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Crystal report loop formula?

I need a 'goal' line on a line graph that decreases by 3% each year (a moving target).  A date in January of 2006 holds the baseline value of say...200.  For each year after that, I need something like:

2006- 200
2007- 198.5
2008- 197.01
2009- 195.53

Is there a formula that I can create to make this line?
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Does your underlying data only contain one row per year?
Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

Try this idea

Create a formula YearGoal

{StartingVlaueField} * exp(({Year({DateField}-Year({StartDateField})) * log(0.97))

That will give you the value desired for each year

You can then drop that formula on the chart as a MAXIMUM or MINIMUM value since all values are the same

Avatar of Craig_Fr


Thank you for the response!  I'm making some progress but i'm not sure I plugged the values in properly.  This is what I have:

{@baseline} * exp((Year({BILLING_MONTH}-Year(CDateTime (2006, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00))) * log(0.9925)))

{@baseline} is a constant number field of 200
{BILLING_MONTH} is a date field in the form of (2006, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00)
For the start date field, I put in the first date value and not a formula.

I get a constant line at the bottom of the graph when I put it in this way.  When I use Month() instead of Year(), I can see a negative trend-line for each year (see attached (Orange line)).  I admit I'm not familiar with exp() and log() formulas, so I greatly appreciate this!.
Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

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