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windows firewall
what is the best method to disable easy windows firewall to some app?
I mean want to build setup which will exclude app without waiting for windows firewall asking. Is there andy delphi code or inno setup code which do it or other easy to use solution ?
I mean want to build setup which will exclude app without waiting for windows firewall asking. Is there andy delphi code or inno setup code which do it or other easy to use solution ?
thx, do netsh will work on all Os from xp to 8 ?
Also is there an option to specify, port and direction(outgoing/ingoing ) all etc....
Also is there an option to specify, port and direction(outgoing/ingoing
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Since you posted this in the C++ Zone as well, here's a (extensive) C++ example to do that: ("Adding an Application Rule to Allow Dynamic Edge Traversal")