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jQuery UI autocomplete calling JSON data Web Service

Hi Experts,

I'm using Visual Studio2010, Sql Server 2008, and vb.
I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete on my asp page.
I have a .asmx Web Service that calls a SQL Server stored procedure and returns the table in JSON format.
The jQuery AutoComplete then fetches this json data from the Web Service.

I'm going to go over 2 examples.
Example 1 works correctly.

Example 2 is the one I need help on. Example 2 works just like Example one.
The only difference is I'm using a different table in Example 2.

Example 1

Step 1:  Create the Table

First I created a table called: States

This is the script to create the table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[States](
	[value] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[Abbreviation] [varchar](10) NULL
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'ALABAMA', N'ALABAMA', N'AL')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'ALASKA', N'ALASKA', N'AK')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'AMERICAN SAMOA', N'AMERICAN SAMOA', N'AS')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'ARIZONA', N'ARIZONA', N'AZ')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'ARKANSAS', N'ARKANSAS', N'AR')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'CALIFORNIA', N'CALIFORNIA', N'CA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'COLORADO', N'COLORADO', N'CO')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'CONNECTICUT', N'CONNECTICUT', N'CT')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'DELAWARE', N'DELAWARE', N'DE')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA', N'DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA', N'DC')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'FLORIDA', N'FLORIDA', N'FL')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'GEORGIA', N'GEORGIA', N'GA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'GUAM', N'GUAM', N'GU')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'HAWAII', N'HAWAII', N'HI')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'IDAHO', N'IDAHO', N'ID')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'ILLINOIS', N'ILLINOIS', N'IL')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'INDIANA', N'INDIANA', N'IN')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'IOWA', N'IOWA', N'IA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'KANSAS', N'KANSAS', N'KS')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'KENTUCKY', N'KENTUCKY', N'KY')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'LOUISIANA', N'LOUISIANA', N'LA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MAINE', N'MAINE', N'ME')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MARSHALL ISLANDS', N'MARSHALL ISLANDS', N'MH')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MARYLAND', N'MARYLAND', N'MD')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MASSACHUSETTS', N'MASSACHUSETTS', N'MA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MICHIGAN', N'MICHIGAN', N'MI')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MINNESOTA', N'MINNESOTA', N'MN')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MISSISSIPPI', N'MISSISSIPPI', N'MS')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MISSOURI', N'MISSOURI', N'MO')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'MONTANA', N'MONTANA', N'MT')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEBRASKA', N'NEBRASKA', N'NE')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEVADA', N'NEVADA', N'NV')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEW HAMPSHIRE', N'NEW HAMPSHIRE', N'NH')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEW JERSEY', N'NEW JERSEY', N'NJ')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEW MEXICO', N'NEW MEXICO', N'NM')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NEW YORK', N'NEW YORK', N'NY')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NORTH CAROLINA', N'NORTH CAROLINA', N'NC')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NORTH DAKOTA', N'NORTH DAKOTA', N'ND')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS', N'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS', N'MP')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'OHIO', N'OHIO', N'OH')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'OKLAHOMA', N'OKLAHOMA', N'OK')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'OREGON', N'OREGON', N'OR')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'PALAU', N'PALAU', N'PW')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'PENNSYLVANIA', N'PENNSYLVANIA', N'PA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'PUERTO RICO', N'PUERTO RICO', N'PR')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'RHODE ISLAND', N'RHODE ISLAND', N'RI')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'SOUTH CAROLINA', N'SOUTH CAROLINA', N'SC')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'SOUTH DAKOTA', N'SOUTH DAKOTA', N'SD')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'TENNESSEE', N'TENNESSE', N'TN')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'TEXAS', N'TEXAS', N'TX')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'UTAH', N'UTAH', N'UT')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'VERMONT', N'VERMONT', N'VT')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'VIRGIN ISLANDS', N'VIRGIN ISLANDS', N'VI')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'VIRGINIA', N'VIRGINIA', N'VA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'WASHINGTON', N'WASHINGTON', N'WA')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'WEST VIRGINIA', N'WEST VIRGINIA', N'WV')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'WISCONSIN', N'WISCONSIN', N'WI')
INSERT [dbo].[States] ([value], [Name], [Abbreviation]) VALUES (N'WYOMING', N'WYOMING', N'WY')

Open in new window

The table looks like this:

User generated image
Step 2:  Create the Stored Procedure

Now I create a Stored Procedure called StatesTest1

This is the code for it:

USE [TestDatabase]



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[StatesTest1] 
SELECT [value]
FROM [TestDatabase].[dbo].[States]


Open in new window

Step 3:  Create the Web Service

So now I create a Web Service called: WSDataService.asmx

This is the code for it:

Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Script.Services
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml

' To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
<System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class WSDataService
    Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Function HelloWorld() As String
        Return "Hello World"
    End Function

    ' This method returns a Json type.
    <WebMethod()> _
    <ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet:=False, ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)> _
    Public Function GetStatesWithAbbr() As List(Of State)

        Dim info As New List(Of State)()

        ' Create connection
        Dim mycon As SqlConnection

        ' set the connection string to the connection
        mycon = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MYSERVER\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TestDatabase;Integrated Security=True")

        ' open connection

        ' Create sql command
        Dim cmd As SqlCommand

        cmd = New SqlCommand()
        cmd.Connection = mycon
        cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure

        ' name of my stored procedure
        cmd.CommandText = "StatesTest1"

        ' stored procedure parameters go here
        'cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@puserid", id)

        Dim reader As SqlDataReader
        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        While reader.Read()
            Dim b As New State()
            b.value = reader.GetString(0)
            b.Name = reader.GetString(1)
            b.Abbreviation = reader.GetString(2)
        End While


        ' close the connection

        Return info
    End Function

End Class

Public Class State
    Private _name As String
    Private _value As String

    Public Property value() As String
            Return _value
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _value = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Name() As String
            Return _name
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _name = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _abbr As String

    Public Property Abbreviation() As String
            Return _abbr
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _abbr = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Open in new window

When I run my Web Service in the browser I get this:

User generated image
The method used by Example 1 is the one called GetStatesWithAbbr

When I click on this method I get the following:

User generated image
So the Web Service is working correctly.

Step 4:  Create the ASP page with the jQuery UI AutoComplete

So lastly I create a page called jqAC_3_JSONdata.aspx

This is the code for it:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="jqAC_3_JSONdata.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1.jqAC_3_JSONdata" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <%-- jquery library reference --%>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <%-- javascript functions --%>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

            // JSON data source
                type: "POST",
                url: "/Services/WSDataService.asmx/GetStatesWithAbbr",
                dataType: "json",
                data: "{}",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                success: function (data) {
                        minLength: 0,
                        source: data.d,
                        focus: function (event, ui) {
                            return false;
                        select: function (event, ui) {
                            $('#selectedValue').text("Selected value:" + ui.item.Abbreviation);
                            return false;
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <p id="project-description">AutoComplete Demo (JSON data source)</p>
            <input id="project"/>
            <div id="selectedValue"></div>

Open in new window

When I run this page in the browser then I get this:

User generated image

If I type the letter C inside the textbox then the autocomplete populates and looks like this:

User generated image
Success! It works correctly!

So now I decided to make another example that works the same but I want to use the Orders table from the Northwind database instead.

Example 2

Step 1:  Create the Table

I'm using the Orders table from the Northwind database.

This is the script to create the table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders](
	[OrderID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[CustomerID] [nchar](5) NULL,
	[EmployeeID] [int] NULL,
	[OrderDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[RequiredDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[ShippedDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[ShipVia] [int] NULL,
	[Freight] [money] NULL,
	[ShipName] [nvarchar](40) NULL,
	[ShipAddress] [nvarchar](60) NULL,
	[ShipCity] [nvarchar](15) NULL,
	[ShipRegion] [nvarchar](15) NULL,
	[ShipPostalCode] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
	[ShipCountry] [nvarchar](15) NULL,
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10248, N'VINET', 5, CAST(0x000089B000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089BC00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 32.3800, N'Vins et alcools Chevalier', N'59 rue de l''Abbaye', N'Reims', NULL, N'51100', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10249, N'TOMSP', 6, CAST(0x000089B100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089B600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 11.6100, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10250, N'HANAR', 4, CAST(0x000089B400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089B800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 65.8300, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10251, N'VICTE', 3, CAST(0x000089B400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089BB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 41.3400, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10252, N'SUPRD', 4, CAST(0x000089B500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089B700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 51.3000, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10253, N'HANAR', 3, CAST(0x000089B600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089BC00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.1700, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10254, N'CHOPS', 5, CAST(0x000089B700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 22.9800, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10255, N'RICSU', 9, CAST(0x000089B800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089BB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 148.3300, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10256, N'WELLI', 3, CAST(0x000089BB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089BD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.9700, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10257, N'HILAA', 4, CAST(0x000089BC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 81.9100, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10258, N'ERNSH', 1, CAST(0x000089BD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 140.5100, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10259, N'CENTC', 4, CAST(0x000089BE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 3.2500, N'Centro comercial Moctezuma', N'Sierras de Granada 9993', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05022', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10260, N'OTTIK', 4, CAST(0x000089BF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 55.0900, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10261, N'QUEDE', 4, CAST(0x000089BF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.0500, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10262, N'RATTC', 8, CAST(0x000089C200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089C500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 48.2900, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10263, N'ERNSH', 9, CAST(0x000089C300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 146.0600, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10264, N'FOLKO', 6, CAST(0x000089C400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 3.6700, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10265, N'BLONP', 2, CAST(0x000089C500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 55.2800, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10266, N'WARTH', 3, CAST(0x000089C600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 25.7300, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10267, N'FRANK', 4, CAST(0x000089C900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 208.5800, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10268, N'GROSR', 8, CAST(0x000089CA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 66.2900, N'GROSELLA-Restaurante', N'5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes', N'Caracas', N'DF', N'1081', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10269, N'WHITC', 5, CAST(0x000089CB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.5600, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10270, N'WARTH', 1, CAST(0x000089CC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089CD00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 136.5400, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10271, N'SPLIR', 6, CAST(0x000089CC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.5400, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10272, N'RATTC', 6, CAST(0x000089CD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 98.0300, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10273, N'QUICK', 3, CAST(0x000089D000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089EC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 76.0700, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10274, N'VINET', 6, CAST(0x000089D100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089ED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 6.0100, N'Vins et alcools Chevalier', N'59 rue de l''Abbaye', N'Reims', NULL, N'51100', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10275, N'MAGAA', 1, CAST(0x000089D200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089EE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 26.9300, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10276, N'TORTU', 8, CAST(0x000089D300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 13.8400, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10277, N'MORGK', 2, CAST(0x000089D400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089D800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 125.7700, N'Morgenstern Gesundkost', N'Heerstr. 22', N'Leipzig', NULL, N'04179', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10278, N'BERGS', 8, CAST(0x000089D700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 92.6900, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10279, N'LEHMS', 8, CAST(0x000089D800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.8300, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10280, N'BERGS', 2, CAST(0x000089D900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.9800, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10281, N'ROMEY', 4, CAST(0x000089D900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.9400, N'Romero y tomillo', N'Gran Vía, 1', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28001', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10282, N'ROMEY', 4, CAST(0x000089DA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 12.6900, N'Romero y tomillo', N'Gran Vía, 1', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28001', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10283, N'LILAS', 3, CAST(0x000089DB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 84.8100, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10284, N'LEHMS', 4, CAST(0x000089DE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 76.5600, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10285, N'QUICK', 1, CAST(0x000089DF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 76.8300, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10286, N'QUICK', 8, CAST(0x000089E000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 229.2400, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10287, N'RICAR', 8, CAST(0x000089E100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 12.7600, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10288, N'REGGC', 4, CAST(0x000089E200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089ED00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 7.4500, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10289, N'BSBEV', 7, CAST(0x000089E500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089E700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 22.7700, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10290, N'COMMI', 8, CAST(0x000089E600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089ED00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 79.7000, N'Comércio Mineiro', N'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05432-043', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10291, N'QUEDE', 6, CAST(0x000089E600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089EE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 6.4000, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10292, N'TRADH', 1, CAST(0x000089E700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089EC00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.3500, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10293, N'TORTU', 1, CAST(0x000089E800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 21.1800, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10294, N'RATTC', 4, CAST(0x000089E900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089EF00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 147.2600, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10295, N'VINET', 2, CAST(0x000089EC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.1500, N'Vins et alcools Chevalier', N'59 rue de l''Abbaye', N'Reims', NULL, N'51100', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10296, N'LILAS', 6, CAST(0x000089ED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.1200, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10297, N'BLONP', 5, CAST(0x000089EE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 5.7400, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10298, N'HUNGO', 6, CAST(0x000089EF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 168.2200, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10299, N'RICAR', 4, CAST(0x000089F000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089F700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 29.7600, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10300, N'MAGAA', 2, CAST(0x000089F300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FC00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 17.6800, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10301, N'WANDK', 8, CAST(0x000089F300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 45.0800, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10302, N'SUPRD', 4, CAST(0x000089F400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 6.2700, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10303, N'GODOS', 7, CAST(0x000089F500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FC00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 107.8300, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10304, N'TORTU', 1, CAST(0x000089F600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x000089FB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 63.7900, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10305, N'OLDWO', 8, CAST(0x000089F700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 257.6200, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10306, N'ROMEY', 1, CAST(0x000089FA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 7.5600, N'Romero y tomillo', N'Gran Vía, 1', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28001', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10307, N'LONEP', 2, CAST(0x000089FB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.5600, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10308, N'ANATR', 7, CAST(0x000089FC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.6100, N'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados', N'Avda. de la Constitución 2222', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05021', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10309, N'HUNGO', 3, CAST(0x000089FD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 47.3000, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10310, N'THEBI', 8, CAST(0x000089FE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 17.5200, N'The Big Cheese', N'89 Jefferson Way Suite 2', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97201', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10311, N'DUMON', 1, CAST(0x000089FE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 24.6900, N'Du monde entier', N'67, rue des Cinquante Otages', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10312, N'WANDK', 2, CAST(0x00008A0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 40.2600, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10313, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008A0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.9600, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10314, N'RATTC', 1, CAST(0x00008A0300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 74.1600, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10315, N'ISLAT', 4, CAST(0x00008A0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 41.7600, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10316, N'RATTC', 1, CAST(0x00008A0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 150.1500, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10317, N'LONEP', 6, CAST(0x00008A0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 12.6900, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10318, N'ISLAT', 8, CAST(0x00008A0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.7300, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10319, N'TORTU', 7, CAST(0x00008A0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 64.5000, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10320, N'WARTH', 5, CAST(0x00008A0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 34.5700, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10321, N'ISLAT', 3, CAST(0x00008A0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.4300, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10322, N'PERIC', 7, CAST(0x00008A0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.4000, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10323, N'KOENE', 4, CAST(0x00008A0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.8800, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10324, N'SAVEA', 9, CAST(0x00008A1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 214.2700, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10325, N'KOENE', 1, CAST(0x00008A1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 64.8600, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10326, N'BOLID', 4, CAST(0x00008A1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 77.9200, N'Bólido Comidas preparadas', N'C/ Araquil, 67', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28023', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10327, N'FOLKO', 2, CAST(0x00008A1300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 63.3600, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10328, N'FURIB', 4, CAST(0x00008A1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 87.0300, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10329, N'SPLIR', 4, CAST(0x00008A1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 191.6700, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10330, N'LILAS', 3, CAST(0x00008A1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 12.7500, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10331, N'BONAP', 9, CAST(0x00008A1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 10.1900, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10332, N'MEREP', 3, CAST(0x00008A1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A1D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 52.8400, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10333, N'WARTH', 5, CAST(0x00008A1A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.5900, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10334, N'VICTE', 8, CAST(0x00008A1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.5600, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10335, N'HUNGO', 7, CAST(0x00008A1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 42.1100, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10336, N'PRINI', 7, CAST(0x00008A1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 15.5100, N'Princesa Isabel Vinhos', N'Estrada da saúde n. 58', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1756', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10337, N'FRANK', 4, CAST(0x00008A2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 108.2600, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10338, N'OLDWO', 4, CAST(0x00008A2100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 84.2100, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10339, N'MEREP', 2, CAST(0x00008A2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 15.6600, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10340, N'BONAP', 1, CAST(0x00008A2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 166.3100, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10341, N'SIMOB', 7, CAST(0x00008A2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 26.7800, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10342, N'FRANK', 4, CAST(0x00008A2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 54.8300, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10343, N'LEHMS', 4, CAST(0x00008A2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 110.3700, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10344, N'WHITC', 4, CAST(0x00008A2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 23.2900, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10345, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008A2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 249.0600, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10346, N'RATTC', 3, CAST(0x00008A2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 142.0800, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10347, N'FAMIA', 4, CAST(0x00008A2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A2F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 3.1000, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
print 'Processed 100 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10348, N'WANDK', 4, CAST(0x00008A2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.7800, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10349, N'SPLIR', 7, CAST(0x00008A2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.6300, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10350, N'LAMAI', 6, CAST(0x00008A3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 64.1900, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10351, N'ERNSH', 1, CAST(0x00008A3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 162.3300, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10352, N'FURIB', 3, CAST(0x00008A3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.3000, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10353, N'PICCO', 7, CAST(0x00008A3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 360.6300, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10354, N'PERIC', 8, CAST(0x00008A3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 53.8000, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10355, N'AROUT', 6, CAST(0x00008A3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A3B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 41.9500, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10356, N'WANDK', 6, CAST(0x00008A3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 36.7100, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10357, N'LILAS', 1, CAST(0x00008A3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 34.8800, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10358, N'LAMAI', 5, CAST(0x00008A3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 19.6400, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10359, N'SEVES', 5, CAST(0x00008A3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 288.4300, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10360, N'BLONP', 4, CAST(0x00008A3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 131.7000, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10361, N'QUICK', 1, CAST(0x00008A3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 183.1700, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10362, N'BONAP', 3, CAST(0x00008A4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 96.0400, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10363, N'DRACD', 4, CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 30.5400, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10364, N'EASTC', 1, CAST(0x00008A4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 71.9700, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10365, N'ANTON', 3, CAST(0x00008A4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 22.0000, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10366, N'GALED', 8, CAST(0x00008A4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 10.1400, N'Galería del gastronómo', N'Rambla de Cataluña, 23', N'Barcelona', NULL, N'8022', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10367, N'VAFFE', 7, CAST(0x00008A4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 13.5500, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10368, N'ERNSH', 2, CAST(0x00008A4400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 101.9500, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10369, N'SPLIR', 8, CAST(0x00008A4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 195.6800, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10370, N'CHOPS', 6, CAST(0x00008A4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.1700, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10371, N'LAMAI', 1, CAST(0x00008A4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.4500, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10372, N'QUEEN', 5, CAST(0x00008A4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 890.7800, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10373, N'HUNGO', 4, CAST(0x00008A4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 124.1200, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10374, N'WOLZA', 1, CAST(0x00008A4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 3.9400, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10375, N'HUNGC', 3, CAST(0x00008A4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 20.1200, N'Hungry Coyote Import Store', N'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.', N'Elgin', N'OR', N'97827', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10376, N'MEREP', 1, CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 20.3900, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10377, N'SEVES', 1, CAST(0x00008A4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 22.2100, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10378, N'FOLKO', 5, CAST(0x00008A4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 5.4400, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10379, N'QUEDE', 2, CAST(0x00008A5000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 45.0300, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10380, N'HUNGO', 8, CAST(0x00008A5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 35.0300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10381, N'LILAS', 3, CAST(0x00008A5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 7.9900, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10382, N'ERNSH', 4, CAST(0x00008A5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 94.7700, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10383, N'AROUT', 8, CAST(0x00008A5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 34.2400, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10384, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008A5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 168.6400, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10385, N'SPLIR', 1, CAST(0x00008A5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 30.9600, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10386, N'FAMIA', 9, CAST(0x00008A5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 13.9900, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10387, N'SANTG', 1, CAST(0x00008A5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 93.6300, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10388, N'SEVES', 2, CAST(0x00008A5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 34.8600, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10389, N'BOTTM', 4, CAST(0x00008A5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 47.4200, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10390, N'ERNSH', 6, CAST(0x00008A5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A5F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 126.3800, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10391, N'DRACD', 3, CAST(0x00008A5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 5.4500, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10392, N'PICCO', 2, CAST(0x00008A5D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 122.4600, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10393, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008A5E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 126.5600, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10394, N'HUNGC', 1, CAST(0x00008A5E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 30.3400, N'Hungry Coyote Import Store', N'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.', N'Elgin', N'OR', N'97827', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10395, N'HILAA', 6, CAST(0x00008A5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 184.4100, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10396, N'FRANK', 1, CAST(0x00008A6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 135.3500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10397, N'PRINI', 5, CAST(0x00008A6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 60.2600, N'Princesa Isabel Vinhos', N'Estrada da saúde n. 58', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1756', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10398, N'SAVEA', 2, CAST(0x00008A6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 89.1600, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10399, N'VAFFE', 8, CAST(0x00008A6400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 27.3600, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10400, N'EASTC', 1, CAST(0x00008A6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 83.9300, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10401, N'RATTC', 1, CAST(0x00008A6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 12.5100, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10402, N'ERNSH', 8, CAST(0x00008A6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 67.8800, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10403, N'ERNSH', 4, CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 73.7900, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10404, N'MAGAA', 2, CAST(0x00008A6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A6C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 155.9700, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10405, N'LINOD', 1, CAST(0x00008A6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 34.8200, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10406, N'QUEEN', 7, CAST(0x00008A6B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 108.0400, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10407, N'OTTIK', 2, CAST(0x00008A6B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 91.4800, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10408, N'FOLIG', 8, CAST(0x00008A6C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 11.2600, N'Folies gourmandes', N'184, chaussée de Tournai', N'Lille', NULL, N'59000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10409, N'OCEAN', 3, CAST(0x00008A6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 29.8300, N'Océano Atlántico Ltda.', N'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10410, N'BOTTM', 3, CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 2.4000, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10411, N'BOTTM', 9, CAST(0x00008A6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 23.6500, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10412, N'WARTH', 8, CAST(0x00008A7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.7700, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10413, N'LAMAI', 3, CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 95.6600, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10414, N'FAMIA', 2, CAST(0x00008A7200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 21.4800, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10415, N'HUNGC', 3, CAST(0x00008A7300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.2000, N'Hungry Coyote Import Store', N'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.', N'Elgin', N'OR', N'97827', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10416, N'WARTH', 8, CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 22.7200, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10417, N'SIMOB', 4, CAST(0x00008A7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 70.2900, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10418, N'QUICK', 4, CAST(0x00008A7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 17.5500, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10419, N'RICSU', 4, CAST(0x00008A7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 137.3500, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10420, N'WELLI', 3, CAST(0x00008A7900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 44.1200, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10421, N'QUEDE', 8, CAST(0x00008A7900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 99.2300, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10422, N'FRANS', 2, CAST(0x00008A7A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 3.0200, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10423, N'GOURL', 6, CAST(0x00008A7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 24.5000, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10424, N'MEREP', 7, CAST(0x00008A7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 370.6100, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10425, N'LAMAI', 6, CAST(0x00008A7C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.9300, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10426, N'GALED', 4, CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 18.6900, N'Galería del gastronómo', N'Rambla de Cataluña, 23', N'Barcelona', NULL, N'8022', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10427, N'PICCO', 4, CAST(0x00008A7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 31.2900, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10428, N'REGGC', 7, CAST(0x00008A8000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 11.0900, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10429, N'HUNGO', 3, CAST(0x00008A8100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 56.6300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10430, N'ERNSH', 4, CAST(0x00008A8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 458.7800, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10431, N'BOTTM', 4, CAST(0x00008A8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 44.1700, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10432, N'SPLIR', 3, CAST(0x00008A8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.3400, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10433, N'PRINI', 3, CAST(0x00008A8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 73.8300, N'Princesa Isabel Vinhos', N'Estrada da saúde n. 58', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1756', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10434, N'FOLKO', 3, CAST(0x00008A8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 17.9200, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10435, N'CONSH', 8, CAST(0x00008A8700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 9.2100, N'Consolidated Holdings', N'Berkeley Gardens 12  Brewery', N'London', NULL, N'WX1 6LT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10436, N'BLONP', 3, CAST(0x00008A8800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 156.6600, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10437, N'WARTH', 8, CAST(0x00008A8800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 19.9700, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10438, N'TOMSP', 3, CAST(0x00008A8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.2400, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10439, N'MEREP', 6, CAST(0x00008A8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A8D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.0700, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10440, N'SAVEA', 4, CAST(0x00008A8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 86.5300, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10441, N'OLDWO', 3, CAST(0x00008A8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 73.0200, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10442, N'ERNSH', 3, CAST(0x00008A8E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 47.9400, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10443, N'REGGC', 8, CAST(0x00008A8F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 13.9500, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10444, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008A8F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 3.5000, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10445, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008A9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 9.3000, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10446, N'TOMSP', 6, CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 14.6800, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10447, N'RICAR', 4, CAST(0x00008A9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 68.6600, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10448, N'RANCH', 4, CAST(0x00008A9400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 38.8200, N'Rancho grande', N'Av. del Libertador 900', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
print 'Processed 200 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10449, N'BLONP', 3, CAST(0x00008A9500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 53.3000, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10450, N'VICTE', 8, CAST(0x00008A9600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.2300, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10451, N'QUICK', 4, CAST(0x00008A9600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 189.0900, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10452, N'SAVEA', 8, CAST(0x00008A9700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 140.2600, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10453, N'AROUT', 1, CAST(0x00008A9800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.3600, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10454, N'LAMAI', 4, CAST(0x00008A9800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 2.7400, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10455, N'WARTH', 8, CAST(0x00008A9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 180.4500, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10456, N'KOENE', 8, CAST(0x00008A9C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.1200, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10457, N'KOENE', 2, CAST(0x00008A9C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 11.5700, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10458, N'SUPRD', 7, CAST(0x00008A9D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 147.0600, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10459, N'VICTE', 4, CAST(0x00008A9E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008A9F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.0900, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10460, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008A9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.2700, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10461, N'LILAS', 1, CAST(0x00008A9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 148.6100, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10462, N'CONSH', 2, CAST(0x00008AA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 6.1700, N'Consolidated Holdings', N'Berkeley Gardens 12  Brewery', N'London', NULL, N'WX1 6LT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10463, N'SUPRD', 5, CAST(0x00008AA300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AA500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 14.7800, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10464, N'FURIB', 4, CAST(0x00008AA300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 89.0000, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10465, N'VAFFE', 1, CAST(0x00008AA400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 145.0400, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10466, N'COMMI', 4, CAST(0x00008AA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 11.9300, N'Comércio Mineiro', N'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05432-043', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10467, N'MAGAA', 8, CAST(0x00008AA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.9300, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10468, N'KOENE', 3, CAST(0x00008AA600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 44.1200, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10469, N'WHITC', 1, CAST(0x00008AA900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 60.1800, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10470, N'BONAP', 4, CAST(0x00008AAA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 64.5600, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10471, N'BSBEV', 2, CAST(0x00008AAA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 45.5900, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10472, N'SEVES', 8, CAST(0x00008AAB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.2000, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10473, N'ISLAT', 1, CAST(0x00008AAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 16.3700, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10474, N'PERIC', 5, CAST(0x00008AAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 83.4900, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10475, N'SUPRD', 9, CAST(0x00008AAD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 68.5200, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10476, N'HILAA', 8, CAST(0x00008AB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.4100, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10477, N'PRINI', 5, CAST(0x00008AB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.0200, N'Princesa Isabel Vinhos', N'Estrada da saúde n. 58', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1756', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10478, N'VICTE', 2, CAST(0x00008AB100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.8100, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10479, N'RATTC', 3, CAST(0x00008AB200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 708.9500, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10480, N'FOLIG', 6, CAST(0x00008AB300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.3500, N'Folies gourmandes', N'184, chaussée de Tournai', N'Lille', NULL, N'59000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10481, N'RICAR', 8, CAST(0x00008AB300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AB800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 64.3300, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10482, N'LAZYK', 1, CAST(0x00008AB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 7.4800, N'Lazy K Kountry Store', N'12 Orchestra Terrace', N'Walla Walla', N'WA', N'99362', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10483, N'WHITC', 7, CAST(0x00008AB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 15.2800, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10484, N'BSBEV', 3, CAST(0x00008AB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABF00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 6.8800, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10485, N'LINOD', 4, CAST(0x00008AB800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 64.4500, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10486, N'HILAA', 1, CAST(0x00008AB900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 30.5300, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10487, N'QUEEN', 2, CAST(0x00008AB900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ABB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 71.0700, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10488, N'FRANK', 8, CAST(0x00008ABA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.9300, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10489, N'PICCO', 6, CAST(0x00008ABB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 5.2900, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10490, N'HILAA', 7, CAST(0x00008ABE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 210.1900, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10491, N'FURIB', 8, CAST(0x00008ABE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 16.9600, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10492, N'BOTTM', 3, CAST(0x00008ABF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 62.8900, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10493, N'LAMAI', 4, CAST(0x00008AC000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 10.6400, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10494, N'COMMI', 4, CAST(0x00008AC000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 65.9900, N'Comércio Mineiro', N'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05432-043', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10495, N'LAUGB', 3, CAST(0x00008AC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.6500, N'Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars', N'2319 Elm St.', N'Vancouver', N'BC', N'V3F 2K1', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10496, N'TRADH', 7, CAST(0x00008AC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 46.7700, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10497, N'LEHMS', 7, CAST(0x00008AC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 36.2100, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10498, N'HILAA', 8, CAST(0x00008AC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 29.7500, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10499, N'LILAS', 4, CAST(0x00008AC600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 102.0200, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10500, N'LAMAI', 6, CAST(0x00008AC700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 42.6800, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10501, N'BLAUS', 9, CAST(0x00008AC700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACE00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 8.8500, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10502, N'PERIC', 2, CAST(0x00008AC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 69.3200, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10503, N'HUNGO', 6, CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ACE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 16.7400, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10504, N'WHITC', 4, CAST(0x00008AC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 59.1300, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10505, N'MEREP', 3, CAST(0x00008ACC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 7.1300, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10506, N'KOENE', 9, CAST(0x00008ACD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 21.1900, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10507, N'ANTON', 7, CAST(0x00008ACD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 47.4500, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10508, N'OTTIK', 1, CAST(0x00008ACE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.9900, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10509, N'BLAUS', 4, CAST(0x00008ACF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.1500, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10510, N'SAVEA', 6, CAST(0x00008AD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 367.6300, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10511, N'BONAP', 4, CAST(0x00008AD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 350.6400, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10512, N'FAMIA', 7, CAST(0x00008AD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AD600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.5300, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10513, N'WANDK', 7, CAST(0x00008AD400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADA00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 105.6500, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10514, N'ERNSH', 3, CAST(0x00008AD400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEC00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 789.9500, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10515, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008AD500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 204.4700, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10516, N'HUNGO', 2, CAST(0x00008AD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 62.7800, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10517, N'NORTS', 3, CAST(0x00008AD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 32.0700, N'North/South', N'South House 300 Queensbridge', N'London', NULL, N'SW7 1RZ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10518, N'TORTU', 4, CAST(0x00008AD700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 218.1500, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10519, N'CHOPS', 6, CAST(0x00008ADA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 91.7600, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10520, N'SANTG', 7, CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 13.3700, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10521, N'CACTU', 8, CAST(0x00008ADB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008ADE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 17.2200, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10522, N'LEHMS', 4, CAST(0x00008ADC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 45.3300, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10523, N'SEVES', 7, CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 77.6300, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10524, N'BERGS', 1, CAST(0x00008ADD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 244.7900, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10525, N'BONAP', 1, CAST(0x00008ADE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 11.0600, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10526, N'WARTH', 4, CAST(0x00008AE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.5900, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10527, N'QUICK', 7, CAST(0x00008AE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 41.9000, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10528, N'GREAL', 6, CAST(0x00008AE200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.3500, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10529, N'MAISD', 5, CAST(0x00008AE300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 66.6900, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10530, N'PICCO', 3, CAST(0x00008AE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 339.2200, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10531, N'OCEAN', 7, CAST(0x00008AE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.1200, N'Océano Atlántico Ltda.', N'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10532, N'EASTC', 7, CAST(0x00008AE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AE800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 74.4600, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10533, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008AE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 188.0400, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10534, N'LEHMS', 8, CAST(0x00008AE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 27.9400, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10535, N'ANTON', 4, CAST(0x00008AE900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 15.6400, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10536, N'LEHMS', 3, CAST(0x00008AEA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.8800, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10537, N'RICSU', 1, CAST(0x00008AEA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 78.8500, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10538, N'BSBEV', 9, CAST(0x00008AEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AEC00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.8700, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10539, N'BSBEV', 6, CAST(0x00008AEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 12.3600, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10540, N'QUICK', 3, CAST(0x00008AEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1007.6400, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10541, N'HANAR', 2, CAST(0x00008AEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 68.6500, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10542, N'KOENE', 1, CAST(0x00008AF000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 10.9500, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10543, N'LILAS', 8, CAST(0x00008AF100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 48.1700, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10544, N'LONEP', 4, CAST(0x00008AF100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 24.9100, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10545, N'LAZYK', 8, CAST(0x00008AF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 11.9200, N'Lazy K Kountry Store', N'12 Orchestra Terrace', N'Walla Walla', N'WA', N'99362', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10546, N'VICTE', 1, CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AF700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 194.7200, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10547, N'SEVES', 3, CAST(0x00008AF300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 178.4300, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10548, N'TOMSP', 3, CAST(0x00008AF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.4300, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10549, N'QUICK', 5, CAST(0x00008AF700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 171.2400, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
print 'Processed 300 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10550, N'GODOS', 7, CAST(0x00008AF800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.3200, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10551, N'FURIB', 4, CAST(0x00008AF800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 72.9500, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10552, N'HILAA', 2, CAST(0x00008AF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 83.2200, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10553, N'WARTH', 2, CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 149.4900, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10554, N'OTTIK', 4, CAST(0x00008AFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 120.9700, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10555, N'SAVEA', 6, CAST(0x00008AFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008AFF00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 252.4900, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10556, N'SIMOB', 2, CAST(0x00008AFE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 9.8000, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10557, N'LEHMS', 9, CAST(0x00008AFE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 96.7200, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10558, N'AROUT', 1, CAST(0x00008AFF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 72.9700, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10559, N'BLONP', 6, CAST(0x00008B0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.0500, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10560, N'FRANK', 8, CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 36.6500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10561, N'FOLKO', 2, CAST(0x00008B0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 242.2100, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10562, N'REGGC', 1, CAST(0x00008B0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 22.9500, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10563, N'RICAR', 2, CAST(0x00008B0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 60.4300, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10564, N'RATTC', 4, CAST(0x00008B0500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 13.7500, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10565, N'MEREP', 8, CAST(0x00008B0600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.1500, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10566, N'BLONP', 9, CAST(0x00008B0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 88.4000, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10567, N'HUNGO', 1, CAST(0x00008B0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 33.9700, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10568, N'GALED', 3, CAST(0x00008B0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 6.5400, N'Galería del gastronómo', N'Rambla de Cataluña, 23', N'Barcelona', NULL, N'8022', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10569, N'RATTC', 5, CAST(0x00008B0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 58.9800, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10570, N'MEREP', 3, CAST(0x00008B0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 188.9900, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10571, N'ERNSH', 8, CAST(0x00008B0C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 26.0600, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10572, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008B0D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 116.4300, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10573, N'ANTON', 7, CAST(0x00008B0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B0F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 84.8400, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10574, N'TRAIH', 4, CAST(0x00008B0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 37.6000, N'Trail''s Head Gourmet Provisioners', N'722 DaVinci Blvd.', N'Kirkland', N'WA', N'98034', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10575, N'MORGK', 5, CAST(0x00008B0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 127.3400, N'Morgenstern Gesundkost', N'Heerstr. 22', N'Leipzig', NULL, N'04179', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10576, N'TORTU', 3, CAST(0x00008B1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 18.5600, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10577, N'TRAIH', 9, CAST(0x00008B1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.4100, N'Trail''s Head Gourmet Provisioners', N'722 DaVinci Blvd.', N'Kirkland', N'WA', N'98034', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10578, N'BSBEV', 4, CAST(0x00008B1300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 29.6000, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10579, N'LETSS', 1, CAST(0x00008B1400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.7300, N'Let''s Stop N Shop', N'87 Polk St. Suite 5', N'San Francisco', N'CA', N'94117', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10580, N'OTTIK', 4, CAST(0x00008B1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 75.8900, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10581, N'FAMIA', 3, CAST(0x00008B1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 3.0100, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10582, N'BLAUS', 3, CAST(0x00008B1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 27.7100, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10583, N'WARTH', 2, CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.2800, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10584, N'BLONP', 4, CAST(0x00008B1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 59.1400, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10585, N'WELLI', 7, CAST(0x00008B1A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 13.4100, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10586, N'REGGC', 9, CAST(0x00008B1B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.4800, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10587, N'QUEDE', 1, CAST(0x00008B1B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 62.5200, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10588, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008B1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 194.6700, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10589, N'GREAL', 8, CAST(0x00008B1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.4200, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10590, N'MEREP', 4, CAST(0x00008B2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 44.7700, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10591, N'VAFFE', 1, CAST(0x00008B2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 55.9200, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10592, N'LEHMS', 3, CAST(0x00008B2100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 32.1000, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10593, N'LEHMS', 7, CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 174.2000, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10594, N'OLDWO', 3, CAST(0x00008B2200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 5.2400, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10595, N'ERNSH', 2, CAST(0x00008B2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 96.7800, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10596, N'WHITC', 8, CAST(0x00008B2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.3400, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10597, N'PICCO', 7, CAST(0x00008B2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 35.1200, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10598, N'RATTC', 1, CAST(0x00008B2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 44.4200, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10599, N'BSBEV', 6, CAST(0x00008B2800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 29.9800, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10600, N'HUNGC', 4, CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 45.1300, N'Hungry Coyote Import Store', N'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.', N'Elgin', N'OR', N'97827', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10601, N'HILAA', 7, CAST(0x00008B2900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 58.3000, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10602, N'VAFFE', 8, CAST(0x00008B2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.9200, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10603, N'SAVEA', 8, CAST(0x00008B2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 48.7700, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10604, N'FURIB', 1, CAST(0x00008B2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 7.4600, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10605, N'MEREP', 1, CAST(0x00008B2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 379.1300, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10606, N'TRADH', 4, CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 79.4000, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10607, N'SAVEA', 5, CAST(0x00008B2F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 200.2400, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10608, N'TOMSP', 4, CAST(0x00008B3000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 27.7900, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10609, N'DUMON', 7, CAST(0x00008B3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.8500, N'Du monde entier', N'67, rue des Cinquante Otages', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10610, N'LAMAI', 8, CAST(0x00008B3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 26.7800, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10611, N'WOLZA', 6, CAST(0x00008B3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 80.6500, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10612, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008B3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 544.0800, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10613, N'HILAA', 4, CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.1100, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10614, N'BLAUS', 8, CAST(0x00008B3600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.9300, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10615, N'WILMK', 2, CAST(0x00008B3700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.7500, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10616, N'GREAL', 1, CAST(0x00008B3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 116.5300, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10617, N'GREAL', 4, CAST(0x00008B3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 18.5300, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10618, N'MEREP', 1, CAST(0x00008B3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 154.6800, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10619, N'MEREP', 3, CAST(0x00008B3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B3F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 91.0500, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10620, N'LAUGB', 2, CAST(0x00008B3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.9400, N'Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars', N'2319 Elm St.', N'Vancouver', N'BC', N'V3F 2K1', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10621, N'ISLAT', 4, CAST(0x00008B3D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 23.7300, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10622, N'RICAR', 4, CAST(0x00008B3E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 50.9700, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10623, N'FRANK', 8, CAST(0x00008B3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 97.1800, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10624, N'THECR', 4, CAST(0x00008B3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 94.8000, N'The Cracker Box', N'55 Grizzly Peak Rd.', N'Butte', N'MT', N'59801', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10625, N'ANATR', 3, CAST(0x00008B4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 43.9000, N'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados', N'Avda. de la Constitución 2222', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05021', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10626, N'BERGS', 1, CAST(0x00008B4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 138.6900, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10627, N'SAVEA', 8, CAST(0x00008B4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 107.4600, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10628, N'BLONP', 4, CAST(0x00008B4400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 30.3600, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10629, N'GODOS', 4, CAST(0x00008B4400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 85.4600, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10630, N'KOENE', 1, CAST(0x00008B4500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 32.3500, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10631, N'LAMAI', 8, CAST(0x00008B4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.8700, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10632, N'WANDK', 8, CAST(0x00008B4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 41.3800, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10633, N'ERNSH', 7, CAST(0x00008B4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 477.9000, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10634, N'FOLIG', 4, CAST(0x00008B4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 487.3800, N'Folies gourmandes', N'184, chaussée de Tournai', N'Lille', NULL, N'59000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10635, N'MAGAA', 8, CAST(0x00008B4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B4D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 47.4600, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10636, N'WARTH', 4, CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.1500, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10637, N'QUEEN', 6, CAST(0x00008B4B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 201.2900, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10638, N'LINOD', 3, CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 158.4400, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10639, N'SANTG', 7, CAST(0x00008B4C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 38.6400, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10640, N'WANDK', 4, CAST(0x00008B4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 23.5500, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10641, N'HILAA', 4, CAST(0x00008B4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 179.6100, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10642, N'SIMOB', 7, CAST(0x00008B4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 41.8900, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10643, N'ALFKI', 6, CAST(0x00008B5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 29.4600, N'Alfreds Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10644, N'WELLI', 3, CAST(0x00008B5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.1400, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10645, N'HANAR', 4, CAST(0x00008B5200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 12.4100, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10646, N'HUNGO', 9, CAST(0x00008B5300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 142.3300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10647, N'QUEDE', 4, CAST(0x00008B5300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 45.5400, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10648, N'RICAR', 5, CAST(0x00008B5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 14.2500, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10649, N'MAISD', 5, CAST(0x00008B5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 6.2000, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10650, N'FAMIA', 5, CAST(0x00008B5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 176.8100, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
print 'Processed 400 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10651, N'WANDK', 8, CAST(0x00008B5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 20.6000, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10652, N'GOURL', 4, CAST(0x00008B5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.1400, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10653, N'FRANK', 1, CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 93.2500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10654, N'BERGS', 5, CAST(0x00008B5900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 55.2600, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10655, N'REGGC', 1, CAST(0x00008B5A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.4100, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10656, N'GREAL', 6, CAST(0x00008B5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 57.1500, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10657, N'SAVEA', 2, CAST(0x00008B5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 352.6900, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10658, N'QUICK', 4, CAST(0x00008B5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B5F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 364.1500, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10659, N'QUEEN', 7, CAST(0x00008B5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 105.8100, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10660, N'HUNGC', 8, CAST(0x00008B5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 111.2900, N'Hungry Coyote Import Store', N'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.', N'Elgin', N'OR', N'97827', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10661, N'HUNGO', 7, CAST(0x00008B6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 17.5500, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10662, N'LONEP', 3, CAST(0x00008B6000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.2800, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10663, N'BONAP', 2, CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 113.1500, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10664, N'FURIB', 1, CAST(0x00008B6100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.2700, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10665, N'LONEP', 1, CAST(0x00008B6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 26.3100, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10666, N'RICSU', 7, CAST(0x00008B6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 232.4200, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10667, N'ERNSH', 7, CAST(0x00008B6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 78.0900, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10668, N'WANDK', 1, CAST(0x00008B6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 47.2200, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10669, N'SIMOB', 2, CAST(0x00008B6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 24.3900, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10670, N'FRANK', 4, CAST(0x00008B6700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 203.4800, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10671, N'FRANR', 1, CAST(0x00008B6800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 30.3400, N'France restauration', N'54, rue Royale', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10672, N'BERGS', 9, CAST(0x00008B6800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 95.7500, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10673, N'WILMK', 2, CAST(0x00008B6900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 22.7600, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10674, N'ISLAT', 4, CAST(0x00008B6900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.9000, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10675, N'FRANK', 5, CAST(0x00008B6A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B6E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 31.8500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10676, N'TORTU', 2, CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.0100, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10677, N'ANTON', 1, CAST(0x00008B6D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.0300, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10678, N'SAVEA', 7, CAST(0x00008B6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 388.9800, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10679, N'BLONP', 8, CAST(0x00008B6E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 27.9400, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10680, N'OLDWO', 1, CAST(0x00008B6F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 26.6100, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10681, N'GREAL', 3, CAST(0x00008B7000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 76.1300, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10682, N'ANTON', 3, CAST(0x00008B7000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 36.1300, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10683, N'DUMON', 2, CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.4000, N'Du monde entier', N'67, rue des Cinquante Otages', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10684, N'OTTIK', 3, CAST(0x00008B7100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 145.6300, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10685, N'GOURL', 4, CAST(0x00008B7400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 33.7500, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10686, N'PICCO', 2, CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 96.5000, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10687, N'HUNGO', 9, CAST(0x00008B7500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 296.4300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10688, N'VAFFE', 4, CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 299.0900, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10689, N'BERGS', 1, CAST(0x00008B7600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.4200, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10690, N'HANAR', 1, CAST(0x00008B7700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 15.8000, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10691, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 810.0500, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10692, N'ALFKI', 4, CAST(0x00008B7800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 61.0200, N'Alfred''s Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10693, N'WHITC', 3, CAST(0x00008B7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 139.3400, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10694, N'QUICK', 8, CAST(0x00008B7B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B7E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 398.3600, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10695, N'WILMK', 7, CAST(0x00008B7C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.7200, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10696, N'WHITC', 8, CAST(0x00008B7D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 102.5500, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10697, N'LINOD', 3, CAST(0x00008B7D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 45.5200, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10698, N'ERNSH', 4, CAST(0x00008B7E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 272.4700, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10699, N'MORGK', 3, CAST(0x00008B7E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.5800, N'Morgenstern Gesundkost', N'Heerstr. 22', N'Leipzig', NULL, N'04179', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10700, N'SAVEA', 3, CAST(0x00008B7F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 65.1000, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10701, N'HUNGO', 6, CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 220.3100, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10702, N'ALFKI', 4, CAST(0x00008B8200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 23.9400, N'Alfred''s Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10703, N'FOLKO', 6, CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 152.3000, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10704, N'QUEEN', 6, CAST(0x00008B8300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.7800, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10705, N'HILAA', 9, CAST(0x00008B8400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.5200, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10706, N'OLDWO', 8, CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 135.6300, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10707, N'AROUT', 4, CAST(0x00008B8500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 21.7400, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10708, N'THEBI', 6, CAST(0x00008B8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.9600, N'The Big Cheese', N'89 Jefferson Way Suite 2', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97201', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10709, N'GOURL', 1, CAST(0x00008B8600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 210.8000, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10710, N'FRANS', 1, CAST(0x00008B8900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.9800, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10711, N'SAVEA', 5, CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 52.4100, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10712, N'HUNGO', 3, CAST(0x00008B8A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 89.9300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10713, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008B8B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B8D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 167.0500, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10714, N'SAVEA', 5, CAST(0x00008B8B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 24.4900, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10715, N'BONAP', 3, CAST(0x00008B8C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 63.2000, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10716, N'RANCH', 4, CAST(0x00008B8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 22.5700, N'Rancho grande', N'Av. del Libertador 900', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10717, N'FRANK', 1, CAST(0x00008B8D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 59.2500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10718, N'KOENE', 1, CAST(0x00008B9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 170.8800, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10719, N'LETSS', 8, CAST(0x00008B9000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 51.4400, N'Let''s Stop N Shop', N'87 Polk St. Suite 5', N'San Francisco', N'CA', N'94117', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10720, N'QUEDE', 8, CAST(0x00008B9100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 9.5300, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10721, N'QUICK', 5, CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 48.9200, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10722, N'SAVEA', 8, CAST(0x00008B9200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 74.5800, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10723, N'WHITC', 3, CAST(0x00008B9300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAD00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 21.7200, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10724, N'MEREP', 8, CAST(0x00008B9300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 57.7500, N'Mère Paillarde', N'43 rue St. Laurent', N'Montréal', N'Québec', N'H1J 1C3', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10725, N'FAMIA', 4, CAST(0x00008B9400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 10.8300, N'Familia Arquibaldo', N'Rua Orós, 92', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05442-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10726, N'EASTC', 4, CAST(0x00008B9700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.5600, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10727, N'REGGC', 2, CAST(0x00008B9700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 89.9000, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10728, N'QUEEN', 4, CAST(0x00008B9800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.3300, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10729, N'LINOD', 8, CAST(0x00008B9800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 141.0600, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10730, N'BONAP', 5, CAST(0x00008B9900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 20.1200, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10731, N'CHOPS', 7, CAST(0x00008B9A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 96.6500, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10732, N'BONAP', 3, CAST(0x00008B9A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.9700, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10733, N'BERGS', 1, CAST(0x00008B9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008B9E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 110.1100, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10734, N'GOURL', 2, CAST(0x00008B9B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.6300, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10735, N'LETSS', 6, CAST(0x00008B9E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 45.9700, N'Let''s Stop N Shop', N'87 Polk St. Suite 5', N'San Francisco', N'CA', N'94117', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10736, N'HUNGO', 9, CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 44.1000, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10737, N'VINET', 2, CAST(0x00008B9F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.7900, N'Vins et alcools Chevalier', N'59 rue de l''Abbaye', N'Reims', NULL, N'51100', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10738, N'SPECD', 2, CAST(0x00008BA000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.9100, N'Spécialités du monde', N'25, rue Lauriston', N'Paris', NULL, N'75016', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10739, N'VINET', 3, CAST(0x00008BA000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 11.0800, N'Vins et alcools Chevalier', N'59 rue de l''Abbaye', N'Reims', NULL, N'51100', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10740, N'WHITC', 4, CAST(0x00008BA100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 81.8800, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10741, N'AROUT', 4, CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 10.9600, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10742, N'BOTTM', 3, CAST(0x00008BA200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 243.7300, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10743, N'AROUT', 1, CAST(0x00008BA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 23.7200, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10744, N'VAFFE', 6, CAST(0x00008BA500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 69.1900, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10745, N'QUICK', 9, CAST(0x00008BA600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 3.5200, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10746, N'CHOPS', 1, CAST(0x00008BA700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 31.4300, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10747, N'PICCO', 6, CAST(0x00008BA700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAE00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 117.3300, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10748, N'SAVEA', 3, CAST(0x00008BA800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 232.5500, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10749, N'ISLAT', 4, CAST(0x00008BA800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 61.5300, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10750, N'WARTH', 9, CAST(0x00008BA900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 79.3000, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10751, N'RICSU', 3, CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 130.7900, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
print 'Processed 500 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10752, N'NORTS', 2, CAST(0x00008BAC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.3900, N'North/South', N'South House 300 Queensbridge', N'London', NULL, N'SW7 1RZ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10753, N'FRANS', 3, CAST(0x00008BAD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 7.7000, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10754, N'MAGAA', 6, CAST(0x00008BAD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 2.3800, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10755, N'BONAP', 4, CAST(0x00008BAE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 16.7100, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10756, N'SPLIR', 8, CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 73.2100, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10757, N'SAVEA', 6, CAST(0x00008BAF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.1900, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10758, N'RICSU', 3, CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BB600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 138.1700, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10759, N'ANATR', 3, CAST(0x00008BB000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBE00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 11.9900, N'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados', N'Avda. de la Constitución 2222', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05021', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10760, N'MAISD', 4, CAST(0x00008BB300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 155.6400, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10761, N'RATTC', 5, CAST(0x00008BB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 18.6600, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10762, N'FOLKO', 3, CAST(0x00008BB400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 328.7400, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10763, N'FOLIG', 3, CAST(0x00008BB500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 37.3500, N'Folies gourmandes', N'184, chaussée de Tournai', N'Lille', NULL, N'59000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10764, N'ERNSH', 6, CAST(0x00008BB500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 145.4500, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10765, N'QUICK', 3, CAST(0x00008BB600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 42.7400, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10766, N'OTTIK', 4, CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 157.5500, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10767, N'SUPRD', 4, CAST(0x00008BB700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.5900, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10768, N'AROUT', 3, CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 146.3200, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10769, N'VAFFE', 3, CAST(0x00008BBA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBE00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 65.0600, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10770, N'HANAR', 8, CAST(0x00008BBB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 5.3200, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10771, N'ERNSH', 9, CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 11.1900, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10772, N'LEHMS', 3, CAST(0x00008BBC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 91.2800, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10773, N'ERNSH', 1, CAST(0x00008BBD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 96.4300, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10774, N'FOLKO', 4, CAST(0x00008BBD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BBE00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 48.2000, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10775, N'THECR', 7, CAST(0x00008BBE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 20.2500, N'The Cracker Box', N'55 Grizzly Peak Rd.', N'Butte', N'MT', N'59801', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10776, N'ERNSH', 1, CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 351.5300, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10777, N'GOURL', 7, CAST(0x00008BC100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.0100, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10778, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 6.7900, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10779, N'MORGK', 3, CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.1300, N'Morgenstern Gesundkost', N'Heerstr. 22', N'Leipzig', NULL, N'04179', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10780, N'LILAS', 2, CAST(0x00008BC200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 42.1300, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10781, N'WARTH', 2, CAST(0x00008BC300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 73.1600, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10782, N'CACTU', 9, CAST(0x00008BC300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.1000, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10783, N'HANAR', 4, CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 124.9800, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10784, N'MAGAA', 4, CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 70.0900, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10785, N'GROSR', 1, CAST(0x00008BC400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.5100, N'GROSELLA-Restaurante', N'5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes', N'Caracas', N'DF', N'1081', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10786, N'QUEEN', 8, CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BC900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 110.8700, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10787, N'LAMAI', 2, CAST(0x00008BC500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 249.9300, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10788, N'QUICK', 1, CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 42.7000, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10789, N'FOLIG', 1, CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 100.6000, N'Folies gourmandes', N'184, chaussée de Tournai', N'Lille', NULL, N'59000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10790, N'GOURL', 6, CAST(0x00008BC800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 28.2300, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10791, N'FRANK', 6, CAST(0x00008BC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 16.8500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10792, N'WOLZA', 1, CAST(0x00008BC900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 23.7900, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10793, N'AROUT', 3, CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.5200, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10794, N'QUEDE', 6, CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 21.4900, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10795, N'ERNSH', 8, CAST(0x00008BCA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 126.6600, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10796, N'HILAA', 3, CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 26.5200, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10797, N'DRACD', 7, CAST(0x00008BCB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 33.3500, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10798, N'ISLAT', 2, CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.3300, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10799, N'KOENE', 9, CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 30.7600, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10800, N'SEVES', 1, CAST(0x00008BCC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 137.4400, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10801, N'BOLID', 4, CAST(0x00008BCF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 97.0900, N'Bólido Comidas preparadas', N'C/ Araquil, 67', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28023', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10802, N'SIMOB', 4, CAST(0x00008BCF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 257.2600, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10803, N'WELLI', 4, CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 55.2300, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10804, N'SEVES', 6, CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 27.3300, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10805, N'THEBI', 2, CAST(0x00008BD000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 237.3400, N'The Big Cheese', N'89 Jefferson Way Suite 2', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97201', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10806, N'VICTE', 3, CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 22.1100, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10807, N'FRANS', 4, CAST(0x00008BD100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.3600, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10808, N'OLDWO', 2, CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 45.5300, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10809, N'WELLI', 7, CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.8700, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10810, N'LAUGB', 2, CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.3300, N'Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars', N'2319 Elm St.', N'Vancouver', N'BC', N'V3F 2K1', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10811, N'LINOD', 8, CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BD900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 31.2200, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10812, N'REGGC', 5, CAST(0x00008BD300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDD00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 59.7800, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10813, N'RICAR', 1, CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 47.3800, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10814, N'VICTE', 3, CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 130.9400, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10815, N'SAVEA', 2, CAST(0x00008BD600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 14.6200, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10816, N'GREAL', 4, CAST(0x00008BD700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 719.7800, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10817, N'KOENE', 3, CAST(0x00008BD700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 306.0700, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10818, N'MAGAA', 7, CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 65.4800, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10819, N'CACTU', 2, CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 19.7600, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10820, N'RATTC', 3, CAST(0x00008BD800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 37.5200, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10821, N'SPLIR', 1, CAST(0x00008BD900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 36.6800, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10822, N'TRAIH', 6, CAST(0x00008BD900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 7.0000, N'Trail''s Head Gourmet Provisioners', N'722 DaVinci Blvd.', N'Kirkland', N'WA', N'98034', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10823, N'LILAS', 5, CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 163.9700, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10824, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.2300, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10825, N'DRACD', 1, CAST(0x00008BDA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 79.2500, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10826, N'BLONP', 6, CAST(0x00008BDD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 7.0900, N'Blondel père et fils', N'24, place Kléber', N'Strasbourg', NULL, N'67000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10827, N'BONAP', 1, CAST(0x00008BDD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 63.5400, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10828, N'RANCH', 9, CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 90.8500, N'Rancho grande', N'Av. del Libertador 900', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10829, N'ISLAT', 9, CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 154.7200, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10830, N'TRADH', 4, CAST(0x00008BDE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 81.8300, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10831, N'SANTG', 3, CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 72.1900, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10832, N'LAMAI', 2, CAST(0x00008BDF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 43.2600, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10833, N'OTTIK', 6, CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 71.4900, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10834, N'TRADH', 1, CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 29.7800, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10835, N'ALFKI', 1, CAST(0x00008BE000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 69.5300, N'Alfred''s Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10836, N'ERNSH', 7, CAST(0x00008BE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 411.8800, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10837, N'BERGS', 9, CAST(0x00008BE100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 13.3200, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10838, N'LINOD', 3, CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 59.2800, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10839, N'TRADH', 3, CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 35.4300, N'Tradiçao Hipermercados', N'Av. Inês de Castro, 414', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05634-030', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10840, N'LINOD', 4, CAST(0x00008BE400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.7100, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10841, N'SUPRD', 5, CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 424.3000, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10842, N'TORTU', 1, CAST(0x00008BE500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 54.4200, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10843, N'VICTE', 4, CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 9.2600, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10844, N'PICCO', 8, CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.2200, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10845, N'QUICK', 8, CAST(0x00008BE600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 212.9800, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10846, N'SUPRD', 2, CAST(0x00008BE700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 56.4600, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10847, N'SAVEA', 4, CAST(0x00008BE700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 487.5700, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10848, N'CONSH', 7, CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 38.2400, N'Consolidated Holdings', N'Berkeley Gardens 12  Brewery', N'London', NULL, N'WX1 6LT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10849, N'KOENE', 9, CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.5600, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10850, N'VICTE', 1, CAST(0x00008BE800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 49.1900, N'Victuailles en stock', N'2, rue du Commerce', N'Lyon', NULL, N'69004', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10851, N'RICAR', 5, CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 160.5500, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10852, N'RATTC', 8, CAST(0x00008BEB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 174.0500, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
print 'Processed 600 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10853, N'BLAUS', 9, CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 53.8300, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10854, N'ERNSH', 3, CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 100.2200, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10855, N'OLDWO', 3, CAST(0x00008BEC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 170.9700, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10856, N'ANTON', 3, CAST(0x00008BED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 58.4300, N'Antonio Moreno Taquería', N'Mataderos  2312', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05023', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10857, N'BERGS', 8, CAST(0x00008BED00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 188.8500, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10858, N'LACOR', 2, CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 52.5100, N'La corne d''abondance', N'67, avenue de l''Europe', N'Versailles', NULL, N'78000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10859, N'FRANK', 1, CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 76.1000, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10860, N'FRANR', 3, CAST(0x00008BEE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 19.2600, N'France restauration', N'54, rue Royale', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10861, N'WHITC', 4, CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 14.9300, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10862, N'LEHMS', 8, CAST(0x00008BEF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 53.2300, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10863, N'HILAA', 4, CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 30.2600, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10864, N'AROUT', 4, CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.0400, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10865, N'QUICK', 2, CAST(0x00008BF200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 348.1400, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10866, N'BERGS', 5, CAST(0x00008BF300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 109.1100, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10867, N'LONEP', 6, CAST(0x00008BF300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.9300, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10868, N'QUEEN', 7, CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 191.2700, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10869, N'SEVES', 5, CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 143.2800, N'Seven Seas Imports', N'90 Wadhurst Rd.', N'London', NULL, N'OX15 4NB', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10870, N'WOLZA', 5, CAST(0x00008BF400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 12.0400, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10871, N'BONAP', 9, CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 112.2700, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10872, N'GODOS', 5, CAST(0x00008BF500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 175.3200, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10873, N'WILMK', 4, CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.8200, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10874, N'GODOS', 5, CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 19.5800, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10875, N'BERGS', 4, CAST(0x00008BF600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 32.3700, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10876, N'BONAP', 7, CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 60.4200, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10877, N'RICAR', 1, CAST(0x00008BF900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 38.0600, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10878, N'QUICK', 4, CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 46.6900, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10879, N'WILMK', 3, CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 8.5000, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10880, N'FOLKO', 7, CAST(0x00008BFA00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 88.0100, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10881, N'CACTU', 4, CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.8400, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10882, N'SAVEA', 4, CAST(0x00008BFB00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 23.1000, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10883, N'LONEP', 8, CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 0.5300, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10884, N'LETSS', 4, CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 90.9700, N'Let''s Stop N Shop', N'87 Polk St. Suite 5', N'San Francisco', N'CA', N'94117', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10885, N'SUPRD', 6, CAST(0x00008BFC00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 5.6400, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10886, N'HANAR', 1, CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 4.9900, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10887, N'GALED', 8, CAST(0x00008BFD00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.2500, N'Galería del gastronómo', N'Rambla de Cataluña, 23', N'Barcelona', NULL, N'8022', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10888, N'GODOS', 1, CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 51.8700, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10889, N'RATTC', 9, CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 280.6100, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10890, N'DUMON', 7, CAST(0x00008C0000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 32.7600, N'Du monde entier', N'67, rue des Cinquante Otages', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10891, N'LEHMS', 7, CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 20.3700, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10892, N'MAISD', 4, CAST(0x00008C0100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 120.2700, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10893, N'KOENE', 9, CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 77.7800, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10894, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 116.1300, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10895, N'ERNSH', 3, CAST(0x00008C0200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 162.7500, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10896, N'MAISD', 7, CAST(0x00008C0300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 32.4500, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10897, N'HUNGO', 3, CAST(0x00008C0300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 603.5400, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10898, N'OCEAN', 4, CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.2700, N'Océano Atlántico Ltda.', N'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10899, N'LILAS', 5, CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 1.2100, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10900, N'WELLI', 1, CAST(0x00008C0400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.6600, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10901, N'HILAA', 4, CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 62.0900, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10902, N'FOLKO', 1, CAST(0x00008C0700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 44.1500, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10903, N'HANAR', 3, CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 36.7100, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10904, N'WHITC', 3, CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 162.9500, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10905, N'WELLI', 9, CAST(0x00008C0800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.7200, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10906, N'WOLZA', 4, CAST(0x00008C0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 26.2900, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10907, N'SPECD', 6, CAST(0x00008C0900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 9.1900, N'Spécialités du monde', N'25, rue Lauriston', N'Paris', NULL, N'75016', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10908, N'REGGC', 4, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 32.9600, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10909, N'SANTG', 1, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 53.0500, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10910, N'WILMK', 1, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), 3, 38.1100, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10911, N'GODOS', 3, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 38.1900, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10912, N'HUNGO', 2, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 580.9100, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10913, N'QUEEN', 4, CAST(0x00008C0A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 33.0500, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10914, N'QUEEN', 6, CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 21.1900, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10915, N'TORTU', 2, CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.5100, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10916, N'RANCH', 1, CAST(0x00008C0B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 63.7700, N'Rancho grande', N'Av. del Libertador 900', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10917, N'ROMEY', 4, CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.2900, N'Romero y tomillo', N'Gran Vía, 1', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28001', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10918, N'BOTTM', 3, CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 48.8300, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10919, N'LINOD', 2, CAST(0x00008C0E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 19.8000, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10920, N'AROUT', 4, CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 29.6100, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10921, N'VAFFE', 1, CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 176.4800, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10922, N'HANAR', 5, CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 62.7400, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10923, N'LAMAI', 7, CAST(0x00008C0F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 68.2600, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10924, N'BERGS', 3, CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 151.5200, N'Berglunds snabbköp', N'Berguvsvägen  8', N'Luleå', NULL, N'S-958 22', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10925, N'HANAR', 3, CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.2700, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10926, N'ANATR', 4, CAST(0x00008C1000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 39.9200, N'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados', N'Avda. de la Constitución 2222', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05021', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10927, N'LACOR', 4, CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 19.7900, N'La corne d''abondance', N'67, avenue de l''Europe', N'Versailles', NULL, N'78000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10928, N'GALED', 1, CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.3600, N'Galería del gastronómo', N'Rambla de Cataluña, 23', N'Barcelona', NULL, N'8022', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10929, N'FRANK', 6, CAST(0x00008C1100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 33.9300, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10930, N'SUPRD', 4, CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 15.5500, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10931, N'RICSU', 4, CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 13.6000, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10932, N'BONAP', 8, CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 134.6400, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10933, N'ISLAT', 6, CAST(0x00008C1200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 54.1500, N'Island Trading', N'Garden House Crowther Way', N'Cowes', N'Isle of Wight', N'PO31 7PJ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10934, N'LEHMS', 3, CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), 3, 32.0100, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10935, N'WELLI', 4, CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 47.5900, N'Wellington Importadora', N'Rua do Mercado, 12', N'Resende', N'SP', N'08737-363', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10936, N'GREAL', 3, CAST(0x00008C1500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 33.6800, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10937, N'CACTU', 7, CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 31.5100, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10938, N'QUICK', 3, CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 31.8900, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10939, N'MAGAA', 2, CAST(0x00008C1600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 76.3300, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10940, N'BONAP', 8, CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 19.7700, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10941, N'SAVEA', 7, CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 400.8100, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10942, N'REGGC', 9, CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 17.9500, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10943, N'BSBEV', 4, CAST(0x00008C1700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.1700, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10944, N'BOTTM', 6, CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 52.9200, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10945, N'MORGK', 4, CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 10.2200, N'Morgenstern Gesundkost', N'Heerstr. 22', N'Leipzig', NULL, N'04179', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10946, N'VAFFE', 1, CAST(0x00008C1800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 27.2000, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10947, N'BSBEV', 3, CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.2600, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10948, N'GODOS', 3, CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 23.3900, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10949, N'BOTTM', 2, CAST(0x00008C1900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 74.4400, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10950, N'MAGAA', 1, CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2.5000, N'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti', N'Via Ludovico il Moro 22', N'Bergamo', NULL, N'24100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10951, N'RICSU', 9, CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 30.8500, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10952, N'ALFKI', 1, CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), 1, 40.4200, N'Alfred''s Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10953, N'AROUT', 9, CAST(0x00008C1C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 23.7200, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
print 'Processed 700 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10954, N'LINOD', 5, CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 27.9100, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10955, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 3.2600, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10956, N'BLAUS', 6, CAST(0x00008C1D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 44.6500, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10957, N'HILAA', 8, CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 105.3600, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10958, N'OCEAN', 7, CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 49.5600, N'Océano Atlántico Ltda.', N'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10959, N'GOURL', 6, CAST(0x00008C1E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.9800, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10960, N'HILAA', 3, CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2.0800, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10961, N'QUEEN', 8, CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 104.4700, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10962, N'QUICK', 8, CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 275.7900, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10963, N'FURIB', 9, CAST(0x00008C1F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), 3, 2.7000, N'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar', N'Jardim das rosas n. 32', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1675', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10964, N'SPECD', 3, CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), 2, 87.3800, N'Spécialités du monde', N'25, rue Lauriston', N'Paris', NULL, N'75016', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10965, N'OLDWO', 6, CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 144.3800, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10966, N'CHOPS', 4, CAST(0x00008C2000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 27.1900, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10967, N'TOMSP', 2, CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 62.2200, N'Toms Spezialitäten', N'Luisenstr. 48', N'Münster', NULL, N'44087', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10968, N'ERNSH', 1, CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 74.6000, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10969, N'COMMI', 1, CAST(0x00008C2300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.2100, N'Comércio Mineiro', N'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05432-043', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10970, N'BOLID', 9, CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 16.1600, N'Bólido Comidas preparadas', N'C/ Araquil, 67', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28023', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10971, N'FRANR', 2, CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 121.8200, N'France restauration', N'54, rue Royale', N'Nantes', NULL, N'44000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10972, N'LACOR', 4, CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.0200, N'La corne d''abondance', N'67, avenue de l''Europe', N'Versailles', NULL, N'78000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10973, N'LACOR', 6, CAST(0x00008C2400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 15.1700, N'La corne d''abondance', N'67, avenue de l''Europe', N'Versailles', NULL, N'78000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10974, N'SPLIR', 3, CAST(0x00008C2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 12.9600, N'Split Rail Beer & Ale', N'P.O. Box 555', N'Lander', N'WY', N'82520', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10975, N'BOTTM', 1, CAST(0x00008C2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), 3, 32.2700, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10976, N'HILAA', 1, CAST(0x00008C2500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 37.9700, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10977, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 208.5000, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10978, N'MAISD', 9, CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), 2, 32.8200, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10979, N'ERNSH', 8, CAST(0x00008C2600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 353.0700, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10980, N'FOLKO', 4, CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.2600, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10981, N'HANAR', 1, CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 193.3700, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10982, N'BOTTM', 2, CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 14.0100, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10983, N'SAVEA', 2, CAST(0x00008C2700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), 2, 657.5400, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10984, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 211.2200, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10985, N'HUNGO', 2, CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 91.5100, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10986, N'OCEAN', 8, CAST(0x00008C2A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 217.8600, N'Océano Atlántico Ltda.', N'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10987, N'EASTC', 8, CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 185.4800, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10988, N'RATTC', 3, CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 61.1400, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10989, N'QUEDE', 2, CAST(0x00008C2B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 34.7600, N'Que Delícia', N'Rua da Panificadora, 12', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-673', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10990, N'ERNSH', 2, CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 117.6100, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10991, N'QUICK', 1, CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 38.5100, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10992, N'THEBI', 1, CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.2700, N'The Big Cheese', N'89 Jefferson Way Suite 2', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97201', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10993, N'FOLKO', 7, CAST(0x00008C2C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 3, 8.8100, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10994, N'VAFFE', 2, CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), 3, 65.5300, N'Vaffeljernet', N'Smagsloget 45', N'Århus', NULL, N'8200', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10995, N'PERIC', 1, CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 46.0000, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10996, N'QUICK', 4, CAST(0x00008C2D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 1.1200, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10997, N'LILAS', 8, CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 73.9100, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10998, N'WOLZA', 8, CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 20.3100, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (10999, N'OTTIK', 6, CAST(0x00008C2E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 2, 96.3500, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11000, N'RATTC', 2, CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 55.1200, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11001, N'FOLKO', 2, CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 197.3000, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11002, N'SAVEA', 4, CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 141.1600, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11003, N'THECR', 3, CAST(0x00008C3100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 14.9100, N'The Cracker Box', N'55 Grizzly Peak Rd.', N'Butte', N'MT', N'59801', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11004, N'MAISD', 3, CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 44.8400, N'Maison Dewey', N'Rue Joseph-Bens 532', N'Bruxelles', NULL, N'B-1180', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11005, N'WILMK', 2, CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 0.7500, N'Wilman Kala', N'Keskuskatu 45', N'Helsinki', NULL, N'21240', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11006, N'GREAL', 3, CAST(0x00008C3200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 25.1900, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11007, N'PRINI', 8, CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 202.2400, N'Princesa Isabel Vinhos', N'Estrada da saúde n. 58', N'Lisboa', NULL, N'1756', N'Portugal')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11008, N'ERNSH', 7, CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 79.4600, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11009, N'GODOS', 2, CAST(0x00008C3300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 59.1100, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11010, N'REGGC', 2, CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 28.7100, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11011, N'ALFKI', 3, CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1.2100, N'Alfred''s Futterkiste', N'Obere Str. 57', N'Berlin', NULL, N'12209', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11012, N'FRANK', 1, CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 242.9500, N'Frankenversand', N'Berliner Platz 43', N'München', NULL, N'80805', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11013, N'ROMEY', 2, CAST(0x00008C3400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), 1, 32.9900, N'Romero y tomillo', N'Gran Vía, 1', N'Madrid', NULL, N'28001', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11014, N'LINOD', 2, CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 23.6000, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11015, N'SANTG', 2, CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 4.6200, N'Santé Gourmet', N'Erling Skakkes gate 78', N'Stavern', NULL, N'4110', N'Norway')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11016, N'AROUT', 9, CAST(0x00008C3500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 33.8000, N'Around the Horn', N'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary', N'Colchester', N'Essex', N'CO7 6JX', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11017, N'ERNSH', 9, CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 754.2600, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11018, N'LONEP', 4, CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 11.6500, N'Lonesome Pine Restaurant', N'89 Chiaroscuro Rd.', N'Portland', N'OR', N'97219', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11019, N'RANCH', 6, CAST(0x00008C3800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5400000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 3.1700, N'Rancho grande', N'Av. del Libertador 900', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11020, N'OTTIK', 2, CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 43.3000, N'Ottilies Käseladen', N'Mehrheimerstr. 369', N'Köln', NULL, N'50739', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11021, N'QUICK', 3, CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), 1, 297.1800, N'QUICK-Stop', N'Taucherstraße 10', N'Cunewalde', NULL, N'01307', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11022, N'HANAR', 9, CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 6.2700, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11023, N'BSBEV', 1, CAST(0x00008C3900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 123.8300, N'B''s Beverages', N'Fauntleroy Circus', N'London', NULL, N'EC2 5NT', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11024, N'EASTC', 4, CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 74.3600, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11025, N'WARTH', 6, CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 3, 29.1700, N'Wartian Herkku', N'Torikatu 38', N'Oulu', NULL, N'90110', N'Finland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11026, N'FRANS', 4, CAST(0x00008C3A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), 1, 47.0900, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11027, N'BOTTM', 1, CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 52.5200, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11028, N'KOENE', 2, CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 29.5900, N'Königlich Essen', N'Maubelstr. 90', N'Brandenburg', NULL, N'14776', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11029, N'CHOPS', 4, CAST(0x00008C3B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 47.8400, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11030, N'SAVEA', 7, CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), 2, 830.7500, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11031, N'SAVEA', 6, CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 227.2200, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11032, N'WHITC', 2, CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 606.1900, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11033, N'RICSU', 7, CAST(0x00008C3C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), 3, 84.7400, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11034, N'OLDWO', 8, CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 40.3200, N'Old World Delicatessen', N'2743 Bering St.', N'Anchorage', N'AK', N'99508', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11035, N'SUPRD', 2, CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 0.1700, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11036, N'DRACD', 8, CAST(0x00008C3F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), 3, 149.4700, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11037, N'GODOS', 7, CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), 1, 3.2000, N'Godos Cocina Típica', N'C/ Romero, 33', N'Sevilla', NULL, N'41101', N'Spain')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11038, N'SUPRD', 1, CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5C00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), 2, 29.5900, N'Suprêmes délices', N'Boulevard Tirou, 255', N'Charleroi', NULL, N'B-6000', N'Belgium')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11039, N'LINOD', 1, CAST(0x00008C4000000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5C00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 65.0000, N'LINO-Delicateses', N'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar', N'I. de Margarita', N'Nueva Esparta', N'4980', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11040, N'GREAL', 4, CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5D00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 18.8400, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11041, N'CHOPS', 3, CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), 2, 48.2200, N'Chop-suey Chinese', N'Hauptstr. 31', N'Bern', NULL, N'3012', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11042, N'COMMI', 2, CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 29.9900, N'Comércio Mineiro', N'Av. dos Lusíadas, 23', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05432-043', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11043, N'SPECD', 5, CAST(0x00008C4100000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 8.8000, N'Spécialités du monde', N'25, rue Lauriston', N'Paris', NULL, N'75016', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11044, N'WOLZA', 4, CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.7200, N'Wolski Zajazd', N'ul. Filtrowa 68', N'Warszawa', NULL, N'01-012', N'Poland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11045, N'BOTTM', 6, CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5E00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 70.5800, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11046, N'WANDK', 8, CAST(0x00008C4200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), 2, 71.6400, N'Die Wandernde Kuh', N'Adenauerallee 900', N'Stuttgart', NULL, N'70563', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11047, N'EASTC', 7, CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 46.6200, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11048, N'BOTTM', 7, CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), 3, 24.1200, N'Bottom-Dollar Markets', N'23 Tsawassen Blvd.', N'Tsawassen', N'BC', N'T2F 8M4', N'Canada')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11049, N'GOURL', 3, CAST(0x00008C4300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 8.3400, N'Gourmet Lanchonetes', N'Av. Brasil, 442', N'Campinas', N'SP', N'04876-786', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11050, N'FOLKO', 8, CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 59.4100, N'Folk och fä HB', N'Åkergatan 24', N'Bräcke', NULL, N'S-844 67', N'Sweden')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11051, N'LAMAI', 7, CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6200000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 2.7900, N'La maison d''Asie', N'1 rue Alsace-Lorraine', N'Toulouse', NULL, N'31000', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11052, N'HANAR', 3, CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 67.2600, N'Hanari Carnes', N'Rua do Paço, 67', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'05454-876', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11053, N'PICCO', 2, CAST(0x00008C4600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6200000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), 2, 53.0500, N'Piccolo und mehr', N'Geislweg 14', N'Salzburg', NULL, N'5020', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11054, N'CACTU', 8, CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6300000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 1, 0.3300, N'Cactus Comidas para llevar', N'Cerrito 333', N'Buenos Aires', NULL, N'1010', N'Argentina')
print 'Processed 800 total records'
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11055, N'HILAA', 7, CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 120.9200, N'HILARION-Abastos', N'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35', N'San Cristóbal', N'Táchira', N'5022', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11056, N'EASTC', 8, CAST(0x00008C4700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 278.9600, N'Eastern Connection', N'35 King George', N'London', NULL, N'WX3 6FW', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11057, N'NORTS', 3, CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6400000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), 3, 4.1300, N'North/South', N'South House 300 Queensbridge', N'London', NULL, N'SW7 1RZ', N'UK')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11058, N'BLAUS', 9, CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6400000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 31.1400, N'Blauer See Delikatessen', N'Forsterstr. 57', N'Mannheim', NULL, N'68306', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11059, N'RICAR', 2, CAST(0x00008C4800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C7200000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 85.8000, N'Ricardo Adocicados', N'Av. Copacabana, 267', N'Rio de Janeiro', N'RJ', N'02389-890', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11060, N'FRANS', 2, CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 10.9800, N'Franchi S.p.A.', N'Via Monte Bianco 34', N'Torino', NULL, N'10100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11061, N'GREAL', 4, CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C7300000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 3, 14.0100, N'Great Lakes Food Market', N'2732 Baker Blvd.', N'Eugene', N'OR', N'97403', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11062, N'REGGC', 4, CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6500000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 29.9300, N'Reggiani Caseifici', N'Strada Provinciale 124', N'Reggio Emilia', NULL, N'42100', N'Italy')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11063, N'HUNGO', 3, CAST(0x00008C4900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6500000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 81.7300, N'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers', N'8 Johnstown Road', N'Cork', N'Co. Cork', NULL, N'Ireland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11064, N'SAVEA', 1, CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 30.0900, N'Save-a-lot Markets', N'187 Suffolk Ln.', N'Boise', N'ID', N'83720', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11065, N'LILAS', 8, CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6600000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 1, 12.9100, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11066, N'WHITC', 7, CAST(0x00008C4A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6600000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 44.7200, N'White Clover Markets', N'1029 - 12th Ave. S.', N'Seattle', N'WA', N'98124', N'USA')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11067, N'DRACD', 1, CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C5B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 7.9800, N'Drachenblut Delikatessen', N'Walserweg 21', N'Aachen', NULL, N'52066', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11068, N'QUEEN', 8, CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6900000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 81.7500, N'Queen Cozinha', N'Alameda dos Canàrios, 891', N'Sao Paulo', N'SP', N'05487-020', N'Brazil')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11069, N'TORTU', 1, CAST(0x00008C4D00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 15.6700, N'Tortuga Restaurante', N'Avda. Azteca 123', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11070, N'LEHMS', 2, CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6A00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 1, 136.0000, N'Lehmanns Marktstand', N'Magazinweg 7', N'Frankfurt a.M.', NULL, N'60528', N'Germany')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11071, N'LILAS', 1, CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6A00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 1, 0.9300, N'LILA-Supermercado', N'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo', N'Barquisimeto', N'Lara', N'3508', N'Venezuela')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11072, N'ERNSH', 4, CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6A00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 258.6400, N'Ernst Handel', N'Kirchgasse 6', N'Graz', NULL, N'8010', N'Austria')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11073, N'PERIC', 2, CAST(0x00008C4E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6A00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 24.9500, N'Pericles Comidas clásicas', N'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321', N'México D.F.', NULL, N'05033', N'Mexico')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11074, N'SIMOB', 7, CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6B00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 18.4400, N'Simons bistro', N'Vinbæltet 34', N'Kobenhavn', NULL, N'1734', N'Denmark')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11075, N'RICSU', 8, CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6B00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 6.1900, N'Richter Supermarkt', N'Starenweg 5', N'Genève', NULL, N'1204', N'Switzerland')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11076, N'BONAP', 4, CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6B00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 38.2800, N'Bon app''', N'12, rue des Bouchers', N'Marseille', NULL, N'13008', N'France')
INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName], [ShipAddress], [ShipCity], [ShipRegion], [ShipPostalCode], [ShipCountry]) VALUES (11077, N'RATTC', 1, CAST(0x00008C4F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00008C6B00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, 2, 8.5300, N'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', N'2817 Milton Dr.', N'Albuquerque', N'NM', N'87110', N'USA')

Open in new window

The Table looks like this:

User generated image
Step 2:  Create the Stored Procedure

So now I create a Stored Procedure called GetOrders

This is the code for it:

USE [Northwind]



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetOrders] 
SELECT [ShipName] AS [value]
  FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Orders]


Open in new window

When I execute the stored procedure I get this:

User generated image

Step 3:  Create the Web Service

So now I create a Web Service called: OrdersWebService.asmx

This is the code for it:

Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Script.Services
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

' To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
<System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class OrdersWebService
    Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Function HelloWorld() As String
        Return "Hello World"
    End Function

    ' This method returns a Json type.
    <WebMethod()> _
    <ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet:=False, ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)> _
    Public Function GetOrdersSP() As List(Of Order)

        Dim info As New List(Of Order)()

        ' Create connection
        Dim mycon As SqlConnection

        ' set the connection string to the connection
        mycon = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MYSERVER\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True")

        ' open connection

        ' Create sql command
        Dim cmd As SqlCommand

        cmd = New SqlCommand()
        cmd.Connection = mycon
        cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure

        ' name of my stored procedure
        cmd.CommandText = "GetOrders"

        ' stored procedure parameters go here
        'cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@puserid", id)

        Dim reader As SqlDataReader
        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        While reader.Read()
            Dim b As New Order()
            b.value = reader.GetString(0)
            b.OrderID = reader.GetInt32(1)
            b.CustomerID = reader.GetString(2)
            b.EmployeeID = reader.GetInt32(3)
            b.OrderDate = reader.GetDateTime(4)
            b.Freight = reader.GetDecimal(5)
            b.ShipName = reader.GetString(6)

        End While


        ' close the connection

        Return info
    End Function

End Class

Public Class Order
    'String type - this is used my the autocomplete
    Private _value As String
    Public Property value() As String
            Return _value
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _value = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _OrderID As Integer
    Public Property OrderID() As Integer
            Return _OrderID
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _OrderID = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _CustomerID As String
    Public Property CustomerID() As String
            Return _CustomerID
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _CustomerID = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _EmployeeID As Integer
    Public Property EmployeeID() As Integer
            Return _EmployeeID
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _EmployeeID = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _OrderDate As String
    Public Property OrderDate() As String
            Return _OrderDate
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _OrderDate = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _Freight As Decimal
    Public Property Freight() As Decimal
            Return _Freight
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
            _Freight = value
        End Set
    End Property
    'String type
    Private _ShipName As String
    Public Property ShipName() As String
            Return _ShipName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _ShipName = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Open in new window

When I run my Web Service in the browser I get this:

User generated image
The method used by Example 2 is the one called GetOrdersSP

When I click on this method and click the invoke button, I get the following:

User generated image
So the Web Service is working correctly.

Step 4:  Create the ASP page with the jQuery UI AutoComplete

So lastly I create a page called jqAC_OrdersByShipName_JSONdata.aspx

This is the code for it:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="jqAC_OrdersByShipName_JSONdata.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1.jqAC_OrdersByShipName_JSONdata" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <%-- jquery library reference --%>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <%-- javascript functions --%>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

            // JSON data source
                type: "POST",
                url: "/Services/OrdersWebService.asmx/GetOrdersSP",
                dataType: "json",
                data: "{}",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                success: function (data) {
                        minLength: 0,
                        source: data.d,
                        focus: function (event, ui) {
                            return false;
                        select: function (event, ui) {
                            $('#selectedValue').text("Selected value:" + ui.item.ShipName);
                            return false;
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <p id="project-description">AutoComplete Demo (JSON data source)</p>
            <input id="project"/>
            <div id="selectedValue"></div>

Open in new window

At this point my project directory looks like this:

User generated image
When I run my page jqAC_OrdersByShipName_JSONdata.aspx in the browser I get this.  As soon as the page launches, I get this error:

User generated image
Can anyone help? Why I'm I getting this error?
Did I make a mistake in my javascript code?

You can download my Visual Studio 2010 project code for both of my examples mentioned above HERE
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Robert Schutt
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thanks that worked.