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millerjeFlag for United States of America

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Get mapped network drives on a remote computer

Hi experts,

I have been using a vbscript for a few years now that can get a users mapped network drives remotely.  I have been developing a C# program and am unable to find a good reliable way of accomplishing this.  I am currently using WMI, which works sometimes, but not all the time.  The vbscript looks through the registry and works everytime. I would like to use something like this in my c# program.  I will post the vbscript to this question.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  The only change in the c# app is that instead of exporting the results to a txt file, I will be appending the results to a rich text box.

' Current User Mapped Drives V1.0

on error resume next

' ********** Get computer name from the user
strComputer=inputbox("Enter Computer Name: ", "Current User Mapped Drives")

' ********** Define constants
Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003

' ********** Blank the report message
strMsg = ""

' ********** Set objects 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objWbem = GetObject("winmgmts:")
Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv")

if err.number = "-2147217375" then
	' Do nothing

	' ********** Check to make sure the computer exists on the network.
	Select Case err.number
		Case 462
			strWarn=MsgBox("Unable to connect to " & strComputer & ".", 48, "System Information Checker")
		Case -2147217394
			strWarn=MsgBox(strComputer & " is not a valid name.", 48, "System Information Checker")
		Case 70
			strWarn=MsgBox(strComputer & " has denied access.", 48, "System Information Checker")
    	Case Else

	' ********** Get the current user from Explorer  

	Set colProc = objWmiService.ExecQuery("Select Name from Win32_Process" & " Where Name='explorer.exe'")

	If colProc.Count > 0 Then
		For Each oProcess In colProc
			oProcess.GetOwner sUser, sDomain
	End If

	' ********** Print user and computer
	strMsg = strMsg & "    User: " & sUser & VbCrLf
	strMsg = strMsg & "Computer: " & strComputer & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

	' ********** Loop through the HKEY_USERS hive until the currently logged on user is matched
	lngRtn = objRegistry.EnumKey(HKEY_USERS, "", arrRegKeys)
	For Each strKey In arrRegKeys
		If UCase(strKey) = ".DEFAULT" Or UCase(Right(strKey, 8)) = "_CLASSES" Then
			Set objSID = objWbem.Get("Win32_SID.SID='" & strKey & "'")
			If objSID.accountname = sUser Then 
				regpath2enumerate = strkey & "\Network" 'strkey is the SID
				objRegistry.enumkey hkey_users, regpath2enumerate, arrkeynames
				If Not (IsEmpty(arrkeynames)) Then
					For Each subkey In arrkeynames
						regpath = strkey & "\Network\" & subkey
						regentry = "RemotePath"
						objRegistry.getstringvalue hkey_users, regpath, regentry, dapath
						strMsg = strMsg & subkey & ":" & vbTab & dapath & VbCrLf
				End If
			End If
		End If

		' ********** Check for the existence of the "SysInfoCheck" folder then
		' ********** write the file to disk.
		strDirectory = "C:\SysInfoCheck"
		Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
    			' Procede
    			Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
		End if

		' ********** Calculate date serial for filename **********
		intMonth = month(now)
		if intMonth < 10 then
			strThisMonth = "0" & intMonth
			strThisMonth = intMOnth
		end if
		intDay = Day(now)
		if intDay < 10 then
			strThisDay = "0" & intDay
			strThisDay = intDay
		end if
		strFilenameDateSerial = year(now) & strThisMonth & strThisDay

		Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & "\" & strComputer & "_" & sUser & "_MappedDrives" & "_" & strFilenameDateSerial & ".txt",True)	
		objFile.Write strMsg & vbCrLf

		' ********** Ask to view file
		strFinish = "Finished collecting mapped drives for computer: " & strComputer & "." & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "View file?"
		strAnswer=MsgBox(strFinish, 68, "System Information Checker")
		if strAnswer = 6 then
    			Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strDirectory & "\" & strComputer & "_" & sUser & "_MappedDrives" & "_" & strFilenameDateSerial & ".txt"
		end if

	end select

end if

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Avatar of Gautham Janardhan
Gautham Janardhan

combining ( and (

                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
                    "SELECT * FROM Win32_MappedLogicalDisk");

                foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
                    Console.WriteLine("Win32_MappedLogicalDisk instance");
                    Console.WriteLine("Access: {0}", queryObj["Access"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Availability: {0}", queryObj["Availability"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("BlockSize: {0}", queryObj["BlockSize"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Caption: {0}", queryObj["Caption"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Compressed: {0}", queryObj["Compressed"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ConfigManagerErrorCode: {0}", queryObj["ConfigManagerErrorCode"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ConfigManagerUserConfig: {0}", queryObj["ConfigManagerUserConfig"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("CreationClassName: {0}", queryObj["CreationClassName"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", queryObj["Description"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("DeviceID: {0}", queryObj["DeviceID"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ErrorCleared: {0}", queryObj["ErrorCleared"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ErrorDescription: {0}", queryObj["ErrorDescription"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ErrorMethodology: {0}", queryObj["ErrorMethodology"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("FileSystem: {0}", queryObj["FileSystem"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("FreeSpace: {0}", queryObj["FreeSpace"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("InstallDate: {0}", queryObj["InstallDate"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("LastErrorCode: {0}", queryObj["LastErrorCode"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("MaximumComponentLength: {0}", queryObj["MaximumComponentLength"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", queryObj["Name"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("NumberOfBlocks: {0}", queryObj["NumberOfBlocks"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("PNPDeviceID: {0}", queryObj["PNPDeviceID"]);

                    if (queryObj["PowerManagementCapabilities"] == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("PowerManagementCapabilities: {0}", queryObj["PowerManagementCapabilities"]);
                        UInt16[] arrPowerManagementCapabilities = (UInt16[])(queryObj["PowerManagementCapabilities"]);
                        foreach (UInt16 arrValue in arrPowerManagementCapabilities)
                            Console.WriteLine("PowerManagementCapabilities: {0}", arrValue);
                    Console.WriteLine("PowerManagementSupported: {0}", queryObj["PowerManagementSupported"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("ProviderName: {0}", queryObj["ProviderName"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Purpose: {0}", queryObj["Purpose"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("QuotasDisabled: {0}", queryObj["QuotasDisabled"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("QuotasIncomplete: {0}", queryObj["QuotasIncomplete"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("QuotasRebuilding: {0}", queryObj["QuotasRebuilding"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("SessionID: {0}", queryObj["SessionID"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}", queryObj["Size"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", queryObj["Status"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("StatusInfo: {0}", queryObj["StatusInfo"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("SupportsDiskQuotas: {0}", queryObj["SupportsDiskQuotas"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("SupportsFileBasedCompression: {0}", queryObj["SupportsFileBasedCompression"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("SystemCreationClassName: {0}", queryObj["SystemCreationClassName"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("SystemName: {0}", queryObj["SystemName"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("VolumeName: {0}", queryObj["VolumeName"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("VolumeSerialNumber: {0}", queryObj["VolumeSerialNumber"]);
            catch (ManagementException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + ex.Message);

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I don't want to use WMI, I want to search through the registry like the vbscript I posted. Can someone help convert this to c#?
Avatar of Gautham Janardhan
Gautham Janardhan

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After reading through the code, it seems like it is the right answer.  I am going to accept this and try to get it to work.  I will post results when I do.  Thanks gauthampj!!