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jsarinanaFlag for United States of America

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Outlook email data manager

I have set up a few clinets that are running Exchange/Outlook and email management system called Newforma, clients are all in the Civil Engineering field. this is Newforma which is designed for Civil Engineering companies :

How it works: User's Outlook runs with an installation of Newforma software.
When a user is in Outlook he can drag and drop emails and attachements to an add-on called Newforma in Outlook. See attached scketch. Newforma sends the emails and attachements to a dedicated Windows file server that shares out folders. Later a user can use Newforma to find these emails and attachements and it also removes the emails out of Outlook. This is another great benifit because is helps keep the users Outlook mailbox small and also files critical information on proojects.

Question, anyone know of a similar software that can do the same for users that are not related to the Civil engineering field and works on Outlook with no Exchange. Simply .pst fies?
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David Lee
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