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gisvpnFlag for United States of America

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Windows 7 - Folder Auto Arrange in Windows Explorer


I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7.

In windows XP I used to be able to, in Windows Explorer, move the folders around the screen and not have then auto-arranged by Windows - I used to put for example personal folders on the left of the window and work folders on the right - it made it really easy to find things.

Is there any way in Windows 7 to switch off auto arrange of the folders so that I can arrange the on the screen how I would like them, as I did in Windows XP?

If this is not possible in Windows 7 - is there a third party bit of software which would allow me to do this?

Many thanks in advance

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Avatar of Michal Zyzak

You mean auto arranging of desktop icon, correct?

Right-click on your desktop, click View, and then de-select Auto arrange icons.
Avatar of gisvpn


Worked Perfectly! thank you a very useful registry change!