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Windows assign different Pid # when a process is restarted & logs for HL7

I noted that if I stop & start a Windows service (using services.msc ),
it will never assign back the same Pid to the restarted process.  By
the same token, can I say if a process/service were to crash & then
came up by itself, it should not assume the same Pid ?  I'm
investigating a case of Tivoli alert which I suspect is false because
the Pid remains the same during that whole day when Tivoli reported
it went down & came up again.  Need to prove to Tivoli guys it's
Tivoli fault & nothing wrong with the Windows HL7 service/process

What's the logfile name & directory for HL7 processes/services .  Want
to see if it has any indication of pid in the logfiles
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Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]
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