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Change font color based of field value and convert date to text in lotus notes formula language.

I want to change the font color to red base on the field value and I also need to convert a date field to text.

When I tried @Text I received an error:

@Command([EditInsertText]; + "Date of Request:  " +  @Text(DateReceived +
@NewLine + @NewLine));

Date of Request:  Incorrect data type for operator or @FunctionSubject:  

If the field Impact has a value of "High" then I want the font to be red.

@Command([EditInsertText]; + "Impact:  " + Impact +
@NewLine + @NewLine);
Avatar of Sjef Bosman
Sjef Bosman
Flag of France image

Remove the + right before "Date of Request", and also before "Impact".

If you want to use special font settings, I think that cannot be done using Formula language. Here's an alternative solution: use 2 fields (or computed texts) that display the same information, one set to black and the other to red, and use a hide-when formula to display only one of the fields. This can only be used for ordinary fields, not for rich-text fields.
Avatar of QuinF

I would also not include the @Newlines in the @text formula.  You want to make the DateReceived a text value to add it to the rest of the text and the Newlines are basically text already.

@Command([EditInsertText]; "Date of Request:  " +  @Text(DateReceived) +
@NewLine + @NewLine);

Do you want to change the color in a view column or on a form?  If on a form, then sjef is correct.  You would make 2 fields, both fields show the same value but in different colors and hide the one you don't want to use.
@QuinF, about the @Newline inside the @Text: very observant!!
Avatar of DMRyan


Thank you!  The code for the date field is now working.  

Changing the font color to red based upon a field value would need to be red when composing a mail message.
I'm not sure I understand.  Can you elaborate a little more?  Maybe explain what you are trying to do.  Pretend we know nothing about your form.
Avatar of DMRyan


I have a form with a button on it.  When a user clicks the button it composes and email and populates data from the form into the body of the email.  If the data value of the field "Impact" = High then I want the color of this "High" text to be in the color red instead of black.
Avatar of Sjef Bosman
Sjef Bosman
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