtManufacturer")
'CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex")
'LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
'Session("currentIndex") = CurrentIndex
' If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
'CurrentIndex += 1
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim xdItemA As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ItemAID As String
Dim ItemAID2 As String
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
End If
Dim allSelectionString3 As String = "" '2
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1AItemA.Items.Count - 1
If C1AItemA.Items(itemCounter
If allSelectionString3 <> "" Then allSelectionString3 &= " or "
allSelectionString3 &= "contains(concat(',', ItemA_ID, ','), '," & C1AItemA.Items(itemCounter
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString3
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
' MsgBox(allSelectionString4
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtItemA As New DataTable '3
dtItemA.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtItemA.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
Session("CurrentIndex") = 0
dtTable = New DataTable
'Screen 1
Session("dtTable") = dtTable
Session("dtItemA") = dtDonor
Session("dtDonor") = dtDonor
Session("dtReceiver") = dtReceiver
Session("dtManufacturer") = dtManufacturer
'Screen 2
Session("dtRotationMin") = dtRotationMin
Session("LinkID2") = LinkID2
Session("dtLinkID") = dtLinkID
Link_ID = ""
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
ButtonNext.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
ItemAID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("I
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
ButtonNext.Enabled = True
Label14.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnItemA As Xml.XmlNode In xdItemA.SelectNodes("/Root
ItemAID2 = xnItemA.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnItemA.SelectSingleNode("
End If
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes(
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
C1ItemA.DataSource = dtItemA
C1ItemA.DataMember = "Name"
C1ItemA.DataTextField = "Name"
C1ItemA.DataValueField = "ID"
C1CountryUserA.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryUserA.DataMember = "Name"
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(0).Ite
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item
End Sub
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Just read your message. will get back to you within the hour.
Just read your message. will get back to you within the hour.
I'm sorry for confusing matters. I know you are doing your best to help me and I really appreciate it.
I followed your instructions but the data in View2 still doesn't update when I click on the next button. My project includes lots of more code which may be executing inadvertently.
Can you please send me your project or aspx and aspxvb code and I will create a small project to make sure we are using the same files?
I'm sorry for confusing matters. I know you are doing your best to help me and I really appreciate it.
I followed your instructions but the data in View2 still doesn't update when I click on the next button. My project includes lots of more code which may be executing inadvertently.
Can you please send me your project or aspx and aspxvb code and I will create a small project to make sure we are using the same files?
Note the slightly different C1 installation I downloaded: "C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls", you can replace your version back in there.
Note the slightly different C1 installation I downloaded: "C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls", you can replace your version back in there.
Thanks! Will get back to you as soon as I have it running.
Can't seem to be able to include my componentone controls in your project, I think yiou had the same issue (enclosed error message) will need to create a new and match the names of of your control. Which control did you have in View2?
Were you able to see the changes in the control in View2 when you clicked on the Next button?
Need to head home now, will work on it as soon as I get home.
Can't seem to be able to include my componentone controls in your project, I think yiou had the same issue (enclosed error message) will need to create a new and match the names of of your control. Which control did you have in View2?
Were you able to see the changes in the control in View2 when you clicked on the Next button?
Need to head home now, will work on it as soon as I get home.
See screendump.
Yes I did have that error but it was because I have a slightly different version of C1, don't know why exactly maybe just downloaded another version but it works when you set these the same as for your existing project:
- reference in project to C1 assembly
- <@register assembly...> tag (in .aspx)
- imports C1... (in .aspx.vb)
The controls themselves are the same as far as I can tell, you can see that in the files I posted before.
Yes I did have that error but it was because I have a slightly different version of C1, don't know why exactly maybe just downloaded another version but it works when you set these the same as for your existing project:
- reference in project to C1 assembly
- <@register assembly...> tag (in .aspx)
- imports C1... (in .aspx.vb)
The controls themselves are the same as far as I can tell, you can see that in the files I posted before.
I am looking at your version, we were not on the same page, my fault for not being clear.
When I said View 2, I meant View 3, which you don't have. I did not consider the view with where we filter the data as a View to see the results. I am creating a new project now with an additional view (View 3) containing the RotationMin control, will send it to you as soon as I'm done. As mentioned the value of RotationMin does not change when I press on the Next button. For example, if my search returns 2 records with RotationMin vaues 1234 for the first record and 5678 for the second record. View3 still shows 1234 even when I move to the second record. When I press Nect I need to keep track of the current record for all the Views in order to see the correct values.
When I said View 2, I meant View 3, which you don't have. I did not consider the view with where we filter the data as a View to see the results. I am creating a new project now with an additional view (View 3) containing the RotationMin control, will send it to you as soon as I'm done. As mentioned the value of RotationMin does not change when I press on the Next button. For example, if my search returns 2 records with RotationMin vaues 1234 for the first record and 5678 for the second record. View3 still shows 1234 even when I move to the second record. When I press Nect I need to keep track of the current record for all the Views in order to see the correct values.
I created a new project (Link below) but when trying to run it I keep getting error message for the ComponenntOne controls, please try to replace them with the controls you were using.
'C1RotationMin' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I created a new project (Link below) but when trying to run it I keep getting error message for the ComponenntOne controls, please try to replace them with the controls you were using.
'C1RotationMin' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
The message box is given me the right count but the Textcontrol doesn't work, I tried using the textcontrol that comes with VS2010 but it's still not working. Any ideas what is causing this problem?
MsgBox(dtRotationMin.Rows. Count)
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item ("Name")
The message box is given me the right count but the Textcontrol doesn't work, I tried using the textcontrol that comes with VS2010 but it's still not working. Any ideas what is causing this problem?
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item
I think the problem is I need to use
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(Current Index).Ite m("Name")
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item ("Name")
will always give me the first row.
Will keep testing....
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(Current
'C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(0).Item
will always give me the first row.
Will keep testing....
The code below is an example of what I used in a search feature of my application, can it be modified to include ViewState("CurrentRecord") and still use UpdateGrid()
to avoid writing more code in the click event of the Next and Previous buttons?
I'm working with about 80 datafield and 9 screens, once I resolve this issue, is there a way to view one screen at a time? I'm afraid speed migh be an issue if the users have to wait for all 9 screens to be populated before data is displayed on the first screen. For example can a method be called for each screen, display data than call another method?
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
'Screen 1
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex”)
dtManufacturer = Session("dtManufacturer")
LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
'Screen 2
dtRotationMin = Session("dtRotationMin")
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
Session("CurrentIndex") = CurrentIndex
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex) .Item("Cou ntryOrigin ")
C1CountryUserA.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd ex).Item(" CountryUse r")
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(Curren tIndex).It em("Manufa cturer")
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(Current Index).Ite m("Rotatio nMin")
End If
to avoid writing more code in the click event of the Next and Previous buttons?
I'm working with about 80 datafield and 9 screens, once I resolve this issue, is there a way to view one screen at a time? I'm afraid speed migh be an issue if the users have to wait for all 9 screens to be populated before data is displayed on the first screen. For example can a method be called for each screen, display data than call another method?
Protected Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
'Screen 1
dtTable = Session("dtTable")
dtDonor = Session("dtDonor")
dtReceiver = Session("dtReceiver")
CurrentIndex = Session("CurrentIndex”)
dtManufacturer = Session("dtManufacturer")
LinkID2 = Session("LinkID2")
'Screen 2
dtRotationMin = Session("dtRotationMin")
If CurrentIndex < dtTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then
CurrentIndex += 1
Session("CurrentIndex") = CurrentIndex
C1CountryOrigin.Text = dtDonor.Rows(CurrentIndex)
C1CountryUserA.Text = dtReceiver.Rows(CurrentInd
C1Manufacturer.Text = dtManufacturer.Rows(Curren
'Screen 2
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(Current
End If
Ok, I need some time to get up to speed. I have downloaded the zip and will look at that momentarily.
But to answer your last question first: yes, you can decide which controls to fill from UpgradeGrid using MultiView1.ActiveIndex, so you only spend time on the controls that will be displayed in the current View.
But to answer your last question first: yes, you can decide which controls to fill from UpgradeGrid using MultiView1.ActiveIndex, so you only spend time on the controls that will be displayed in the current View.
I made some progress, was able to see the different RotationMin values in View3 but when I ran a search which gave me 8 records, when I press the Next button to go to the the last record (8). I received the folowing error:
There is no row at position 8.
on line:
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(ViewSta te("Curren tRecord")) .Item("Nam e")
The RotationMin ID and its value exist in RotationMin.xml and its ID does wxist in LinkB.xml, any ideas what is causing this error? The error occurs after icount = 8.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
ViewState("CurrentRecord") = 1
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") += 1
End Sub
Private Sub Page_LoadComplete(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadComplete
End Sub
Protected Sub Button169_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Previous.Click
ViewState("CurrentRecord") -= 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
xdlink.Load(Server.MapPath ("LinkSSAD B.xml"))
xdlinkA.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkA.x ml"))
xdlinkB.Load(Server.MapPat h("LinkB.x ml"))
xdReceiver.Load(Server.Map Path("Coun tryUser.xm l"))
xdDonor.Load(Server.MapPat h("Country User.xml") )
xdManufacturer.Load(Server .MapPath(" Manufactur er.xml"))
XdRotationMin.Load(Server. MapPath("R otationMin .xml"))
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count - 1
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Se lected Then
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC ounter).Va lue & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou nt - 1
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Selected Then
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite mCounter). Value & ",')"
End If
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[cont ains(Manuf acturer, '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "')]")
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu rer_ID), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ",')"
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t & " (id " & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text & ")"
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *******
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtReceiver.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("ID"))
dtManufacturer.Columns.Add (New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("ID"))
dtRotationMin.Columns.Add( New DataColumn("Name"))
Session("CurrentIndex") = 0
dtTable = New DataTable
dtTable.Columns.Add("LinkI D2", GetType(Integer))
'Screen 1
'Screen 2
Link_ID = ""
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
'************************* ********** ********** ********** ********** **********
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
' MsgBox(allSelectionStringO verall)
'************************* ********** ********** ****
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
Nexta.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]")
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA" & allSelectionStringOverall)
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/ LinkA[" & vbatest & "]")
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryUser _ID").Inne rText
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C ountryOrig in_ID").In nerText
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord") Then
NextA.Enabled = True
Label15.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R oot/Countr yUserTable [contains( '," & ReceiverID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User_ID"). InnerText
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod e("Country User").Inn erText
dtReceiver.Rows.Add({Recei verID2, Name})
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root /CountryUs erTable[co ntains('," & DonorID & ",', concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','))]")
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r_ID").Inn erText
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode(" CountryUse r").InnerT ext
dtDonor.Rows.Add({DonorID2 , Name})
End If
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L inkAID").I nnerText
dtTable.Rows.Add({LinkID2} )
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & LinkID2 & "']")
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode(" Manufactur er_ID").In nerText
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes ("/Root/Ma nufacturer Table[Manu facturer_I D='" & ManufacturerID & "']")
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer_ ID").Inner Text
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl eNode("Man ufacturer" ).InnerTex t
dtManufacturer.Rows.Add({M anufacture rID2, Name})
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root /LinkA[Lin kAID='" & LinkID2 & "']")
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode(" RotationMi n_ID").Inn erText
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes( "/Root/Rot ationMinTa ble[Rotati onMin_ID=' " & RotationMinID & "']")
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin_ID ").InnerTe xt
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle Node("Rota tionMin"). InnerText
dtRotationMin.Rows.Add({Ro tationMinI D2, Name})
C1CountryUser.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryUser.DataMember = "Name"
C1CountryUser.DataTextFiel d = "Name"
I made some progress, was able to see the different RotationMin values in View3 but when I ran a search which gave me 8 records, when I press the Next button to go to the the last record (8). I received the folowing error:
There is no row at position 8.
on line:
C1RotationMin.Text = dtRotationMin.Rows(ViewSta
The RotationMin ID and its value exist in RotationMin.xml and its ID does wxist in LinkB.xml, any ideas what is causing this error? The error occurs after icount = 8.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then ' first time
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub Button173_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button173.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub NextA_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NextA.Click
End Sub
Private Sub Page_LoadComplete(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadComplete
End Sub
Protected Sub Button169_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Previous.Click
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
Dim XdRotationMin As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim RotationMinID As String
Dim RotationMinID2 As String
Dim xdManufacturer As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim ManufacturerID As String
Dim ManufacturerID2 As String
Dim astrixState As Integer
astrixState = 0
Dim xdDonor As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim xdlink As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkA As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdlinkB As New Xml.XmlDocument, xdReceiver As New Xml.XmlDocument, Link_ID As String, ReceiverID As String, ReceiverID2 As String, DonorID As String, DonorID2 As String, Name As String
Dim allSelectionString1 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryUser.Items.Count
If C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
If allSelectionString1 <> "" Then allSelectionString1 &= " or "
allSelectionString1 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryUser_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryUser.Items(itemC
End If
Dim allSelectionString2 As String = ""
For itemCounter As Integer = 0 To C1ACountryOrigin.Items.Cou
If C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
If allSelectionString2 <> "" Then allSelectionString2 &= " or "
allSelectionString2 &= "contains(concat(',', CountryOrigin_ID, ','), '," & C1ACountryOrigin.Items(ite
End If
Dim allSelectionString4 As String = ""
If C1Manufacturer.Text <> "" Then
Dim ManufacturerFound As String = ""
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
If allSelectionString4 <> "" Then allSelectionString4 &= " or "
allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(',', Manufacturer_ID, ','), '," & xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
'' allSelectionString4 &= "contains(concat(Manufactu
If ManufacturerFound <> "" Then ManufacturerFound &= ", "
ManufacturerFound &= xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
If ManufacturerFound = "" Then
Label14.Text = "Manufacturer '" & C1Manufacturer.Text & "' not found."
Label14.Text = ManufacturerFound
End If
End If
Dim dtReceiver As New DataTable
Dim dtDonor As New DataTable
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
dtDonor.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Name"))
Dim dtManufacturer As New DataTable
Dim dtRotationMin As New DataTable
Session("CurrentIndex") = 0
dtTable = New DataTable
'Screen 1
'Screen 2
Link_ID = ""
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
' Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = "(" & allSelectionString1 & ") and (" & allSelectionString2 & ")"
Dim allSelectionStringOverall As String = ""
' all the strings we found in earlier searches are now put in an array for easy handling
' For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3, allSelectionString4} ' add more as needed
For Each selString As String In {allSelectionString1, allSelectionString2, allSelectionString3} ' add more as needed
' only process strings that are not empty other wise we get an error on "() and ()"
If selString <> "" Then
' just like in the previous block of code, do not use the operator the first time
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall &= " and "
' if we want to reverse all selections then this is the position in the string we need to insert "not" so the
' next part will return true when it is actually false (so it does NOT contain the selected values)
If astrixState = 1 Then allSelectionStringOverall &= "not "
' here the actual query is inserted within parantheses because it can contain multiple calls to 'contains()' separated by 'or' operators
allSelectionStringOverall &= "(" & selString & ")"
End If
If allSelectionStringOverall <> "" Then allSelectionStringOverall = "[" & allSelectionStringOverall & "]"
' MsgBox(allSelectionStringO
Me.Label15.Text = allSelectionStringOverall
Previous.Enabled = False
Nexta.Enabled = False
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' Dim selectedNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xdlink.SelectNodes("/Root/
' For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
For Each xnLink As Xml.XmlNode In selectedNodes
Link_ID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
ReceiverID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
DonorID = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("C
iCount += 1
If iCount < ViewState("CurrentRecord")
Previous.Enabled = True
ElseIf iCount > ViewState("CurrentRecord")
NextA.Enabled = True
Label15.Text = " ( " & iCount & "/ " & selectedNodes.Count & ") "
For Each xnReceiver As Xml.XmlNode In xdReceiver.SelectNodes("/R
ReceiverID2 = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
Name = xnReceiver.SelectSingleNod
For Each xnDonor As Xml.XmlNode In xdDonor.SelectNodes("/Root
DonorID2 = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
Name = xnDonor.SelectSingleNode("
End If
LinkID2 = xnLink.SelectSingleNode("L
For Each xnLinkA As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkA.SelectNodes("/Root
ManufacturerID = xnLinkA.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnManufacturer As Xml.XmlNode In xdManufacturer.SelectNodes
ManufacturerID2 = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
Name = xnManufacturer.SelectSingl
For Each xnLinkB As Xml.XmlNode In xdlinkB.SelectNodes("/Root
RotationMinID = xnLinkB.SelectSingleNode("
For Each xnRotationMin As Xml.XmlNode In XdRotationMin.SelectNodes(
RotationMinID2 = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
Name = xnRotationMin.SelectSingle
C1CountryUser.DataSource = dtReceiver
C1CountryUser.DataMember = "Name"
Note: There are some inconsistencies between the xml examples and the code. I have changed the code (argument to selectNodes) but possibly it needs to be the other way around?
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