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Workstation Trust Relationship

A while back we deleted a computer (windows 7) out of AD and then tried to re-add it with the same hostname. It shows up in AD when it's added and all the attributes look good but when I go to log in to the machine it says:

"The security database on the server does not have a computer account for the workstation trust relationship."

I've tried removing it from the domain and re-adding it. I've tried using the netdom resetpwd, I've tried so many things I've found online I don't even remember what they all are. :)

I looked through DNS and DHCP entries (windows server 2003) and don't see any issues with that. If I change the hostname on it I can log in just fine. Any other ideas on what to try?  

Please let me know if you need some more details and thank you!
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Mike Kline
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I tried that utility with no luck. I also found this (link below) and ran it and when I ran the nltest utility it came back with "bad password" so I ran the netdom resetpwd utility and ran the test again and it came back successful but I still can't log in with this hostname. Here are the steps I used.

Julian, I can log in if I change the hostname but I don't want to have to change the hostname to something that's out of the naming convention.

*Doesn't look like my link worked* Here it is:
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This fixed my issue. The other two responses were good and would probably work in most other cases so I wanted to give them credit for that.