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unable to recieve email on iphone 4s when going through active sync on exchange server 2003 / sp2

Our company has updated our phones from old blackberry's to iphone 4s, all our previous phones were on legacy BES server but we got rid of our Blackberry devices and now use Active Sync.

When setting up the Active Sync on my iphone and trying to send/receive emails, I get error message:

"Cannot send mail, the username or password for "Exchange" is incorrect.

All the Active Sync settings are correct and my account in Active Directory is not locked and the password works when I connect through webmail.

If anyone has any ideas, it's much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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Have you checked that the username and mailbox name are the same?

I had a situation once where the user's logon name had been changed from andrew to andy, but his mailbox name was still andrew. As soon as the ActiveSync username was changed to andrew, everything worked.
What version of ios are you using in 6.1 there is a bug related to this
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It was related to Exchange Server 2003 and server updates/patches.