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index files on a mapped drive to add to a windows 7 library

I have a user that has several files on a mapped drive. That user would like to add those file to the windows 7 library on their computer but it says the directory needs to be indexed first. How do I do that? Does the windows 7 computer have to index that directory or does the directory need to be indexed on the server?


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It must be indexed on the server.

I have seen some hacks where people use subst to map the network drive and then force the local indexer to index.  Of course if you do that on 100 pcs all 100 will individually index it - not good ;)
Avatar of JustinGSEIWI


How do I index this on the server?

Avatar of LeeTutor
I've requested that this question be deleted for the following reason:

The question has either no comments or not enough useful information to be called an "answer".
I object because I had subscribed to this thread to see if Justin would provide the info himself.
The server index is built when you install the indexing role at the server and add these shares to the list of indexed folders.
I've requested that this question be deleted for the following reason:

We recently decided that we no longer need to do this since we no longer use the mapped drive. Should we delete the question then?


Do whatever you want, but realize that you asked something and it was answered, so it gets only archived if not deleted. Also, the effort could be honored.
Can you tell me how to index it on the server?
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