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Dead_EyesFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Format-Table Missing results

Hi fairly new to powershell but have run into a problem I hope is easy to solve
I am trying to get BIOS versions from machines and am running the following script
(Query.txt contains the following info:
Select * from win32_bios
Select * from Win32_Computersystem
and Clients.txt is a list of computers), I am running windows 7 x64 (and the clients) Powershell V3, clients V2
The Script:

$aryquery = Get-Content -path C:\Scripts\BIOSID\Query.txt
$computer = Get-Content -path C:\Scripts\BIOSID\Clients.txt
Foreach ($query in $aryQuery)
 Get-WmiObject -Query $query -computername $computer | Format-Table name, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Model | Out-File -FilePath C:\BIOSID\Results.txt

When I run this script I get the following result
Name                                    SMBIOSBIOSVersion                      Model                                
----                                                 -----------------                             -----                                
Comp-01                                                                                                DG41RQ__  
Comp-02                                                                                                DG41RQ__  

The SMBIOSBIOSVersion information is blank!
But when I Run
Get-WmiObject -Computername comp-02 -Class win32_bios | Format-Table Name, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Model | Out-File -FilePath C:\BIOSID\Results.txt
The Model Colum is blank!
What am I doing wrong and why is my data missing?
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$computers = Get-Content -path C:\Scripts\BIOSID\Clients.txt
Foreach ($computer in $computers)
 Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem -computername $computer | `
 Format-Table name,@{n="SMBIOSBIOSVersion";e={(Get-WmiObject win32_bios -ComputerName $computer).SMBIOSBIOSVersion}},Model |
 Out-File -FilePath C:\BIOSID\Results.txt -Append

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You can also save the result to a csv file if required..
Get-Content -path C:\Scripts\BIOSID\Clients.txt | % {
$computer = $_
 Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem -computername $computer | `
 Select name,@{n="SMBIOSBIOSVersion";e={(Get-WmiObject win32_bios -ComputerName $computer).SMBIOSBIOSVersion}},Model
} | Export-Csv C:\BIOSID\Results.csv -NoTypeInformation

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Thanks for that I will try it asap (looks like syntax way out of my league at the moment lol). Do you have any idea why my way did not work?
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