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Avatar of donebert

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Exchange 2010 botched removal with Co-existing Exchange 2003

I read tons of posts, however nothing I read helped. I currently have an Exchange 2003 Server running perfect. I setup Exchange 2010 on a separate physical server with 2008 R2 Standard. I installed Exchange 2010 with Hub, Mailbox, Client roles. I didn't define any policy's, just basic install. I installed SP1 with no problems, I then installed SP2 and it messed the 2010 exchange server and I had to re-install the OS again without totally removing the Exchange Server.

Here's my problem, I have a new 2008 R2 OS and trying to install Exchange 2010 during running setup /preparead  setup /prepareschema I recieve these errors AD schema version 14732 ishigher than the setup's version 126. When I first installed Exchange I used Exchange 2010, then when re-installing I used Exc 2010 with SP1. During this process my associate deleted the Administrative Group (Fydibohf23spdlt). Now when trying to install exchange again I recieve the error of not able to locate the administrative group. Not sure on how to get past this. I read posts on how to remove manually exchange 2010, but still don't work.   PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!
Avatar of donebert


Sorry forgot to attach the document with errors
Exchange 2010 install errors
Avatar of Akhater
you don't need to run /preparead and /prepareschema again these are done only once

the step files you are using are for RTM or for SP1 when your schema and AD are preapred for SP2 thus the error

Just install exchange without runnin any commnad
Thanks for that info I will try that shortly and let you know results. I also noticed now in my current exchange 2003 server there is an extra connector beside my normal one. it shows the server names 2003emailservername-2010 servername. Should I delete this first or just leave it?
no you don't need to delete it, you won't be able to delete it from 2k3 anyway
What Exchange 2010 software should I use to isntall the RTM or with SP1
Currently Exchange 2010 does not have Exchange with SP2. and the server has no Exchange installed currently. How can I proceed and thanks a bunch for helping me out
schema version 14732 means that your domain is SP2 ready, if you have the setup files for SP2 then proceed with it
Ok, I ran the exchange install with sp2 and here is the error i received. If you remember the administrative group was manually deleted using ASDIEDIT tool.
i didn't notice that you delete that one from ADSIEdit, that's exactly why adsiedit should not be used lightly

try to run /prearead from SP2 setup files please
Will do shortly and post results.
Here were the results
run /pl first
Here the error that command reported.
clear the c:\exchangesetuplogs folder and run it again when it fails go back to that folder open the log file and paste the relevent portion
I will have it shortly
ok please download this and give it at ry
OK I was able to successfully run the setup /preparead, and then ran the setup again and it now is reporting a different error. So it looks like were getting much closer. attached shows the setup /prepare ad results and re-install error.
Forgot to mention the Administrative group referenced in the first part of this was re-created now.
good that's one step closer now follow
going to do it now, however this mailbox is related to exchange 2010, This WON't mess up my current Exchange 2003 enviroment correct?
It is 2010 only
I deleted the federated email and tried to run the mailbox role, like the instructions said and it gave me an error.

Summary: 2 item(s). 1 succeeded, 1 failed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:11

Configuring Prerequisites

Elapsed Time: 00:00:01

Mailbox Role Prerequisites

A Setup failure previously occurred while installing the HubTransport role. Either run Setup again for just this role, or remove the role using Control Panel.
Click here for help...

Setup did not detect an existing Hub Transport server role installed in Active Directory site 'Default-First-Site-Name'. Mail cannot be sent or received from this mailbox server until a Hub Transport role is installed.

Setup didn't detect an existing Client Access server role installed in Active Directory site 'Default-First-Site-Name'. Outlook Web App and Exchange ActiveSync mobile phone access won't be available until a Client Access role is installed.

If Microsoft Outlook 2003 is in use, you should replicate the free/busy folder on this server to every other free/busy server in the organization. This step should be performed once Setup completes.

Elapsed Time: 00:00:09

Not sure if I should un-install exchange and try to re-install after reboot ? /r:ht
Ran the command and here is the output

C:\exsp2> /r:ht

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

The following server role(s) will be installed
Hub Transport Role

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup                                           COMPLETED
    Hub Transport Server Role                                 FAILED
     The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          if ( ($server -eq $null) -and ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true) )
            Update-RmsSharedIdentity -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName
        " was run: "RMS Shared Identity user FederatedEmail.4c1f4d8b-8179-4148-9
3bf-00a95fa1e042 not found.".

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

you did not follow microsoft article well, you delete the user but  you didn't create it again
try reunning /preparedomain and /preparead
should I recreate the mailbox first? or will the preparead and preparedomain solve that isue?
let's try /pl /preparead /preparedomain first
Thanks for working thru this with me here are the results

C:\exsp2> /pl

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Organization Checks                                       FAILED
     A Setup failure previously occurred while installing the HubTransport role.
 Either run Setup again for just this role, or remove the role using Control Pan

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

C:\exsp2> /preparead

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Organization Checks                                       FAILED
     A Setup failure previously occurred while installing the HubTransport role.
 Either run Setup again for just this role, or remove the role using Control Pan

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

C:\exsp2> /preparedomain

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Organization Checks                                       FAILED
     A Setup failure previously occurred while installing the HubTransport role.
 Either run Setup again for just this role, or remove the role using Control Pan

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

you have any other server running 2008 R2 on which you can simply run setup /preparead ?
Yes, but none of them are an exchange server, just memebers and DC's
doesn't matter just run /preparead we are not installing exchange
what command before preparead do I use? Do I have to have the exchange media on the other server?
Yes you need exchange media /preparead
Would it be best run that on my Primary DC or should I do a memeber>
And preparedomain
Doesn't matter
OK I ran the preparead and here is the error log, it states about system needs to restart. I didn't run the next one yet. I will wait for your response. Here are the results

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


C:\>cd exsp2

C:\exsp2> /preparead

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Setup will continue momentarily, unless you press any key and cancel the
installation. By continuing the installation process, you agree to the license
terms of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
If you don't accept these license terms, please cancel the installation. To
review the license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Organization Checks                                       FAILED
     A reboot from a previous installation is pending. Please restart the syste
 and rerun setup.

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

reboot the server and try again please
The exchange server? or the DC I ran this on? or botjh ?
no the server on which you tried to run this command not the exchange
OK /preparead completed fine, now I'm running the preparedomain
Both completed with no errors. What is the next step? If you remember I still have Exchange installed on the exchange server. But it never installed correctly. Let me know if I should uninstall and reboot the server
I also looked back with ADSIEDIT and the FederatedEmail is back in
let's try /r:ht on the exchange server now
Does this mean what I think it means?

C:\exsp2> /r:ht

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

The following server role(s) will be installed
Hub Transport Role

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup                                           COMPLETED
    Hub Transport Server Role                                 COMPLETED
    Finalizing Setup                                          COMPLETED

The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.

cool /r:m,ca
can i type the command exactly like you have it?
dumb question sorry. I'm running it now
Here's the results, now having a mailbox role issue

C:\exsp2> /r:ht

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

The following server role(s) will be installed
Hub Transport Role

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup                                           COMPLETED
    Hub Transport Server Role                                 COMPLETED
    Finalizing Setup                                          COMPLETED

The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.

C:\exsp2> /r:m,ca

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Preparing Exchange Setup

The following server role(s) will be installed
Client Access Role
Mailbox Role

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Configuring Prerequisites                                 COMPLETED
    Client Access Role Checks                                 COMPLETED
    Mailbox Role Checks                                       COMPLETED
 If Microsoft Outlook 2003 is in use, you should replicate the free/busy folder
on this server to every other free/busy server in the organization. This step s
ould be performed once Setup completes.

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

    Preparing Setup                                           COMPLETED
    Stopping Services                                         COMPLETED
    Copying Exchange Files                                    COMPLETED
    Restoring Services                                        COMPLETED
    Client Access Server Role                                 COMPLETED
    Mailbox Server Role                                       FAILED
     The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
            if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainCo
troller -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
              # upgrade the discovery mailboxes to R5 version, this will fix th
 RecipientDisplayType property of the discovery mailbox which was wrong in R4.
              get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails DiscoveryMailbox -DomainControl
er $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsValid -eq $false} | set-mailbox -DomainC
ntroller $RoleDomainController
              $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailb
              $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableM
              $mbxs = @( get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultSco
e -resultSize 1 );
              if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
                $dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainCon
roller $RoleDomainController);
                if($dbs.Length -ne 0)
                  $mbxUser = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefault
cope -ResultSize 1);
                  if ($mbxUser.Length -ne 0)
                    enable-mailbox -Discovery -identity $mbxUser[0] -DisplayNam
 $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
              write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Search
ailbox because of insufficient permission."
        " was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Databa

     The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
            if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainCo
troller -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
              # upgrade the discovery mailboxes to R5 version, this will fix th
 RecipientDisplayType property of the discovery mailbox which was wrong in R4.
              get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails DiscoveryMailbox -DomainControl
er $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsValid -eq $false} | set-mailbox -DomainC
ntroller $RoleDomainController
              $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailb
              $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableM
              $mbxs = @( get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultSco
e -resultSize 1 );
              if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
                $dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainCon
roller $RoleDomainController);
                if($dbs.Length -ne 0)
                  $mbxUser = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefault
cope -ResultSize 1);
                  if ($mbxUser.Length -ne 0)
                    enable-mailbox -Discovery -identity $mbxUser[0] -DisplayNam
 $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
              write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Search
ailbox because of insufficient permission."
        " was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Databa

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

uff /preparead should have solved this issue !

can you again clear c:\ExchangeSetupLogs  run setup and paste the content
Stepping out for a quick lunch,  I wil be back soon and do this.  will update you when complete
run setup via windows gui is ok? and I'm guessing I have to only install the mailbox role?
Ran it via /r:m here are the results

[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] **********************************************
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] **********************************************
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] Local Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1.
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0899] [0] Setup version:
[02/14/2013 19:41:57.0914] [0] Logged on user: ORSC\administrator.
[02/14/2013 19:41:58.0460] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:58.0460] [0] ExSetupUI was started with the following command: '-mode:install'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:58.0694] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[02/14/2013 19:41:58.0726] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0568] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0568] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0599] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0630] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0630] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0646] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0646] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0708] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'ORSC-EMAIL2'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0755] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=ORSC-EMAIL2,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0818] [0] The following roles have been unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0818] [0] The following datacenter roles are unpacked:
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0818] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0818] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0974] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\exsp2' for installing Exchange.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0989] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=ORSC-EMAIL2,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0989] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0989] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0989] [0] 'MailboxRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:41:59.0989] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0676] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'Old Republic Surety Company' was found in this forest.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] The locally installed version is
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0691] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0707] [0] Applying default role selection state
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0738] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0738] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Old Republic Surety Company.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0738] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0769] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[02/14/2013 19:42:00.0769] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[02/14/2013 19:42:01.0097] [0] Setup encountered an exception when trying to access the setup state file: Could not find file 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\exchangeInstallState.xml'.
[02/14/2013 19:42:43.0857] [0] End of Setup
[02/14/2013 19:42:43.0857] [0] **********************************************
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0800] [0] **********************************************
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0800] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0800] [0] **********************************************
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0816] [0] Local Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0816] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1.
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0816] [0] Setup version:
[02/14/2013 19:43:39.0816] [0] Logged on user: ORSC\administrator.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0549] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='nologo', Value=''.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0549] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='roles', Value='Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.RoleCollection'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0549] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\exsp2'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0549] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0549] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0564] [0] ExSetup was started with the following command: '/NoLogo /r:m /sourcedir:C:\exsp2 /FromSetup'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0752] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[02/14/2013 19:43:40.0783] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0532] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0532] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0547] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0594] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0594] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0594] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0610] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0672] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'ORSC-EMAIL2'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0719] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=ORSC-EMAIL2,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0797] [0] The following roles have been unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0797] [0] The following datacenter roles are unpacked:
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0797] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:41.0797] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0000] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\exsp2' for installing Exchange.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0000] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=ORSC-EMAIL2,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Old Republic Surety Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orsc,DC=lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0000] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0000] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0000] [0] 'MailboxRole' is installed on the server object.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0015] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'Old Republic Surety Company' was found in this forest.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] The locally installed version is
[02/14/2013 19:43:42.0951] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0045] [0] Applying default role selection state
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0076] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0076] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Old Republic Surety Company.
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0092] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0123] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0123] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0138] [0] The following server role(s) will be installed
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0138] [0]     Mailbox Role
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0170] [0] Validating options for the 1 requested roles
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0201] [0] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0903] [0] Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0903] [0] **************
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0903] [0] Setup will run the task 'Start-PreSetup'
[02/14/2013 19:43:43.0903] [1] Setup launched task 'Start-PreSetup -Mode 'Install' -Roles 'MailboxRole''  
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0745] [1] Active Directory session settings for 'Start-PreSetup' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0745] [1] Beginning processing Start-PreSetup -Mode:'Install' -Roles:'MailboxRole'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0792] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Pre Setup' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPreSetupComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0808] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesPreSetupComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0823] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxPreSetupComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0823] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Mailbox PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterMailboxPreSetupComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:44.0823] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Pre Setup Last' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPreSetupLastComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0510] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml".
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0510] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Start-PreSetup-20130214-1343440823684120557.ps1'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0525] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'Install'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20130214-1343440823684120557'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleIsServerSbs = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleMsiInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0541] [1] Executing: $RoleMsiInstallPathBin = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'MailboxRole'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '14.02.0247.005'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] 0 tasks were found to execute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Pre Setup' (Preparing Setup for all Exchange server roles.).
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Processing component 'Mailbox PreSetup' (Preparing Setup for Mailbox server role installation.).
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Pre Setup Last' (Configuring the server.).
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0556] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0572] [1] Ending processing Start-PreSetup
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0588] [0] **************
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0588] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-MailboxRole'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0588] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-MailboxRole -DomainController 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan' -updatesdir 'C:\exsp2\Updates' -PublicFolderDatabase $false -MdbName $null -DbFilePath $null -LogFolderPath $null'  
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0603] [1] Active Directory session settings for 'Install-MailboxRole' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0603] [1] Beginning processing Install-MailboxRole -DomainController:'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan' -UpdatesDir:'C:\exsp2\Updates' -PublicFolderDatabase:'False' -MdbName:$null -DbFilePath:$null -LogFolderPath:$null
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0650] [1] Attempting Install for MailboxRole.
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0650] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:45.0650] [1] The following roles are current: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0321] [1] Reading components for the role 'BridgeheadRole' from 'res://BridgeheadRoleDefinition.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0336] [1] Found 41 components
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0336] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0352] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0352] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 36 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0352] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadLocalPermissionsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0368] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0368] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0368] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0368] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0383] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0383] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0383] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Perf Counters' with 32 task information blocks from 'res://TransportPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0383] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0399] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0399] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadRoleSetterComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0399] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0399] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 25 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0414] [1] Loaded component 'MSFTE Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MsFteComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0414] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Configuration' with 45 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0414] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0430] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0430] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0430] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0430] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0430] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0446] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0446] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0446] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0446] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0477] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0477] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0477] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0477] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0477] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadSBSComponent' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SbsBridgeHeadComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Loaded component 'Common SBS Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://SbsAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Reading components for the role 'ClientAccessRole' from 'res://ClientAccessRoleDefinition.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Found 50 components
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0492] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0508] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0508] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 36 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0508] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessLocalPermissionsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0508] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0524] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0524] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0524] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0524] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0539] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Perf Counters' with 27 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0539] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Configuration' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0539] [1] Loaded component 'POP/IMAP Configuration' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://PopImapComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0539] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessExchangeCertificate.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0555] [1] Loaded component 'OWA Configuration' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessOwaComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0555] [1] Loaded component 'ECP Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessEcpComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0555] [1] Loaded component 'RPC-over-HTTP Proxy Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessRpcProxyComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0555] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Services Configuration' with 20 task information blocks from 'res://ServicesComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0555] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0570] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0570] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0570] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0570] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Protocol Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessConfiguration.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0570] [1] Loaded component 'Address Book Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AddressBookComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC over HTTP redirector firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcHttpRedirectorException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0586] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FDS_OAB_PerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0602] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Group Metrics Perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FDS_GM_PerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0602] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0602] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0602] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0602] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'File distribution Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0617] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0633] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0633] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0633] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Configuration' with 97 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterTransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access SBS Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SbsClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0648] [1] Loaded component 'Common SBS Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://SbsAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'Partner Hosted Client Access Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://PartnerHostedClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Reading components for the role 'AdminToolsRole' from 'res://AdminToolsRoleDefinition.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Found 5 components
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter File Copy Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterFileCopyComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Admin Tools Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAdminToolsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0664] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Reading components for the role 'MailboxRole' from 'res://MailboxRoleDefinition.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Found 41 components
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 36 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0680] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxLocalPermissionsComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0695] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0695] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0695] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0695] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0695] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox Service Control (First)' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxServiceControlFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0711] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Core Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyCoreComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0711] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0711] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 MDB Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMDBComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0711] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0711] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox Perf Counters' with 30 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox Configuration' with 27 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Miscellaneous Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMailboxComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'InfoWorker Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://InfoWorkerComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'Content Indexing Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ContentIndexComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'Mail Submission Service Configuration' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://MailSubmissionServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'Replay Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ReplayServiceComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0742] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'MailboxExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxExchangeCertificate.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0758] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox System Attendant Dependent Tasks' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://SystemAttendantDependent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0773] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0773] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0773] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox Service Control (Last)' with 21 task information blocks from 'res://MailboxServiceControlLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0773] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0773] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Mailbox Configuration' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterMailboxComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Mailbox Perf Counters' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterMailboxPerfCountersComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Loaded component 'Mailbox SBS Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SbsMailboxComponent.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Loaded component 'Common SBS Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://SbsAllRolesCommonLast.xml'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common First' because it's marked AlwaysExecute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox Permissions Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Common Perf Counters ' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Provision Server' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox Service Control (First)'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Exchange 2003 Core Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Exchange 2003 MDB Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Datacenter Server License' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox Perf Counters'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Transport Log Search Service' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Exchange 2003 Miscellaneous Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'InfoWorker Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Content Indexing Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mail Submission Service Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Replay Service Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'MailboxExchangeCertificate'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'PowerShell Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox System Attendant Dependent Tasks'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Transport Common Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox Service Control (Last)'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Mailbox Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Mailbox Perf Counters'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding unique component 'Mailbox SBS Configuration'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] Adding 'Common SBS Configuration' because it's marked AlwaysExecute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0789] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml".
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-MailboxRole-20130214-1343460789473962255.ps1'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleCreatePublicFolderDatabase = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDbFilePath = $null
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleDomainController = 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleFqdnOrName = 'ORSC-EMAIL2.orsc.lan'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'Install'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20130214-1343460789473962255'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0804] [1] Executing: $RoleIsClientAccessRoleInstalled = $True
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleIsServerSbs = $False
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'C:\exsp2\'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleLogFolderPath = $null
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggedOnUser = 'ORSC\administrator'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleMailboxDatabaseName = 'Mailbox Database'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleMdbName = $null
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleNetBIOSName = 'ORSC-EMAIL2'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = $null
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RolePublicFolderDatabaseName = 'Public Folder Database'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleRoleName = 'MailboxRole'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,ClientAccessRole,AdminToolsRole'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '14.02.0247.005'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing: $RoleUpdatesDir = 'C:\exsp2\Updates'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Setup failed previously while performing the action Install.  Looking for the failed task with ID SystemAttendantDependent___590e51a8a98846d3a7fa8ddcc5472c74.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] 127 tasks were found to execute.
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Processing component 'Mailbox System Attendant Dependent Tasks' (Configuring tasks dependent on the System Attendant service.).
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0820] [1] Executing:
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
            if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
              # upgrade the discovery mailboxes to R5 version, this will fix the RecipientDisplayType property of the discovery mailbox which was wrong in R4.
              get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails DiscoveryMailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsValid -eq $false} | set-mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController
              $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName;
              $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxDisplayName;
              $mbxs = @( get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
              if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
                $dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
                if($dbs.Length -ne 0)
                  $mbxUser = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
                  if ($mbxUser.Length -ne 0)
                    enable-mailbox -Discovery -identity $mbxUser[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
              write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Search Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0836] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:46.0836] [2] Beginning processing test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController:'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan' -ErrorAction:'SilentlyContinue'
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0038] [2] Used domain controller ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan to read object DC=orsc,DC=lan.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0054] [2] Used domain controller ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan to read object CN=Exchange Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=orsc,DC=lan.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0070] [2] The current user has write access to Exchange Servers group.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0070] [2] Ending processing test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0257] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Get-Mailbox' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0257] [2] Beginning processing get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails:'DiscoveryMailbox' -DomainController:'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0272] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Set-Mailbox' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0272] [2] Beginning processing set-mailbox -DomainController:'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0288] [2] Searching objects of type "ADUser" with filter "(RecipientTypeDetails Equal DiscoveryMailbox)", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0319] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0319] [2] Preparing to output objects. The maximum size of the result set is "1000".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0569] [2] Searching objects "orsc.lan/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852}" of type "ADUser" under the root "orsc.lan/Users".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0584] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0631] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Update Recipient object "orsc.lan/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852}" with ConfigurationDomainController "ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan", DomainController "ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan", GlobalCatalog "<null>".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0662] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Read Address List for organization "" from domain controller ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\Default Global Address List".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Users".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Groups".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Contacts".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\Public Folders".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0678] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Rooms".
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0865] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Read Email Address Policy for organization "" from domain controller ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan.
[02/14/2013 19:43:47.0912] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "ORSC".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0006] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "Default Policy".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0255] [2] Processing object "orsc.lan/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852}".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0255] [2] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0255] [2] Unexpected Error
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0255] [2] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] [WARNING] The object orsc.lan/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852} has been corrupted, and it's in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] Ending processing get-mailbox
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] Ending processing set-mailbox
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Get-Mailbox' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Global Catalog: 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan }'
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0271] [2] Beginning processing get-mailbox -Filter:'name -eq $name' -IgnoreDefaultScope:'True' -ResultSize:'1'
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0286] [2] Searching objects of type "ADUser" with filter "(&((|((RecipientTypeDetails Equal RoomMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal EquipmentMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal LegacyMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal LinkedMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal UserMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal DiscoveryMailbox)(RecipientTypeDetails Equal SharedMailbox)))(Name Equal DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852})))", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0286] [2] Previous operation run on global catalog server 'ORSC-DC1.orsc.lan'.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0286] [2] Preparing to output objects. The maximum size of the result set is "1".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0302] [2] [WARNING] The object orsc.lan/Users/DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852} has been corrupted, and it's in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0302] [2] [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0302] [2] [WARNING] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0302] [2] Ending processing get-mailbox
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] The following 2 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.DataValidationException: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
            if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
              # upgrade the discovery mailboxes to R5 version, this will fix the RecipientDisplayType property of the discovery mailbox which was wrong in R4.
              get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails DiscoveryMailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsValid -eq $false} | set-mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController
              $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName;
              $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxDisplayName;
              $mbxs = @( get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
              if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
                $dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
                if($dbs.Length -ne 0)
                  $mbxUser = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
                  if ($mbxUser.Length -ne 0)
                    enable-mailbox -Discovery -identity $mbxUser[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
              write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Search Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
        " was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] 1.  ErrorRecord: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] 1.  ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.DataValidationException: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
            if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
              # upgrade the discovery mailboxes to R5 version, this will fix the RecipientDisplayType property of the discovery mailbox which was wrong in R4.
              get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails DiscoveryMailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsValid -eq $false} | set-mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController
              $name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName;
              $dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxDisplayName;
              $mbxs = @( get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
              if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
                $dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
                if($dbs.Length -ne 0)
                  $mbxUser = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
                  if ($mbxUser.Length -ne 0)
                    enable-mailbox -Discovery -identity $mbxUser[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
              write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Search Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
        " was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database".
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=SystemAttendantDependent___590e51a8a98846d3a7fa8ddcc5472c74 Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\PIM Storage\Discovery
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0318] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0349] [1] Ending processing Install-MailboxRole
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0349] [0] The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete.  More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0364] [0] End of Setup
[02/14/2013 19:43:48.0364] [0] **********************************************
from what I read it appears the Database Mandatory UserMailbox does not have enough permissions to do something.
ok time to give it another twisted try find a user called DiscoverySearchMailbox GUID  delete it like you did with federated then run /preparead first and then /preparedomain

and finally try to rerun 2010 setup
I ran it and it stated there was a previous install that needed restart. So I reboot m y DC and tried to run it again and had the same error. So I restart the exchange server and tried again and I recieved the same error. See Below

C:\exsp2> /preparead

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Setup will continue momentarily, unless you press any key and cancel the
installation. By continuing the installation process, you agree to the license
terms of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
If you don't accept these license terms, please cancel the installation. To
review the license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Organization Checks                                       FAILED
     A reboot from a previous installation is pending. Please restart the syste
 and rerun setup.

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

regedit and go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\ you should have a key named PendingFileRenameOperations

delete it
on the exchange server or the DC ?
on the server that keeps asking for reboots
both prepare domain and prepare ad completed successfulluy
Should I run the /r:m
please check first if the discovery mailbox is now existent again and yes please run /r:m
Mailbox was recreated and now running the /f:m
Ok, Now it has another error, however I think were getting super close.

C:\exsp2> /r:m

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Setup will continue momentarily, unless you press any key and cancel the
installation. By continuing the installation process, you agree to the license
terms of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
If you don't accept these license terms, please cancel the installation. To
review the license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

    Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

The following server role(s) will be installed
Management Tools
Mailbox Role

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

    Configuring Prerequisites                                 COMPLETED
    Language Pack Checks                                      COMPLETED
    Mailbox Role Checks                                       FAILED
 This computer requires the Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs. Please install t
he software from
 Installing Exchange Server on a domain controller will elevate the privileges f
or Exchange Trusted Subsystem to domain administrators.
     Unable to read data from the Metabase. Ensure that Microsoft Internet Infor
mation Services is installed.

     The World Wide Web (W3SVC) service is either disabled or not installed on t
his computer. You must exit Setup, install the required component, then restart
the Setup process.

     The 'IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility' component is not installed. Install the
component via Server Manager.

     The 'IIS 6 Management Console' component is not installed. Install the comp
onent via Server Manager.

     The 'Windows Process Activation Service Process Model' component required.
Install the component via Server Manager.

     The 'IIS 7 Basic Authentication' component required. Install the component
via Server Manager.

     The 'IIS 7 Windows Authentication' component is required. Install the compo
nent via Server Manager.

     The 'IIS 7 .NET Extensibility' component is required. Install the component
 via Server Manager.

The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found
in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

first why are you installing it on a DC ?

2. it seems you have not installed the prerequisites

check them depending on your OS
sorry my bad... i ran that on the DC by accident... i than ran it on the exchange server and it completed.. please let me know if all is ok that i ran it on the dc by accident./.. i assume that the dc is ok?
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Yep all my mailboxes are now showing up. You ROCK and it's time for some Jack. I appreciate all your time and your super intelligence. You solved what no one else was able to.

Thanks a Bunch!!!!!!!!
Akhater: was totally on the money with every aspect of my issue. I wish I could give more points.  Thanks
glad i was able to help
