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Migrate SBS 2003 to 2008 R2
I currently have two old 2003 servers, one SBS 2003 SP2 and a 2003 SP2 standard member server. I want to replace both of these with one 2008 R2 standard server, and retire them both. My understanding is that an SBS server will not allow another DC on the network, so that I can migrate the Active Directory info to the new server. Is this correct? Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to proceed with this? Thanks very much for any assistance you can provide.
I take it I will have to prep the 2003 SBS server to work with a 2008 DC first?
add the 2008 r2 server as a member server of the sbs domain then dcpromo the r2 server to a dc of the same domain as the SBS then move over the roles like dchp,dns,wins,file+print then migrate exchange over to dedicated server running exchange 2010 then move the FMSO roles last. Do your users use the remote web workplace its web RDP Access. I have gone though this pain from SBS 2003 to full blown 2008 r2 domain and dedicated exchange 2010 server with citrix xenapp for remote access. look out for the licensing timeouts for SBS when you move over the FMSO roles.
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In the past when I added a 2008 DC to a 2003 DC-controlled network, I had to run adprep and a couple of other things so that thee 2003 Active Directory was upgraded to contain all the new info that 2008 has. WIll I need to do this? Thanks.
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Yes adprep process
Thanks very much for the help, folks.
It does not support trusts, child domains, it must be the forest root, and must hold all FMSO roles. None of which prevents adding another DC,replicating, and retiring the SBS server.