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Error handing in an asp.net web app
I am a novice developer and have a web app that has some error checking in the code behind for its page.
If everything goes well the data is written to a database, an email is sent to me, and the user is supposed to be redirected.
The first two are happening, but the user is not being redirected. Its my suspicion that my error checking is never handled.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
If everything goes well the data is written to a database, an email is sent to me, and the user is supposed to be redirected.
The first two are happening, but the user is not being redirected. Its my suspicion that my error checking is never handled.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Net.Mail
Partial Class ImpactSurvey
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Private _strsql As String
Private Property strsql As String
Return _strsql
End Get
Set(value As String)
_strsql = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=WEBSQL\WEBDATA;Initial Catalog=Service_Forms;Integrated Security=True")
strsql = "insert into AgencyServicesImpactSurvey (SurveyMedical, SurveyResources, SurveyMeetings, SurveyPaperwork, SurveyGroceries, SurveyPrograms, SurveyVision, SurveyIndependence, SurveySatisfied, SurveyComments) values ('" _
& MedicalDropdownList.SelectedValue & "','" _
& ResourcesDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& MeetingsDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& PaperworkDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& GroceriesDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& ProgramsDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& visionDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& IndependenceDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& SatisfiedDropdownlist.SelectedValue & "','" _
& CommentsTextbox.Text & "')"
cmd.CommandText = strsql
cmd.Connection = con
'MsgBox("Data Saved")
'Capture fields for email body
Dim fileName As String = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Survey.aspx")
Dim mailBody As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##MedicalLabel##", MedicalLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Medical##", MedicalDropdownList.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##ResourcesLabel##", ResourcesLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Resources##", ResourcesDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##MeetingsLabel##", MeetingsLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Meetings##", MeetingsDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##PaperworkLabel##", PaperworkLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Paperwork##", PaperworkDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##GroceriesLabel##", GroceriesLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Groceries##", GroceriesDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##ProgramsLabel##", ProgramsLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Programs##", ProgramsDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##VisionLabel##", VisionLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Vision##", visionDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##IndependenceLabel##", IndependenceLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Independence##", IndependenceDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##SatisifiedLabel##", SatisfiedLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Satisfied##", SatisfiedDropdownlist.SelectedValue)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##CommentsLabel##", CommentsLabel.Text)
mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Comments##", CommentsTextbox.Text)
'Create and send the email:
Dim mySmtpClient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient()
Dim myMessage As New MailMessage()
myMessage.Subject = "Agency Services Imapact Survey"
myMessage.Body = mailBody
myMessage.From = New MailAddress("webaapemail address")
myMessage.IsBodyHtml = True
myMessage.To.Add(New MailAddress("Myemailadress"))
Dim smtpClient As New SmtpClient()
Dim userState As Object = myMessage
AddHandler smtpClient.SendCompleted, AddressOf SmtpClient_OnCompleted
'Send the email asynchronously
smtpClient.SendAsync(myMessage, userState)
Catch smtpEx As SmtpException
'Error handling here
Catch ex As Exception
'Error handling here
End Try
'Attach event handler for async callback
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Event handler for processing completion information after asynchronous email sent.
''' </summary>
Public Sub SmtpClient_OnCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
'Get UserState as MailMessage instance from SendMail()
Dim mailMessage As MailMessage = CType(e.UserState, MailMessage)
If (e.Cancelled) Then
FeedBackLabel.Text = "Sending of email message was cancelled. Address=" '+ mailMessage.To(0).Address
End If
If Not (e.Error Is Nothing) Then
FeedBackLabel.Text = "Error occured. Please contact KBA's technical support at 724.347.5501 ext 252"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Error 1 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Send' accepts this number of arguments. \\data\kba\Departments\Inf ormation Technology\IT Team\websites\Sevice_Forms \ImpactSur vey.aspx.v b 88 13 Sevice_Forms
Thank you for your comments,
Ok. that ran, but did not redirect
Ok. that ran, but did not redirect
Dim smtpClient As New SmtpClient()
Dim userState As Object = myMessage
AddHandler smtpClient.SendCompleted, AddressOf SmtpClient_OnCompleted
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Event handler for processing completion information after asynchronous email sent.
''' </summary>
Public Sub SmtpClient_OnCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
'Get UserState as MailMessage instance from SendMail()
Dim mailMessage As MailMessage = CType(e.UserState, MailMessage)
If (e.Cancelled) Then
FeedBackLabel.Text = "Sending of email message was cancelled. Address=" '+ mailMessage.To(0).Address
End If
If Not (e.Error Is Nothing) Then
FeedBackLabel.Text = "Error occured. Please contact KBA's technical support at 724.347.5501 ext 252"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Move this line
Response.Redirect("default .aspx")
to right after the
to right after the
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Figured it out myself
What happens if you try Send instead?