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Exchange 2010 SP3 install

I am a complete noob that has inherited a single domain with two sites. Each site has an Exchange 2010 SP1 server running. We are wanting to update these servers to SP3. On one of the exchange servers I get "Setup could not retrieve the schema master domain controller information from Active Directory." I think it is due to the Master Schema being on the other site subnet.
I have read that I have a few options to get past the prereqs and update the schema properly.
1. Run the /PrepareAD and PrepareSchema commands on the server that holds the Master Schema role, then retry the sp3 installation on the Exchange server
2. Move the Master Schema role to the other DC on the same Site as the Exchange I am updating
My question is which is the best solution? Is there a better solution noting that this is a live environment of an active DataCenter with a limit window for fixes.
Again, I am very new to Exchange and the more details the better.
Thank you for your time and any assistance one can provide
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James Hodge
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Thanks to you for the prompt response and clear direction. Going to go with option 1 but now know option 2 is a quick fix if there is an issue with the Schema update on the host DC.