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JeffBeallFlag for United States of America

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I have a motorola surf board model sb6580 and I was messing with the built in firewall, but I don't like how limited the options are.
I haven't tried too many firewall, so I was wondering what's a really good firewall? I was assuming I would need a software firewall. I guess I could get a firewall device, but It's just for my home PC's and didn't want to spend a lot. However, if there is a firewall device that is reasonably priced, maybe that would be better, ( I assume a firewall device would be faster than a software firewall )
So, any suggestions?
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If its just for your home, a standard Linksys or Netgear will do.
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so linksys or netgear has devices that are just firewalls?
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thanks for the help