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PsychoboyFlag for United States of America

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Duplicate drives in Disk Management, but no where else

After converting a disk to dynamic and extending an NTFS volume by 8.79 GB, there are duplicate drives showing in the graphical view of disk management. Everything else seems to be fine, and the partition is still accessible. The additional space is also right where it should be. We have tried restarting the server without any change.

Will this cause any problems down the road, and is it possible to fix the graphical view of disk management?

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Ben Hart
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What happens if your rescan your disks?
Since the drive is not yet used, pls try to delete the "Translog K" & create the partition once again.
I would'nt trust such a server. You may end up with loss of data.
I would recommend to solve this problem before using this server...

try to use command line "diskpart" (see  attached screen shot) to figure out what the problem is.

use help command to get complete list of command in diskpart
Also IDK if I'd call those duplicates with such a huge size difference.  If you can I'd delete the partition and recreate.
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