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cpatte7372Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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VBS Script Help Part III

Hello Experts,

Can someone please tell me why the text 'duplex' in case 3, doesn't call the following section of the script:

Dim I_vCommands(100)
I_vCommands(0) = "READSTRING_DUP"
'I_vCommands(1) = "show run"
'I_vCommands(2) = "show ip bgp"

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The full script is as follows:

# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"

' ASSUMPTION: file being 'tailed' contains information
'             similar to:
'   Jan 5 18:26:13 device01 9927: Jan 5 18:26:12: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS5/2, changed state to down
'   Jan 5 18:26:47 device02 6332: Jan 5 18:26:46.243: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet3/1, changed state to down
'   Jan 5 18:28:40 device01 9937: Jan 5 18:28:39: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS5/2, changed state to down
Dim g_fso, g_shell
Set g_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g_shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Const ForReading   = 1
Const ForWriting   = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Dim g_szLogFile, g_szFirstLogFilePath, objTab

g_szLogFile = GetMyDocumentsFolder & "\Command#__NUM___Results.txt"

Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTab

Dim g_vCommands(100)
g_vCommands(0) = "READSTRING_UP"
'g_vCommands(1) = "readstringONE"

' .
' .
' .

Dim h_vCommands(100)
h_vCommands(0) = "READSTRING_DOWN"
'h_vCommands(1) = "show run"
'h_vCommands(2) = "show ip bgp"

' .
' .
' .

Dim I_vCommands(100)
I_vCommands(0) = "READSTRING_DUP"
'I_vCommands(1) = "show run"
'I_vCommands(2) = "show ip bgp"

' .
' .
' .

Sub Main()

    ' Make sure that we are running in Synchronous mode so
    ' that when WaitForStrings() finds something, we can
    ' capture the current line without risk of it already
    ' having flown by on the screen.  This slows things down
    ' a bit, but provides insurance against errors due to
    ' SecureCRT and the script running asynchronously.
    crt.Screen.Synchronous = true

    ' Start tailing a file...
    crt.Screen.Send "tail tailfile.txt" & vbcr

  ' Example #1: Uses WaitForString to look for just the text
  '             we care about.  Once the text is found, the
  '             line on which the text was located is captured
  '             and a piece of information is parsed using the
  '             Split() builtin VBScript method.
  ' Example #2: Uses WaitForString to detect when every new line
  '             arrives from the remote.  Each line of text is
  '             captured, and the Instr() builtin VBScript
  '             function is used to detect the presence of the
  '             specific text we care about.  Iff it is present,
  '             the Split() builtin VBScript method is used to
  '             parse out the relevant piece of information.
  '             The benefit of this method over
  '             CaptureJustTheLinesWeCareAbout is that we
  '             can retrieve information from the line if
  '             the text we care about comes prior to the
  '             relevant piece of information that we would
  '             like to display as part of our notification.
  '             To enable this example, comment out the statement
  '             on line 29 and uncomment the line below:
  '  CaptureAllLinesAndSearchForTextWeCareAbout

End Sub

Sub CaptureJustTheLinesWeCareAbout()
  MsgBox "Capturing just the lines we care about"
    ' Look for specific output
    dim result 
	result = crt.Screen.WaitForStrings("changed state to up","changed state to down","Duplicate address","duplex")

    ' Once specific output is found, capture the line
    ' of text on which the "changed to state down" string
    ' was located.
    szCurrentLine = crt.Screen.Get(crt.Screen.CurrentRow, _
                                   0, _
                                   crt.Screen.CurrentRow, _

    ' Trim off any leading or training spaces
    szCurrentLine = Trim(szCurrentLine)

    ' Use the Split() method (builtin VBScript method)
    ' to get at the component we care about (deviceID)
    vElements = Split(szCurrentLine, " ")

	for each x in vElements 
		'document.write(x & "<br />")

		'MsgBox "Device """ & vElements(3) & """ just went down."

	g_szLogFile = GetMyDocumentsFolder & "\Command#__NUM___Results.txt"

	Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTab

	select case result
	case 1
'handle "changed state to up"
	case 2
'handle "changed state to down"
	case 3
'handle "Duplicate address","duplex"
	end select

   'MsgBox "Device """ & vElements(0) & vElements(1) & vElements(2) & vElements(3) & """ just went down."

'MsgBox "Device """ & vElements(0) & vElements(1) & vElements(2) & vElements(3) & "is " vElements(6)"

End Sub

Sub LogOutputOfSpecificCommandUseReadStringUP()
    ' Instruct WaitForString and ReadString to ignore escape sequences when
    ' detecting and capturing data received from the remote (this doesn't
    ' affect the way the data is displayed to the screen, only how it is handled
    ' by the WaitForString, WaitForStrings, and ReadString methods associated
    ' with the Screen object.
    objTab.Screen.IgnoreEscape = True
    objTab.Screen.Synchronous = True
    If Not objTab.Session.Connected then
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox _
            "Not Connected.  Please connect before running this script."
        exit sub
    end if

    Dim szCommand, szPrompt, nRow, szLogFileName, nIndex

    ' If this script is run as a login script, there will likely be data
    ' arriving from the remote system.  This is one way of detecting when it's
    ' safe to start sending data. If this script isn't being run as a login
    ' script, then the worst it will do is seemingly pause for one second
    ' before determining what the prompt is.
    ' If you plan on supplying login information by waiting for username and
    ' password prompts within this script, do so right before this do..loop.
        bCursorMoved = objTab.Screen.WaitForCursor(1)
    Loop until bCursorMoved = False
    ' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, we'll
    ' assume it's safe to start interacting with the remote system.
    ' Get the shell prompt so that we can know what to look for when
    ' determining if the command is completed. Won't work if the prompt
    ' is dynamic (e.g. changes according to current working folder, etc)
    nRow = objTab.Screen.CurrentRow
    szPrompt = objTab.screen.Get(nRow, _
                                 0, _
                                 nRow, _
                                 objTab.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1)
    szPrompt = Trim(szPrompt)

    Dim szLogFile
    nIndex = 0
        szCommand = Trim(g_vCommands(nIndex))

        ' If the command is empty, then we should be done issuing commands
        ' (there's nothing else in our command array g_vCommands)
        if szCommand = "" then Exit Do

        ' Set up the log file for this specific command
        szLogFile = Replace(g_szLogFile, "__NUM__", NN(nIndex + 1, 2))
        ' Store the path for our first log file for later use (see end of this
        ' function...
        if g_szFirstLogFilePath = "" then g_szFirstLogFilePath = szLogFile

        ' Send the command text to the remote
        objTab.Screen.Send szCommand & vbcr

        ' Wait for the command to be echo'd back to us.
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vbcr, 1
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vblf, 1        

        Dim szResult
        ' Use the ReadString() method to get the text displayed while the
        ' command was runnning.  Note that the ReadString usage shown below
        ' is not documented properly in SecureCRT help files included in
        ' SecureCRT versions prior to 6.0 Official.  Note also that the
        ' ReadString() method captures escape sequences sent from the remote
        ' machine as well as displayed text.  As mentioned earlier in comments
        ' above, if you want to suppress escape sequences from being captured,
        ' set the Screen.IgnoreEscape property = True.
        szResult = objTab.Screen.ReadString(szPrompt)
        Dim objFile
        Set objFile = g_fso.OpenTextFile(szLogFile, ForWriting, True)

        ' If you don't want the command logged along with the results, comment
        ' out the very next line
        objFile.WriteLine "Results of command: " & szCommand

        ' Write out the results of the command to our log file
        objFile.WriteLine szResult
        ' Close the log file

        ' Move on to the next command in our command array g_vCommands
        nIndex = nIndex + 1
    ' Once we're complete, let's bring up Windows Explorer with the first of
    ' the log files selected.
    g_shell.Run "explorer /e,/select,""" & g_szFirstLogFilePath & """"

End Sub


Sub LogOutputOfSpecificCommandUseReadStringDOWN()
    ' Instruct WaitForString and ReadString to ignore escape sequences when
    ' detecting and capturing data received from the remote (this doesn't
    ' affect the way the data is displayed to the screen, only how it is handled
    ' by the WaitForString, WaitForStrings, and ReadString methods associated
    ' with the Screen object.
    objTab.Screen.IgnoreEscape = True
    objTab.Screen.Synchronous = True
    If Not objTab.Session.Connected then
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox _
            "Not Connected.  Please connect before running this script."
        exit sub
    end if

    Dim szCommand, szPrompt, nRow, szLogFileName, nIndex

    ' If this script is run as a login script, there will likely be data
    ' arriving from the remote system.  This is one way of detecting when it's
    ' safe to start sending data. If this script isn't being run as a login
    ' script, then the worst it will do is seemingly pause for one second
    ' before determining what the prompt is.
    ' If you plan on supplying login information by waiting for username and
    ' password prompts within this script, do so right before this do..loop.
        bCursorMoved = objTab.Screen.WaitForCursor(1)
    Loop until bCursorMoved = False
    ' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, we'll
    ' assume it's safe to start interacting with the remote system.
    ' Get the shell prompt so that we can know what to look for when
    ' determining if the command is completed. Won't work if the prompt
    ' is dynamic (e.g. changes according to current working folder, etc)
    nRow = objTab.Screen.CurrentRow
    szPrompt = objTab.screen.Get(nRow, _
                                 0, _
                                 nRow, _
                                 objTab.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1)
    szPrompt = Trim(szPrompt)

    Dim szLogFile
    nIndex = 0
        szCommand = Trim(h_vCommands(nIndex))

        ' If the command is empty, then we should be done issuing commands
        ' (there's nothing else in our command array h_vCommands)
        if szCommand = "" then Exit Do

        ' Set up the log file for this specific command
        szLogFile = Replace(g_szLogFile, "__NUM__", NN(nIndex + 1, 2))
        ' Store the path for our first log file for later use (see end of this
        ' function...
        if g_szFirstLogFilePath = "" then g_szFirstLogFilePath = szLogFile

        ' Send the command text to the remote
        objTab.Screen.Send szCommand & vbcr

        ' Wait for the command to be echo'd back to us.
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vbcr, 1
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vblf, 1        

        Dim szResult
        ' Use the ReadString() method to get the text displayed while the
        ' command was runnning.  Note that the ReadString usage shown below
        ' is not documented properly in SecureCRT help files included in
        ' SecureCRT versions prior to 6.0 Official.  Note also that the
        ' ReadString() method captures escape sequences sent from the remote
        ' machine as well as displayed text.  As mentioned earlier in comments
        ' above, if you want to suppress escape sequences from being captured,
        ' set the Screen.IgnoreEscape property = True.
        szResult = objTab.Screen.ReadString(szPrompt)
        Dim objFile
        Set objFile = g_fso.OpenTextFile(szLogFile, ForWriting, True)

        ' If you don't want the command logged along with the results, comment
        ' out the very next line
        objFile.WriteLine "Results of command: " & szCommand

        ' Write out the results of the command to our log file
        objFile.WriteLine szResult
        ' Close the log file

        ' Move on to the next command in our command array h_vCommands
        nIndex = nIndex + 1
    ' Once we're complete, let's bring up Windows Explorer with the first of
    ' the log files selected.
    g_shell.Run "explorer /e,/select,""" & g_szFirstLogFilePath & """"

End Sub

Function GetMyDocumentsFolder()
    Dim myShell
    Set myShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    GetMyDocumentsFolder = myShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")
End Function

Sub LogOutputOfSpecificCommandUseReadStringDUP()
    ' Instruct WaitForString and ReadString to ignore escape sequences when
    ' detecting and capturing data received from the remote (this doesn't
    ' affect the way the data is displayed to the screen, only how it is handled
    ' by the WaitForString, WaitForStrings, and ReadString methods associated
    ' with the Screen object.
    objTab.Screen.IgnoreEscape = True
    objTab.Screen.Synchronous = True
    If Not objTab.Session.Connected then
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox _
            "Not Connected.  Please connect before running this script."
        exit sub
    end if

    Dim szCommand, szPrompt, nRow, szLogFileName, nIndex

    ' If this script is run as a login script, there will likely be data
    ' arriving from the remote system.  This is one way of detecting when it's
    ' safe to start sending data. If this script isn't being run as a login
    ' script, then the worst it will do is seemingly pause for one second
    ' before determining what the prompt is.
    ' If you plan on supplying login information by waiting for username and
    ' password prompts within this script, do so right before this do..loop.
        bCursorMoved = objTab.Screen.WaitForCursor(1)
    Loop until bCursorMoved = False
    ' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, we'll
    ' assume it's safe to start interacting with the remote system.
    ' Get the shell prompt so that we can know what to look for when
    ' determining if the command is completed. Won't work if the prompt
    ' is dynamic (e.g. changes according to current working folder, etc)
    nRow = objTab.Screen.CurrentRow
    szPrompt = objTab.screen.Get(nRow, _
                                 0, _
                                 nRow, _
                                 objTab.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1)
    szPrompt = Trim(szPrompt)

    Dim szLogFile
    nIndex = 0
        szCommand = Trim(I_vCommands(nIndex))

        ' If the command is empty, then we should be done issuing commands
        ' (there's nothing else in our command array I_vCommands)
        if szCommand = "" then Exit Do

        ' Set up the log file for this specific command
        szLogFile = Replace(g_szLogFile, "__NUM__", NN(nIndex + 1, 2))
        ' Store the path for our first log file for later use (see end of this
        ' function...
        if g_szFirstLogFilePath = "" then g_szFirstLogFilePath = szLogFile

        ' Send the command text to the remote
        objTab.Screen.Send szCommand & vbcr

        ' Wait for the command to be echo'd back to us.
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vbcr, 1
        objTab.Screen.WaitForString vblf, 1        

        Dim szResult
        ' Use the ReadString() method to get the text displayed while the
        ' command was runnning.  Note that the ReadString usage shown below
        ' is not documented properly in SecureCRT help files included in
        ' SecureCRT versions prior to 6.0 Official.  Note also that the
        ' ReadString() method captures escape sequences sent from the remote
        ' machine as well as displayed text.  As mentioned earlier in comments
        ' above, if you want to suppress escape sequences from being captured,
        ' set the Screen.IgnoreEscape property = True.
        szResult = objTab.Screen.ReadString(szPrompt)
        Dim objFile
        Set objFile = g_fso.OpenTextFile(szLogFile, ForWriting, True)

        ' If you don't want the command logged along with the results, comment
        ' out the very next line
        objFile.WriteLine "Results of command: " & szCommand

        ' Write out the results of the command to our log file
        objFile.WriteLine szResult
        ' Close the log file

        ' Move on to the next command in our command array I_vCommands
        nIndex = nIndex + 1
    ' Once we're complete, let's bring up Windows Explorer with the first of
    ' the log files selected.
    g_shell.Run "explorer /e,/select,""" & g_szFirstLogFilePath & """"

End Sub


Function NN(nNumber, nDesiredDigits)
' Normalizes a single digit number to have nDesiredDigits 0s in front of it
    Dim nIndex, nOffbyDigits, szResult
    nOffbyDigits = nDesiredDigits - len(nNumber)

    szResult = nNumber

    For nIndex = 1 to nOffByDigits
        szResult = "0" & szResult
    NN = szResult
End Function

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Thanks again mate....