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to do easeus backing up image offsite using rsync?

I have a software called todo backup by a company called easeus.

The software creates an image of the whole system or just sql or just exchange.

you can schedule the backups. let look at a scenario. If I schedule and back of exchange for day one it creates the following:

a folder called exchangebackup-2012-01-01-14:15hrs (date, month and year including the time)

it then creates and image with a similar format.

I then want to use rsync to remotely copy this image to a NAS which is obviously offsite.

I know the first time rsync runs it will copy the whole file over to the nas. on the second run it should only copy the changed data.

the problem is todo backup creates a DIFFERENT folder for each day and the FILENAME is also DIFFERENT. so when rsync runs it will copy the whole image/backup file over again.

how can I keep the same file name and folder name? is the best way to create a batch so that after backup completes I could rename whatever is in there to day1, day2 , day3 and then have the same structure on the remote NAS side.

or can somebody recommend and easy way where I can schedule an image to take place and then rsync it over to the nas.

please assist. thanks
Avatar of Tony Giangreco
Tony Giangreco
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