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Disaster recovery for Windows 2012

Hello experts,
I am trying to come up with a solution for disaster recovery. I have two Windows 2012 servers one in our main office and the other satellite office. I would like to set up server in the satellite office to be a backup server in case the main server ever goes down. What is the best way to do this?
This is a new install so whatever I need to get I will.
Thank you
Avatar of Tony Giangreco
Tony Giangreco
Flag of United States of America image

Start with a solid backup plan and AD replication between the locations. Look into an Onsite and off-site backup plan. We have one site with seven servers using Backup Exec 2012. We fun a full backup of every server atleast once a week and incrementals the rest of the time.

You should consider either transmitting a backup offsite or manually takling a backup off site weekly.
Avatar of Jackie Man
How does the remote site connect to the main site?
You would probably use a Netbackup or other web based backup on the remote site, aim it to a port on the main site that is forwarded to the nas where the backup file should be stored.

There are multiple ways of setting it up and you will probably receive many suggestions detailing different products.
Avatar of DjJohnny


The sites have a VPN between them. I am looking for a solution to have the 2nd server ready to go in case something happens to the 1st server, I have seen it call bare metal backup.
The primary question is What You have to failover ?
DCs ? SQL ? Applications ?
Please - provide full information on roles you want to backup for correct solution
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