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how to figure out about many different numbers in a column
i have a spreadsheet. and in the spreadsheet I have a column with 22,000 line items. (1 - 22,000). however, when I highlight the column, I can see the "count", sum", etc...
I want to know is how many different numbers are there in this column. I can see many duplicate numbers (for billing purposes). there are just too many lines items to do this manually
. is there a formula I can use ?
thank you
I want to know is how many different numbers are there in this column. I can see many duplicate numbers (for billing purposes). there are just too many lines items to do this manually
. is there a formula I can use ?
thank you
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Sort your column with numbers eg.Col-A
Type this formula on the first row =(A1<>A2)*1 and copy that to the end of the data row 22.000.
Nou Sum this column and you have the number of diferences :-)
Type this formula on the first row =(A1<>A2)*1 and copy that to the end of the data row 22.000.
Nou Sum this column and you have the number of diferences :-)
If data is in A1:A22000 try this formula in an adjacent column
=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A22000<>"" )/COUNTIF( A1:A22000, A1:A22000& ""))
That will count the number of different values in the range while ignoring (and not counting) and blanks
regards, barry
That will count the number of different values in the range while ignoring (and not counting) and blanks
regards, barry
im sure the others worked. however I found this to be the easiest