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xpert_aliFlag for India

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Carrier guidance for IT Professionals.?

Hello Xperts,

Any suggestion on carrier guidance for IT Engg  or what would be your best suggestion  to specialize in any specific IT field?

Currently I have plan of going into Cisco security./CCIE

But, confused with Microsoft MCSA and Red hat, Solaris, Vmware, PMP, Storage.. certifications :(

Hope you understand the confused mind..:)

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Andrew Hancock (VMware vExpert PRO / EE Fellow/British Beekeeper)
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Thanks for Suggestion bro! :)

I started my carrier with Hardware Engg(Discontinued my MCSE certification course because I was in need of Job) -> IT Support->Desktop Support-> System administrator-> Network Engg(Present).

Currently I am working in multiple infrastructure environment like Windows2008, Linux, Vmware and little bit into networking from past approx 3.5 to 4 years, but never had a chance to specialize in any specific field and I don't have any certification in any course which  I have taken. So now I am thinking of specializing into one field and once I complete all course in any one particular course. Later have plans to go for other courses, and it's just difficult to concentrate on all things and afraid that it would take long time so don't want to waste my time.  I know master in everything is difficult.

If you think of any other suggestions are welcome! :)

Thanks for Suggestion!

Getting Comptia Security+ sounds good to me. As of now I will wait for more suggestion and see in which field I can jump and keep pace.

Will make sure and double check my resume for spelling mistakes. :)
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And 'career' is the correct spelling...
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Just saying: don't try to be too broad in your offerings.  You may find it easier out there if you have a niche you specialize in.  (virtualization is all the rage right now, so maybe specialize in that, but still have SOME experience in Cisco and Windows, etc.)