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Dolamite JenkinsFlag for United States of America

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reset my variables to 0

I'm trying to reset my variables to 0 after a certain condition has been met... but it just keeps on counting without resetting to 0 after the condition is met ... what am I doing wrong ?

var Player1SetScore= 0;
var Player2SetScore= 0;
var PW =0;
var PointsWonII = 0;

PointWonBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
	PW =PW;
	PointsWonII = PointsWonII + 1;
	PointsWinner( PW, PointsWonII );
PointLostBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
	PW = PW + 1;
	PointsWonII = PointsWonII;
	PointsWinner(PW, PointsWonII);

var Player1 =  PointsWonII;
	var Player2 = PW;

}else if (Player1 >=4 && Player2 <=2)
		ScoreOpp.text ='Lost';
		var Player1=0;
		var Player2=0;;
		PW =0;

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Avatar of GwynforWeb
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There is code pertinent to debugging missing.
Avatar of Dolamite Jenkins


Line 29 & 30 is where I am trying to reset line 7 & 14 after that particular condition is met ... why isn't line 29 & 30 resetting 7&14 to 0 ?
Avatar of leakim971
just before your test (the if, not the else if of course!) put this alert :
alert("Player1 :" + Player1 + "\nPlayer2 :" + Player2 + "\nPlayer1SetScore :" + Player1SetScore + "\nPlayer2SetScore :" + Player2SetScore + "\nPW :" + PW);
I did all of that. And it resets. The variable there but when I click the button again. It. Continues from 4...5...6..7... etc
Line 26, 27 you're creating local variable, not using the global
so remove the var keyword
I tried this code  and it did not work

}else if (Player2 > 3 && Player1 <=2)
		{ScoreSelf.text ="lost";
		ScoreOpp.text= "game";
		PW = 0 ;
		PointsWonII = 0;

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I said remove the var keyword
You removed the full lines...
let :

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I did that because I realized I didn't need those resetting and where left over from an earlier attempt ... I need PW = 0; && PointsWonII=0;
so how do you it stop looping/increase/decrease?
you just remove the only lines able to stop your increase/decrease, say nothing about that, so where are we going now?

Here is the whole section... if you push the PointWonBtn (Button) then PointsWonII increases.. and Points Lost Button PW increases ...once the score reaches 4 for one or the other I need it to start  the score over hence PW = 0 and PointsWonII = 0;

var PW =0;
var PointsWonII =0;

// Create UI i this area

//Logic area 
PointWonBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){'Pw=: ' + PW);
	PW =PW;
	PointsWonII = PointsWonII + 1;
	PointsWinner( PW, PointsWonII );
PointLostBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){'Lost ButPW= : ' + PW);
	PW = PW + 1;
	PointsWonII = PointsWonII;
	PointsWinner(PW, PointsWonII);
var PointsWinner = function(PW, PointsWonII){
	var Player1 =  PointsWonII;
	var Player2 = PW;
	var Adv=0;'P1 ' + Player1);'P2 ' + Player2);'Space');
	if (Player2==1 && Player1 == 0){
			ScoreSelf.text ='';
		ScoreOpp.text = '15';
		}else if (Player2 == 0 && Player1 == 0){
			ScoreSelf.text ='';
			ScoreOpp.text = '';
		}else if (Player1==1 && Player2 == 0){
			ScoreSelf.text ='15';
		ScoreOpp.text = '';
		}else if(Player1 ==2 && Player2 ==0){
			ScoreSelf.text ='30';
		ScoreOpp.text = '';
		}else if (Player1 ==3 && Player2==0){
			ScoreSelf.text ='40';
		ScoreOpp.text = '';
		else if(Player2 == 1 && Player1 == 2){
			ScoreSelf.text ='30';
		ScoreOpp.text = '15';
		}else if (Player2 == 1 && Player1 == 1)
		{ScoreSelf.text = "15";
		ScoreOpp.text ='15';
		}else if (Player2 ==2 && Player1 == 2)
		{ScoreSelf.text = "30";
		ScoreOpp.text ='30';
		}else if (Player2==2 && Player1 == 3)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='40';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';
		}else if (Player1==2 && Player2 == 3)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='30';
		ScoreOpp.text = '40';
		}else if (Player2==3 && Player1 == 3)
		{ScoreSelf.text = "Duece";
		ScoreOpp.text ='Duece';
		}else if (Player2==2 && Player1 == 0)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='0';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';
		}else if (Player1==0 && Player2 == 2)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='love';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';
		}else if (Player2==3 && Player1 == 0)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='0';
		ScoreOpp.text = '40';
		}else if (Player1== 0 && Player2 == 3)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='love';
		ScoreOpp.text = '40';
		}else if (Player2==2 && Player1 == 1)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='15';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';
		}else if (Player1==1 && Player2 == 2)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='15';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';
		}else if (Player2==3 && Player1 == 1)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='15';
		ScoreOpp.text = '40';
		}else if (Player1 ==3 && Player2==1){
			ScoreSelf.text ='40';
		ScoreOpp.text = '15';
		}else if (Player1==1 && Player2 == 3)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='15';
		ScoreOpp.text = '40';
		}else if (Player1 >=4 && Player2 <=2)
		ScoreOpp.text ='Lost';
		PW = (PW=0);
		Player1SetScore= Player1SetScore + 1;
		Player2SetScore= Player2SetScore;
		GameScore(Player1SetScore , Player2SetScore);
		}else if (Player2 > 3 && Player1 <=2)
		{ScoreSelf.text ="lost";
		ScoreOpp.text= "game";
		PW = (PW=0);
		PointsWonII == 0;'PW= ' + PW);
		}else if (Player2 ==4 && Player1 ==3 ){
		}else if (Player2==5 && Player1 ==3  ){
			ScoreOpp.text = "Game";
		 	PW =0;
	}else if (Player1 == 4 && Player2 == 4){
			PW =3;
	}else if (Player2 ==3 && Player1 ==4 ){
		}else if (Player2==3 && Player1 ==5  ){
			ScoreOpp.text = "";
		 	PW =0;
	}else if (Player2==3 && Player1 == 2)
		{ScoreSelf.text ='40';
		ScoreOpp.text = '30';


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is there another way to handle it because it's a tennis scoring so sometime in certain condition the score can equal 5 or 6
Do it work for 4? It was your previous request...
does not work... keep counting on from 4
And this one ?
var PointsWinner = function(PW, PointsWonII){
       if( (PW+1) == 4 ) {
             PW = 0;
             PointsWonII = 0;

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Thanks you got me thinking in a new direction... I incremented in the function
var PointsWinner = function(PW, PointsWonII){
       if( ((PW+1) >= 4) && (PW - PointsWonII)>=2  ) {
             PW = 0;
             PointsWonII = 0;

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