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Dreamweaver login server behavior


I believe many classic ASP developers do use/have used Adobe Dreamweaver Login server behavior in the past to restrict access to some pages/parts of the website.

Question 1:
Is Login Server behavior in Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 ~ CS6 truly reliable and secure? Can a large firm/school/business rely on Adobe Dreamweaver login server behavior to restrict visitors to parts of website containing very sensitive information and data? (by the use of MM_Username session variable)

Question 2:
I've heard that MS Visual Studio also has similar login behavior/features for ASP.NET applications but I couldn't find it. Can somebody let me know where I should go to find the login features?

Thank you.
Avatar of Jason C. Levine
Jason C. Levine
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Thank you, I will try to add 'maximum number of login attempt restriction' feature in ASP myself.