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ColdFusion 10 Error Page
Just converted to ColdFusion 10 on a new Windows 2012 server with IIS 7.
If I have a Coldfusion error (say a syntax error), I don't get the old Coldfusion error page anymore, I get a page with "500 - server error"? And I don't get any debug info if turned on?
See attached Word doc for old (v8) and new (v10) error pages.
How do I get my old error page back (if I need it to debug)?
Just converted to ColdFusion 10 on a new Windows 2012 server with IIS 7.
If I have a Coldfusion error (say a syntax error), I don't get the old Coldfusion error page anymore, I get a page with "500 - server error"? And I don't get any debug info if turned on?
See attached Word doc for old (v8) and new (v10) error pages.
How do I get my old error page back (if I need it to debug)?
ColdFusion is working fine. If I have a real issue in a program (variable not found), I'm getting the "500 - server" message.
Running 32 bit. In IIS I don't have that option in Application pools.
Running 32 bit. In IIS I don't have that option in Application pools.
This is the exact message you get when you run Coldfusion 32bit on a 64bit Windows Server without changing the App Pool.
Why do you say Coldfusion is working fine?
Did you run that website through the Web Server Configuration tool?
Why do you say Coldfusion is working fine?
Did you run that website through the Web Server Configuration tool?
It's working fine because my apps/site are working fine. If I introduce a bug, I don't get the old CF error page, I get the 500-server error page instead.
It was installed by my hosting company. I can check with them. I thought it would be a common issue.
It was installed by my hosting company. I can check with them. I thought it would be a common issue.
I see now. Can you post your code. Is you code on the Application.cfc?
Hi RickEpnet:
Hee is the application.cfc
The code for the program can be
<cfif a eq "x">
Which is invalid as no variable a exists.
Please advise.
Hee is the application.cfc
<!---<cfif Not IsDefined("this.Name")>--->
<cfset this.Name="SMMC_dev">
<cfset this.clientmanagement="false">
<cfset this.datasource="centrispoint">
<cfset this.sessionmanagement = "true">
<cfset this.sessiontimeout = createtimespan(0,1,0,0)>
<cfset this.loginstorage = "Session">
<!---onApplicationStart is triggered by the any of the following:
3. the first pg of an application is requested
4. the first CFC is invoked in an application by a gateway
5. the first request to flash remoting or a web service in an application--->
<!---Log the start of the application --->
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returntype="boolean">
<cfset application.dsn = "centrispoint">
<cfset application.socialDSN = "socialMedia">
<!---This is test/production dependent--->
<cfset application.cproot = "/">
<!---Used for absoulute references in emails--->
<cfset application.site = "http://dev.centrispoint.com/">
<cfset application.cfcRoot = "">
<!---Path for slide show XML to be uploaded--->
<cfset application.slideShowXMLpath = "c:\ColdFusion10\wwwroot\dev_centrispoint\Blogs\xml\SlideShows\">
<cflog text="Application started #DateFormat(Now())#" type="information" file="#this.Name#">
<cfreturn true>
onApplicationEnd is triggered when an application times out or the server shuts down. We will create a log file that records the date the application shut down.
<cffunction name="onApplicationEnd" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="ApplicationScope" required=true/>
<cflog file="#this.Name#" type="Information" text="Application Ended #DateFormat(Now())#" >
<!--- Always sets a startTime variable when any session starts within the application. --->
<cffunction name="onSessionStart" returntype="void">
<cfset session.startTime = #TimeFormat(Now())#>
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cookie.cartId")>
<!----- create a unique, identfier for your cart if one doesn't exist ----->
<cfcookie name="cartId" value="#session.sessionID#" expires="2">
<cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returntype="void">
<cfset session.endTime = #TimeFormat(Now())#>
<cflog file="#this.Name#" text="You left our site at #session.endTime#">
<cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument name="requestname" required=true/>
<!----- create a unique, identfier for your cart if one doesn't exist ----->
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cookie.cartId") and cgi.SCRIPT_NAME contains "store">
<cfcookie name="cartId" value="#session.sessionID#" expires="2">
<!---If the store was left, create a new order next time--->
<cfif IsDefined("session.orderId") and cgi.SCRIPT_NAME does not contain "store">
<cfset session.orderId = "">
<cfreturn true>
The code for the program can be
<cfif a eq "x">
Which is invalid as no variable a exists.
Please advise.
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I solved my own problem.