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IIS SSL Certificate issue

Im in the process of configuring 3 web sites all with seperate IP's.  When I created the first one specified the PORT of 443 picked my cert and tested I got a error.  Essentially IIS is picking the wrong cert for some reason.   I then created the second web app and picked the correct cert the one the first web app is picking, tested the second and it worked.

How can I "refresh" the settings in IIS so that its not picking the wrong cert?

I checked C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config and the config is correct as well as what is being displaying in the UI.
Avatar of Ugo Mena
Ugo Mena
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If multiple SSL Certificates are used, the server usually has a problem with providing the correct SSL Certificate when an HTTPS connection is established, causing a certificate name error.

You are going to need to get a new certificate that can cover more than one website (wildcard or UC certificates).

A wildcard certificate secures any subdomain of the domain that it was issued to. For example, a certificate that is issued to * will cover,, and Because the * certificate is valid on any of these domains, you will not receive an error message.

Also good to note: you can't use the IIS7 User Interface to add a host header to an SSL site binding. You have to use command-line tools, do it programmatically or edit applicationhost.config directly. Here is an example and a link how you can it via command-line:

appcmd set site /"MySite V2" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*']

And last but not least: with IIS7 you can use the following command to figure out what certificate is bound to a particular IP:Port combination:  
netsh http show sslcert

This command will show the IP:Port binding but also some other SSL settings.
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The above applies even with multiple IP's on the server?
Avatar of Ugo Mena
Ugo Mena
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