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javagairFlag for United States of America

asked on

what value for parameter is missing?

there are no line continuation lines, because in my code page everything is on one line.
when I use a break on the line cmd.Connection =    the holdstring has the entire connection string from above.  When I f5 I jump to the error code and it tells me that "no value given for one or more required parameters"
'LOOK AT THIS LINE OR FUNCTION   are just additions that I added for you guys!
what values for which parameters are missing from the cnnection string?


Public Class DataBaseConnector
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns an OLEDB connection string to an Access 2010 database
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>The OLEDB connection string to the Access 2010 database</returns>
    Private Function GetConnectionString() As String

        ' Create the Connection string
        Dim strConnection As String
        strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data Source=C:\Databases\oursystem.accdb;" & "User ID=Admin;Password=;"

        ' Return the Conntection string
        GetConnectionString = strConnection

    End Function ' End of: Private Function GetConnectionString() As String

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Allow the user to execute non-record returning queries
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="SqlCode">The SQL Statement to execute against the database</param>
    ''' <returns>True if successful, otherwise False</returns>
    Public Function RunSqlNonQuery(ByVal SqlCode As String) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo HandleErrors

        Dim bResult As Boolean
        Dim cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand

        ' Create the OLEDB Command object
        cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlCode)

        ' Open the Connection
        cmd.Connection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(GetConnectionString())

        ' Execute the SQL Statement

        ' It looks like we've succeeded - return True
        bResult = True


        ' Close the connection
        If (Not IsNothing(cmd.Connection)) Then
            If (cmd.Connection.State <> ConnectionState.Closed) Then
            End If
        End If

        ' Return the result and exit
        RunSqlNonQuery = bResult
        Exit Function


        ' Handle any errors here...
        MsgBox("An error was raised!" & vbNewLine & "Message: " & Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
        bResult = False ' Return failure
        Resume ExitFunction

    End Function ' End of: Public Function RunSqlNonQuery(SqlCode As String) As Boolean

    Public Function RunSqlSelectQuery(ByVal SqlCode As String) As String
        Dim holdstring As String
        On Error GoTo HandleErrors

        Dim bResult As Boolean
        Dim cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand

        ' Create the OLEDB Command object
        cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlCode)

        ' Open the Connection
        holdstring = GetConnectionString()   'LOOK AT THIS LINE
        cmd.Connection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(holdstring)

        ' Execute the SQL Statement
        Dim sqlResult As Object = cmd.ExecuteScalar()


        ' Close the connection
        If (Not IsNothing(cmd.Connection)) Then
            If (cmd.Connection.State <> ConnectionState.Closed) Then
            End If
        End If

        ' Return the result and exit
        If sqlResult Is Nothing Then
            Return "notfound"   'result not found
            Return sqlResult.ToString()   'result found
        End If
        Exit Function


        ' Handle any errors here...
        MsgBox("An error was raised!" & vbNewLine & "Message: " & Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
        Return "notfound"   'result not foundo
        Resume ExitFunction

    End Function ' End of: Public Function RunSqlSelectQuery(SqlCode As String) As Boolean
End Class
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It would be helpful to see the SQL you are passing.
LOOK AT THIS LINE always points to the Connection.

The error you receive is an error on the Command object, not the Connection.

You have a couple of Command object in there, and they all have a SqlCode statement defined somewhere else. You problem is in the definition of SqlCode.
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the line above where I typed  LOOK AT THIS LINE is th only one in the function I am using that uses the sql statement.  No error message is posted till I hit the line I indicated.
The following is the code that calls the function
THE SOC. SEC. #  was replaced with my name since it is a text value.  I have always used text values even for numbers and then did a conversion if I wanted to do math.
I can see only one call to the function and only one use of the byval parameter in the function.


Public Class Form1
    Dim useConnector As New DataBaseConnector
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim strSql As String
        Dim holdResult As String
        strSql = ""
        strSql = strSql & "Select employee_name from users where soc_sec = " & "gary"

        holdResult = useConnector.RunSqlSelectQuery(strSql)
        If holdResult = "notfound" Then
            TextBox1.Text = "No Name Found"
            TextBox1.Text = holdResult
        End If

    End Sub
End Class
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I haven't done this kind of programming for ten years.  I kept thinking there is something about single quotes that I used to do.  Good catch!!!!!!!

Related question do I need to loop through the table or will it search the entire soc_sec column for gary?  Even though the program now runs with no error it never finds a employee name with the soc_sec  as gary.

thanks a million
Because you are using ExecuteScalar you will only get the first row. If you want to get all of the matching rows, you will need to use the ExecuteReader method and then loop over the DataReader.


Dim sqlResult As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

While sqlResult.Read()
    Dim empName As String = sqlResult("employee_name").ToString()
End While

Open in new window

worked only once, gave no answer.

now it get to line
 Dim sqlResult As Object = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
and returns Nothing  which throughs a new error.
How can the object be nothing when obviously gary is in the soc_sec position.

ran the query in access itself and it finds the right name.

Are you certain that the connection string you are using is pointed to the database that you are manually querying?
For the record, ExecuteScalar does not return the first row, it returns only one value, the first column of the first row. Since you are looking for only one value in one row, this is the proper thing to use.

What do you mean by "worked only once, gave no answer"? If it worked, there is an answer. Have you tried looking at cmd.ExecuteScalar in the debugger to see what the real result is, before VB tries its automatic conversion when assigning to the variable?
For the record, ExecuteScalar does not return the first row, it returns only one value, the first column of the first row.
Well, I s'pose if you want to be technical, yes. But since he's only selecting one column..."first row" and "first column of first row" are synonymous in this case, don't you think?    ; )
In that case yes.

But stating that ExecuteScalar returns the first row can be misleading for beggining programmers. As a trainer, I know that these little details can cause headaches to those who are learning.
what I meant by working is that it went to completion without giving an error, but still gave a a nothing for a answer.

Given the last little discussion between the two of you, Does scalar actually give an answer or the column number where the answer is located?

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strSql = strSql & "Select employee_name from users where soc_sec = ' " & "544609764" & "'"

does not return any results
looking at the string as it is passed into the function:
"Select employee_name from users where soc_sec =  '544609764' "
employee_name is a text and soc_sec is a text.
this soc_sec is in the very first record.

returns nothing.

so all problems stem from a sql statement that is wrong.  I do not see what that is.

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