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Avatar of Michael Katz
Michael KatzFlag for United States of America

asked on

Windows Task Scheduler Windows 7

Good Evening,

I am trying to get an Automated Task scheduled nightly  

C:\SYSPRO61\BASE\IMPCSC.EXE /HOST= /oper=user /pass=password /comp=1 /cpas=LIVE /prog=TASK /link=Balance

The C:\Syspro61\Base\IMPCSC.EXE resides on the Windows 7 machine...The parameters are required..

I have set it up with Admin rights... The monitor and power savings are turned off as is hibernation...Basically the machine is always on...

I can never get it to run.. Even when I want to run in immediately...

So the questions i have are 1) How can i get this to Run? 2) What if someone logs the Admin user out..3) Should I create a Batch File and then run the Task Scheduler  (How?)

Sorry many questions but i really am at my wits end with this
Avatar of Seth Simmons
Seth Simmons
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Hi seth2740,

Thanks for the response..

I am using Task Scheduler to create it...#2 has already been checked... #3 has already been done..

Still not getting this thing to run