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Any quick way to copy conditional formatting to large amounts rather than Format Painter or Paste Special

Just wanted to see if there is any other way (other than Paste Special or Format Painter) to quickly copy conditional formatting to a large number (6000 plus) cells without using code...
Avatar of Brendan M
Brendan M
Flag of Australia image

conditional formatting menu->manage rules
change 'show formatting rules for' to this workbook
change applies to to the range you want eg:A10:A30 or A10:D40 or A10:B20,A30:B40 for multiple ranges
Avatar of agwalsh


OK - so let me get this. I have an area on a spreadsheet - let's say A1:D5 that has the formatting I want to copy.  Do I now select the area I want to copy the formatting to? and then go through these steps you've outlined below.  I've attached a file - at the moment CF is applied to C3:c12. I want to copy this formatting to the rest of the column.  How will I use your suggestion. Thanks.
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Brendan M
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Avatar of agwalsh


Yum, ah, that works beautifully - thank you for your clarification - much appreciated.
hey, glad to hear :) could you please accept the comment as the answer, thank you
Avatar of agwalsh


Thanks for that. Sorry I didn't do it sooner - I thought I had marked it as the solution. Much appreciated.